Obama's Speach: what a liar

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#201 TetrisRules
Member since 2008 • 26 Posts

Obama agrees with his preacher, that Black people are the superior race.

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#202 ThaSod
Member since 2007 • 1207 Posts

Obama agrees with his preacher, that Black people are the superior race.


Hmmm, been banned before, have we?

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#203 deactivated-5cf0a2e13dbde
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I said that I dont write any anti Hilary crap, not that Ive never seen any.


Then why only complain about anti Obama threads?

All Im saying is its okay to not like a candidate, you dont need to keep hammering your opinions into the ground on the forums.

It's an election year....would you prefer the usual religion/girl threads?

Yeah, I guess you're right. I just get tired of the constant bashing night and day.

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#204 Raged-wolverine
Member since 2005 • 6075 Posts

Obama agrees with his preacher, that Black people are the superior race.


Hmmm, been banned before, have we?

what makes u say tht...:P

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#205 deactivated-57a12126af02c
Member since 2007 • 3290 Posts

I agree. He's probably the best public speaker I have ever heard. That's precisely the problem. He knows exactly what to say, how to say it, and to whom he should say it, and he can answer a myriad of questions without giving a damn answer. He can make any person look at him and smile, and you know who else had this rare gift?

Adolf Hitler

Obama has a pretty message of hope and change, but it is nothing more than a bunch of sweet words directed toward people who don't look past words.


Please think long and hard before you compare someone to Adolf Hitler In general, when you begin using Adolf Hitler to prove your argument, it means you have already lost.

Adolf Hitler used fear and anger to rouse the populace. This is exactly the opposite of Obama's message.

not in the beggining, at first he roused the populace with messages of better life, education, health and all other wordly things. I don't agree with Dracargen's analogy of comparing Obama to Hitler but you can't deny Hitler promised change and better things for the germans.

This is exactly right, I have never seen this guy actually answer a question, he always says a bunch of mumbo jumbo to get around it.

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#206 InterpolWilco
Member since 2005 • 2487 Posts

I was rather indifferent towards Obama's speech today. Actions speak louder than words and the action of going to that wackjob's church for 20 years means more than almost any words he can speak. I'm not saying I think Obama necessarily shares Wright's viewpoints but going to that church calls at the very least his judgment into question. After this situation with Wright it's clear to me that Clinton is now by far the safer choice for the democrats.espoac

THANK YOU!!! My thoughts exactly.

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#207 A_Tarkovsky
Member since 2008 • 2929 Posts

Having just listened to the man's speach, I decided to provide one man's opinion on the subject matter.

Full transcript of the speach here.

Senator Obama's speach proved without shadow of a doubt that he clearly has no problem being involved with a hateful anti-american. The fact that he denounces the comments of his "pastor" but doesn't condemn and firmly distance himself from the anti-american trash spewed forth from this false prophet shows me without question that he at least in part condones the behavior of "Rev." Wright. Obama had the arrogance to make the issue primarily about race, rather then discuss the matter at hand like an adult. While it's no secret that Barack Hussein Obama is at the very least partially racist himself (Pg. 273 in his book "Dreams of my Fater" proves this), he misused the opportunity to condemn the words of a radical dispenser of hate-speach and instead merely decided to comment on racism as the majority issue.

Barack Obama fully showed the incompetance of the modern American politician today. Rather then answer tough questions in a straightforward and honest matter, he skewed the arguement to try to deceive foolhearty Americans. You didn't fool me Barack. I see your true colors. And there are millions more like me. :)


You haven't actually explained a single damn point. You pointed out some page from some book, which, as you might be shocked to hear, I've never read.

You say he denounces the words of his pastor, but he still supports him because he isn't tieing his pastor to a tree and punching him in the stomach. What a load.

I'm sorry, but you used more bark than actual bite. Do better next time.

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#208 A_Tarkovsky
Member since 2008 • 2929 Posts

[QUOTE="espoac"]I was rather indifferent towards Obama's speech today. Actions speak louder than words and the action of going to that wackjob's church for 20 years means more than almost any words he can speak. I'm not saying I think Obama necessarily shares Wright's viewpoints but going to that church calls at the very least his judgment into question. After this situation with Wright it's clear to me that Clinton is now by far the safer choice for the democrats.InterpolWilco

THANK YOU!!! My thoughts exactly.

Frankly, I don't consider that substancial enough. Going to this church is questionable, true, but to my knowledge he hasn't done anything to suggest he shares his pastor's viewpoint.

I get suspicious when someone starts hanging out with the Ku Klux Klan, but until that person actually dons a white costume and leaves burning crosses on people's lawns, I can't rightly call that person a KKK member yet.

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#209 InterpolWilco
Member since 2005 • 2487 Posts

[QUOTE="espoac"]I was rather indifferent towards Obama's speech today. Actions speak louder than words and the action of going to that wackjob's church for 20 years means more than almost any words he can speak. I'm not saying I think Obama necessarily shares Wright's viewpoints but going to that church calls at the very least his judgment into question. After this situation with Wright it's clear to me that Clinton is now by far the safer choice for the democrats.A_Tarkovsky

THANK YOU!!! My thoughts exactly.

Frankly, I don't consider that substancial enough. Going to this church is questionable, true, but to my knowledge he hasn't done anything to suggest he shares his pastor's viewpoint.

I get suspicious when someone starts hanging out with the Ku Klux Klan, but until that person actually dons a white costume and leaves burning crosses on people's lawns, I can't rightly call that person a KKK member yet.

That same person is still a jackass for hanging out with the KKK. Who wants to hang out with hate filled bigots in the first place?

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#210 A_Tarkovsky
Member since 2008 • 2929 Posts

[QUOTE="espoac"]I was rather indifferent towards Obama's speech today. Actions speak louder than words and the action of going to that wackjob's church for 20 years means more than almost any words he can speak. I'm not saying I think Obama necessarily shares Wright's viewpoints but going to that church calls at the very least his judgment into question. After this situation with Wright it's clear to me that Clinton is now by far the safer choice for the democrats.InterpolWilco

THANK YOU!!! My thoughts exactly.

Frankly, I don't consider that substancial enough. Going to this church is questionable, true, but to my knowledge he hasn't done anything to suggest he shares his pastor's viewpoint.

I get suspicious when someone starts hanging out with the Ku Klux Klan, but until that person actually dons a white costume and leaves burning crosses on people's lawns, I can't rightly call that person a KKK member yet.

That same person is still a jackass for hanging out with the KKK. Who wants to hang out with hate filled bigots in the first place?

Maybe that hate-filled bigot is actually a decent person otherwise. I don't know. Perhaps they're actually trying to get a friend to leave the group. Again, I don't know, but I'm not going to assume someone is a jackass for hanging with jackasses. They probably are, but how can I be absolutely sure?

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#211 deactivated-5a79221380856
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I have a friend who goes to church and hates her pastor (or what he does or says), but that doesn't stop her from going. I think people are missing a huge point here and it's that this Reverend Wright was there for Obama in a way no one else has and although I think Obama probably disagrees with his opinion, he cannot deny the past or connection he has with him. I think it's a personal issue. I don't think his pastor's comments should reflect on him that much.

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#212 tman93
Member since 2006 • 7769 Posts

All the candidates are terrible in one aspect and we can all agree we will never have another great presidential race for the rest of our lives, we now live in a world where candidates cant be honest about their policys if they want to win! Woo.

I guess its always been around.

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#213 rgsniper1
Member since 2003 • 9398 Posts

Hearing some of the things wright said and knowing Obama exposes his kids to this hate speach doesn't bode well for his version of the future iregardless of the fact he supposadly disagrees with him. Being a father that's one of the main things I take from it.

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#214 camreeno360
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I think Ron Paul will have a comeback. Just wait. ;)
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#215 RKfromDownunder
Member since 2007 • 1463 Posts

[QUOTE="-Kleep-"]Why don't you go to his website and read where he stands?m0zart

I am not sure I should respond to this, since you seem to be ready to insult anyone who disagrees with you. But oh well, that's half the people online:

I've been to his website numerous times (as I usually seek out the opinions on every candidate). All I can see from his site are very generic statements about the intended result, but nothing beyond the vaguest of details about the actual plan. For instance, take this blurb on health care:

"We now face an opportunity - and an obligation - to turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday's health care debates... My plan begins by covering every American. If you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums. That will be less. If you are one of the 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance, you will have it after this plan becomes law. No one will be turned away because of a preexisting condition or illness."

Sure it would be nice if we could all pay less. But HOW? This reads like a summary of what every candidate has said for the last thirty years. And how do you give everyone health care (which effectively puts high demand on a limited economic supply) and still keep prices low (despite the obvious effect that the first action has given the undeniable law of supply and demand)? Excuse me if I don't get excited by that. Has he explained exactly what he will do, and why this won't have the undesired economic effects that most health care intervention systems have had?

It reminds me of the underpants knomes from South Park. There's an initiative and an intended result, but the middle part is one big question mark.

Oh PLEASE, do you Americans look NOWHERE but inside your own borders?

Do you understand that you are one the select few western countries with a highly privatised health sector? How do you think the rest of the world does it? Public health care is not only affordable, ITS THE NORM.

How is it affordable? You see, other countries tend to prioritise their money somewhat more efficiently (it helps NOT to have a federal government, tripple layer governmental systems are generally twice as large proportionally as double layered or single layered, FAR less beaurocratic nonsense to cut through).

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#216 rinkegekido2110
Member since 2004 • 617 Posts

Having just listened to the man's speach, I decided to provide one man's opinion on the subject matter.

Full transcript of the speach here.

Senator Obama's speach proved without shadow of a doubt that he clearly has no problem being involved with a hateful anti-american. The fact that he denounces the comments of his "pastor" but doesn't condemn and firmly distance himself from the anti-american trash spewed forth from this false prophet shows me without question that he at least in part condones the behavior of "Rev." Wright. Obama had the arrogance to make the issue primarily about race, rather then discuss the matter at hand like an adult. While it's no secret that Barack Hussein Obama is at the very least partially racist himself (Pg. 273 in his book "Dreams of my Fater" proves this), he misused the opportunity to condemn the words of a radical dispenser of hate-speach and instead merely decided to comment on racism as the majority issue.

Barack Obama fully showed the incompetance of the modern American politician today. Rather then answer tough questions in a straightforward and honest matter, he skewed the arguement to try to deceive foolhearty Americans. You didn't fool me Barack. I see your true colors. And there are millions more like me. :)


You and I must have read different speeches. You can still associate with someone and disagree with them on some points. Or do you only hang around people who you agree with all the time, no exceptions?

They can't get a job?


You can't just walk into some place and say "Give me a job". You may have one, a good one at that. That doesn't mean everyone can do it just because you can.

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#217 FragStains
Member since 2003 • 20668 Posts

I must say that Obama did a tremendous job at deflecting the main issue at hand, taking the spotlight of him and making it into a nation-wide problem. Basically saying that since all of are 'racist' it's not that big a deal.

That's what I got out of it, anyway.

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#218 Rikusaki
Member since 2006 • 16641 Posts

This speech got over 1.2 million views on You Tube in less than 12 hours.


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#219 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts
Personally I didn't really like the speech.
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#220 SolidSnake35
Member since 2005 • 58971 Posts
Careful folks. Pick one you like this time. O_o
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#221 deactivated-5a84f3399aa1c
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I don't think any of this matters at all. It's just politics as usual.
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#222 Canvas_Of_Flesh
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Having just listened to the man's speach, I decided to provide one man's opinion on the subject matter.

Full transcript of the speach here.

Senator Obama's speach proved without shadow of a doubt that he clearly has no problem being involved with a hateful anti-american. The fact that he denounces the comments of his "pastor" but doesn't condemn and firmly distance himself from the anti-american trash spewed forth from this false prophet shows me without question that he at least in part condones the behavior of "Rev." Wright. Obama had the arrogance to make the issue primarily about race, rather then discuss the matter at hand like an adult. While it's no secret that Barack Hussein Obama is at the very least partially racist himself (Pg. 273 in his book "Dreams of my Fater" proves this), he misused the opportunity to condemn the words of a radical dispenser of hate-speach and instead merely decided to comment on racism as the majority issue.

Barack Obama fully showed the incompetance of the modern American politician today. Rather then answer tough questions in a straightforward and honest matter, he skewed the arguement to try to deceive foolhearty Americans. You didn't fool me Barack. I see your true colors. And there are millions more like me. :)


You and I must have read different speeches. You can still associate with someone and disagree with them on some points. Or do you only hang around people who you agree with all the time, no exceptions?

They can't get a job?


You can't just walk into some place and say "Give me a job". You may have one, a good one at that. That doesn't mean everyone can do it just because you can.

Uh, actually, yes it does. You have to be willing to work. Filling out an application and going through the hiring process really isn't all that much work is it? It's amazing...it's called trying. Unfortunately, since a job typically isn't automatically handed to you, there are a lot of people who don't try.

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#223 soren008
Member since 2008 • 2190 Posts
is this guy bill o'reilly or what??
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#224 II_Seraphim_II
Member since 2007 • 20534 Posts

lol, so much hate for Obama. Here is an idea. You live in America, which last I checked is a democracy. What that means is that any citizen above the age of 18 is eligible to become a registered voter. Seeing as this is America and not 1984, there is no thought crime and you have the right to vote for whom you want. So instead of insulting each other based on which candidate you prefer, use your vote and quit complaining. So what if Jack wants to vote for Obama because he is black? So What if Jill wants to vote for Clinton because she is a woman? and So what if Tom wants to vote for McCain because McCain was once a POW? You may not agree with thier reasons, but in America you have the right to vote for whom ever you want for what ever reason you chose.

You think Tom, Jack and Jill's votes are not well thoughtout and are damaging the country? Yeah thats how i felt about all the people who revoted Bush back into office but you know what? Thats my problem. So lose this "holier than thou art" attitude and worry about the validity of your vote, not that of others. People have reasons for voting for who they vote for. They may not make sense to you, but they sure as hell make sense to them, and thats all that matters.

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#225 Assassinslay
Member since 2007 • 1366 Posts
I dont 100% support Obama but I support him more than I support Hilary,
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#226 mismajor99
Member since 2003 • 5676 Posts

Having just listened to the man's speach, I decided to provide one man's opinion on the subject matter.

Full transcript of the speach here.

Senator Obama's speach proved without shadow of a doubt that he clearly has no problem being involved with a hateful anti-american. The fact that he denounces the comments of his "pastor" but doesn't condemn and firmly distance himself from the anti-american trash spewed forth from this false prophet shows me without question that he at least in part condones the behavior of "Rev." Wright. Obama had the arrogance to make the issue primarily about race, rather then discuss the matter at hand like an adult. While it's no secret that Barack Hussein Obama is at the very least partially racist himself (Pg. 273 in his book "Dreams of my Fater" proves this), he misused the opportunity to condemn the words of a radical dispenser of hate-speach and instead merely decided to comment on racism as the majority issue.

Barack Obama fully showed the incompetance of the modern American politician today. Rather then answer tough questions in a straightforward and honest matter, he skewed the arguement to try to deceive foolhearty Americans. You didn't fool me Barack. I see your true colors. And there are millions more like me. :)


I strongly disagree with your assessment. Obama's speech was probably the best speech I've heard in my entire 30 years from any politician. For the first time, a politician spoke to us on the same level and not the typical BS. What do you mean "You didn't fool me", you already had a problem with him far before this speech, stop acting like you now suddenly have an issue with a man who spoke honestly.

Why should he condemn a person when he condemned the words??? Have you ever listened to the lunatics like Falwell and Robertson? The very preachers Bush and company keep in their company? They are right wing nuts that have spewed plenty of vile BS in the past. Singling out Obama's preacher, who he's been retired from for a while now, is a double standard.

Just look at this story and ask yourself who put this story out there in the first place. Hannity and Fox news know that Obama is the candidate. The attack machine has only started and all the lemmings will now jump on board, just like they did to McCain back in 2000.

Your opinion is pretty much what Rush Limbaugh and Hannity shouted off right after his speech, and I expect anyone who listens to right wing radio will share your thinking.

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#227 gameroz
Member since 2005 • 2900 Posts
alot of presidents lie they would do whatever it gets to be at the white house
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#228 rinkegekido2110
Member since 2004 • 617 Posts


Having just listened to the man's speach, I decided to provide one man's opinion on the subject matter.

Full transcript of the speach here.

Senator Obama's speach proved without shadow of a doubt that he clearly has no problem being involved with a hateful anti-american. The fact that he denounces the comments of his "pastor" but doesn't condemn and firmly distance himself from the anti-american trash spewed forth from this false prophet shows me without question that he at least in part condones the behavior of "Rev." Wright. Obama had the arrogance to make the issue primarily about race, rather then discuss the matter at hand like an adult. While it's no secret that Barack Hussein Obama is at the very least partially racist himself (Pg. 273 in his book "Dreams of my Fater" proves this), he misused the opportunity to condemn the words of a radical dispenser of hate-speach and instead merely decided to comment on racism as the majority issue.

Barack Obama fully showed the incompetance of the modern American politician today. Rather then answer tough questions in a straightforward and honest matter, he skewed the arguement to try to deceive foolhearty Americans. You didn't fool me Barack. I see your true colors. And there are millions more like me. :)


You and I must have read different speeches. You can still associate with someone and disagree with them on some points. Or do you only hang around people who you agree with all the time, no exceptions?

They can't get a job?


You can't just walk into some place and say "Give me a job". You may have one, a good one at that. That doesn't mean everyone can do it just because you can.

Uh, actually, yes it does. You have to be willing to work. Filling out an application and going through the hiring process really isn't all that much work is it? It's amazing...it's called trying. Unfortunately, since a job typically isn't automatically handed to you, there are a lot of people who don't try.

Sure, you can. So the fact that I've been filling out various applications for months now is what, exactly?

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#229 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 180245 Posts

I must say that Obama did a tremendous job at deflecting the main issue at hand, taking the spotlight of him and making it into a nation-wide problem. Basically saying that since all of are 'racist' it's not that big a deal.

That's what I got out of it, anyway.


I'm not racist. It is that big of a deal....and if that's what he said then he admitted he's racist. Great....just what we need as president.:|

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#230 rinkegekido2110
Member since 2004 • 617 Posts

I must say that Obama did a tremendous job at deflecting the main issue at hand, taking the spotlight of him and making it into a nation-wide problem. Basically saying that since all of are 'racist' it's not that big a deal.

That's what I got out of it, anyway.


I'm not racist. It is that big of a deal....and if that's what he said then he admitted he's racist. Great....just what we need as president.:|

That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?

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#231 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 180245 Posts

That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?


He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.

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#232 killtactics
Member since 2004 • 5957 Posts

That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?


He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.

Can you please point out what was racist about the rev's comments?
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#233 jer_1
Member since 2003 • 7451 Posts

If only America would support the only REAL candidate out there. RON PAUL! All you have to do is look at this mans voting record and you will see that this man has standards that NO OTHER candidate has. Hitlery, not even in the same ballpark. Obama, not even close. McCrazy, he's on the far side of the moon when it comes to integrity. Ron Paul is the only man that even has a shot at repairing the damage already done to our country... Look him up, he's still the only viable option, and HE'S STILL IN THE RACE!!!!


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#234 Engrish_Major
Member since 2007 • 17373 Posts

That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?


He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.

Can you please point out what was racist about the rev's comments?

The reverend was so angry, it makes it seem like we enslaved entire generations of their ancestors :roll:

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#235 its_me_
Member since 2008 • 947 Posts

That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?


He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.

Seriously...20 years. That's a long time. You just don't go to a church for 20 years and remain "unaware" of what the pastor is saying.

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#236 FragStains
Member since 2003 • 20668 Posts

That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?


He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.

Can you please point out what was racist about the rev's comments?

If you can't see that what was said was racist, then there's nothing I can do to help you.
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#237 HALO2cookie
Member since 2004 • 5846 Posts

I am positive that Obama is from a white mother and a black father.. Why does he Present himself as a Black Man? I am Bi-Racial ( Black Mother / White Father ) I look more white than black; but this by no means makes me a white man. I don't understand why people would just choose one race over another.. It really grinds my gears. /rant over.

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#238 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 180245 Posts

That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?


He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.

Can you please point out what was racist about the rev's comments?

You're kidding right? Try listening to his speech. It's obvious.:|

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#239 Engrish_Major
Member since 2007 • 17373 Posts

That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?


He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.

Can you please point out what was racist about the rev's comments?

If you can't see that what was said was racist, then there's nothing I can do to help you.

Translation: I'm too lazy to make a specific argument.

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#240 rinkegekido2110
Member since 2004 • 617 Posts

That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?


He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.

Seriously...20 years. That's a long time. You just don't go to a church for 20 years and remain "unaware" of what the pastor is saying.

Are you saying that you can't associate with a person in any way unless you agree totally with everything they say? And if you ever disagree, you have to immediately and publicly denounce them?

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#241 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 180245 Posts

Are you saying that you can't associate with a person in any way unless you agree totally with everything they say? And if you ever disagree, you have to immediately and publicly denounce them?


I would not attend a racist church....no. I don't have racist friends either. ;)

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#242 Dracargen
Member since 2007 • 7928 Posts

That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?


He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.

Can you please point out what was racist about the rev's comments?

The reverend was so angry, it makes it seem like we enslaved entire generations of their ancestors :roll:

Me: "Mom, do we have slaves?"

Mom: "No, white people haven't had slaves for over a hundred years and our family never had slaves since we came from Poland."

I gotta go with Mom here, bro.:|

We didn't do anything. Our great-great-grandparents may have done something, but WE didn't.

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#243 killtactics
Member since 2004 • 5957 Posts

That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?


He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.

Can you please point out what was racist about the rev's comments?

You're kidding right? Try listening to his speech. It's obvious.:|

Thats the thing, i DID listen to the speeches and found nothing racist.... which is why i am asking you to point it out....
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#244 deactivated-5e836a855beb2
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Obama is better than the crazy woman and old man. Who can't keep his votes vs. stances straight.
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#245 rinkegekido2110
Member since 2004 • 617 Posts

Are you saying that you can't associate with a person in any way unless you agree totally with everything they say? And if you ever disagree, you have to immediately and publicly denounce them?


I would not attend a racist church....no. I don't have racist friends either. ;)

Have you ever disagreed with your friends? That's what I'm asking.


That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?


He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.

Can you please point out what was racist about the rev's comments?

The reverend was so angry, it makes it seem like we enslaved entire generations of their ancestors :roll:

Me: "Mom, do we have slaves?"

Mom: "No, white people haven't had slaves for over a hundred years and our family never had slaves since we came from Poland."

I gotta go with Mom here, bro.:|

We didn't do anything. Our great-great-grandparents may have done something, but WE didn't.

Have you seen Obama's speech? He doesn't agree with his pastor on that issue, but can see where the anger comes from. The speech advocates dealing with the root of said anger, rather than just brushing it away as "racist".

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#246 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 180245 Posts

Thats the thing, i DID listen to the speeches and found nothing racist.... which is why i am asking you to point it out.... killtactics

It's obvious....and my pointing out his racial rants isn't going to enlighten you if you heard it already and didn't pick it up.

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#247 deactivated-5e836a855beb2
Member since 2005 • 95573 Posts

[QUOTE="killtactics"] Thats the thing, i DID listen to the speeches and found nothing racist.... which is why i am asking you to point it out.... LJS9502_basic

It's obvious....and my pointing out his racial rants isn't going to enlighten you if you heard it already and didn't pick it up.

Where is the rant? Is there a link somewhere in this thread?
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#248 Dracargen
Member since 2007 • 7928 Posts

Thats the thing, i DID listen to the speeches and found nothing racist.... which is why i am asking you to point it out.... killtactics

"White America" and "The Great White West" and "HIV/AIDS was created by the white government to persecute black people" don't sound at all racist to you?:roll:

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#249 killtactics
Member since 2004 • 5957 Posts

That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?


He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.

Can you please point out what was racist about the rev's comments?

The reverend was so angry, it makes it seem like we enslaved entire generations of their ancestors :roll:

Me: "Mom, do we have slaves?"

Mom: "No, white people haven't had slaves for over a hundred years and our family never had slaves since we came from Poland."

I gotta go with Mom here, bro.:|

We didn't do anything. Our great-great-grandparents may have done something, but WE didn't.

Slavery affects us every single day of our life.....
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#250 nintendorocks
Member since 2004 • 5996 Posts
There are too many politics threads on GameSpot.