I am a christian and proud of it but I am not one of the over the top kind. I do not agree with homosexuality at all, but like someone else said, hate the sin, not the person. I get mocked at work from some gay guys at my job for my beliefs ( so its not just christians bashings gays, sometimes its the other way around). But whenever I get tired of their crap, I usually own them with this " If nature intended for two dudes or two girls to be together, then how come two people of the same sex can't have a child on their own?" They usually shut up and go about their day after that lol.
that's not a logical argument at all
because reproduction success is not the end all evolutionary advantage, in fact, overwhelming reproductive succuess may be detrimental to the species. I thought everyone knows that. People being affectionate toward each other, regardless of gender, can be advantagous in many other ways, and comforting as well, love and cooperation reduce anxiety, it's probably beneficial to survival.
And plus, stop treated nation as a person, nature does not have an intention, so stop using nature as some sort of god figure, and treating science as a religion , there's no such thing as "nature intended", none of us knows everything about nature, and none of us is the nature's speakperson, or messenger.
So while we're here, respect others, treat others equally is all we can do, saying "nature intended" is basically applying a religious mindset to science, and trying to gain control.
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