[QUOTE="Engrish_Major"] Did you witness the civil rights movement firsthand? The injustice did not end right after the civil war.
Uh, no, it just ended half a century before I was born. Therefore, I'm indirectly responsible.:roll:
People like you who blame entire races for the actions of SOME of their ancestors make me sick.
Fair enough. That's not what Obama is saying, though.
[QUOTE="rinkegekido2110"] Have you ever disagreed with your friends? That's what I'm asking.
That is not the same as racism. I find justification for racism as heinous as racism itself.
Someone who's moral compass is that far off from mine would not be my friend....especially wouldn't be my spiritual advisor. Seriously, why does this guy get a free pass? Racist pastor and anti American wife and everyone thinks he's wonderful. He's made no concrete platforms that can be realistic in the least...yet yell change and the train is filled.
Did you listen to Obama, or are you simply basing your judgement on his association with his pastor? It may not be right, but racism is real, especially to those who saw some of the worst of it. Pretending otherwise is not going to help anyone. BTW, how is his wife anti-american?
[QUOTE="rinkegekido2110"][QUOTE="its_me_"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="rinkegekido2110"] That's not what he said at all. The basic premise of that part was that some people are racist, and that their conceptions aren't totally invalid. He then goes on to say that we should work together to overcome the roots of the problem, rather than just sweeping it under a rug. Did you hear the entire speech?
He went to a racist church for 20 years. Now that he wants votes he's doing PR control. Spin how you like....I don't believe him.
Seriously...20 years. That's a long time. You just don't go to a church for 20 years and remain "unaware" of what the pastor is saying.
Are you saying that you can't associate with a person in any way unless you agree totally with everything they say? And if you ever disagree, you have to immediately and publicly denounce them?
No. Obama called this man a "mentor" and a "spiritual guide." Have you listened to the guy preach? He slams "rich white people" and "light people" and "whites" over and over again in his sermons. He rants about how Jesus was black and was crucified by white people, and says Obama is like Jesus because he's "disliked by white people." He says 9/11 is the fault of the United States and its "rich, white leaders" (nevermind the radicals who FLEW PLANES INTO OUR BUILDINGS). I don't want a president who thinks somebody spouting that kind of rhetoric is a worthy "mentor." It's disturbing.
So because he's wrong on this issue, he's automatically wrong about everything? Do you know this man personally? Do you know what would cause him to hold these views? Do you know everything about your friends?
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