[QUOTE="pabs013"] [QUOTE="peaceful_anger"]A better argument to use against Obama is his lack of judgement IMO. I mean Obama keeps saying he has good judgment, but seeing the people he's friends with and has associated with, does he really? Now I'm not saying he is a Muslim or not a Christian, but between his friendships with his pastor/spiritual advisor, Jeremiah Wright, who is a complete racist, Rezko, a slum landlord owner, William Ayers, a terrorist, Louis Farrakhan, also a racist, you eventually have to step back and at least question his judgement. He has surrounded himself with some people of questionable values. This you cannot deny.
Now the biggest thing that brings his character into judgement is the fact that he has willingly been listening to his pastor's messages of racism for who knows how long. Jeremiah Wright isn't even preaching Christian values. He is preaching politics and racism. I know Obama didn't make these racist and unpatriotic comments and even denounced them, but the fact stills stands that he attended the church for 20 years and still goes there which says a lot IMO. And Obama has talked about his faith and church while campaigning, even bringing up his book "The Audacity of Hope" for which his pastor was the inspiration for, so I consider talking about his connections with his pastor fair game. You can't bring up your faith when it is convenient for you and tell us to overlook it when its not. You can't have it both ways. I'm white and have some close black friends where I work, and if my preacher uttered even a hint of racism, I would never again step foot into that church. Obama didn't do that. He continued to go there which makes me wonder if he was nodding his head to those sermons saying preach it.
Another thing I find extemely hypocritical of Obama's supporters is that yall say why blame Obama for what his pastor says, yet yall blamed Hillary and called her every name in the book over what Geraldine Ferraro said. It is the same exact thing. Double standards FTL.
And I also find it odd that in this campaign, the charges were made by the liberal media that Romney may let his Morman faith and Huckabee may let his Southern Baptist faith be their guide to running this country, yet they don't even utter a word about Obama and his church's message of hate. So instead of just bashing Fox News, why don't yall bash your liberal media as well.
And truthfully, I consider Obama weak because he can't take punches. Anytime someone says anything remotely negative about him, his supporters or the media run to his aid, or they bash the people that just have doubts about him and automatically label them as racists. Heck, just look at this thread. It's funny how people that are against such ignorance can themselves display it.
I mean we are about to elect him as President, and we know nothing about him. We know what there is to know about Hillary and McCain but not Obama, yet yall want to elect him as President with no questions asked. To me that seems worse than Hillary not reading the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq. Yes, the man has ideas and views on how to do things, but they are extremely vague. He gives you a starting point, and what he wants the end result to be, but the problem is that he doesn't elaborate on how he is going to get from point A to point B. On top of his vague policies, the man doesn't have a lick of foreign policy experience, and has beat out John Kerry and Ted Kennedy as the most liberal person in the Senate. But of course in this day and age experience means absolutely nothing and charisma means everything. Heck I should run for President.
I beg the contrary on most of your statements. I have read every idea that Obama has on his website as well as Hillary's and they are nearly identical. I personally prefer the detail and the way that Obama has them written than Hillary's. Either way though, the arguement that he plans and and views are vague is BS and always has been. His plan is easily as detailed as Hillary's (which I have also read) and even Edwards (again, I read those, go check them out and compare).
You condemn all these folks around Obama, what about Cheney and Enron, what about the fact that Bush did coke and everyone ignored it, what about the fact that he basically walked out on his term of service for our country and yet we elected him to office twice. You accuse Obama's friend of being a terrorist, something only you, in all this country of scared to death sheep looking over their shoulder for the next bomb, realize and no one else cares about. You accuse a minister who points out the continual racism in this nation as a worthless human being. Perhaps not every comment was justified, but his overall tone and message certainly is.
And, Obama brought to the forefront this issue with Ferraro, and dismissed it as unimportant to the campaign (and I could care less what she said). Meanwhile the fact that who would be the first man (who if we listen to Hillary's experience accounts would get to have influence in the white house) accused Obama's campaign of being unimportant if he one SC because he appeals only to the black vote (a racist comment in itself) is basically blown off and ignored by Hillary.
Oh, and Romney's 'Church' wouldn't even allow black people to join until the federal government forced them to. Are you aware that a black Mormon is not allowed to be an elder.
Can't take punches, what, so the fact that he isn't flinging rampant amounts of dirt or trying to nail himself to the cross he built for himself makes him weak. No, I disagree, and I feel this speech, the best I have heard from him so far was addressing the punch and dealing with it more articulately than anyone has ever dealt with such dirty politics in years. He didn't attack anyone, he didn't get angry, he tried to give the american people hope, to inspire, to give us a reason to believe in our own country. And that is what this county needs. The US has one of the lowest if not the lowest voter turnout of any democracy on the planet, Obama has the words that can bring the uncaring to the polls.
You say we don't know anything about him? When has that stopped anyone. For how many years have people in this county voted along party lines? Are you aware that before he ran for congress Lincoln only had one term in congress? That's only two years for goodness sake, and look what kind of president he turned out to be. But no, Obama has 2, TWO, books out, already people can go to their local book store and get a better idea of the man than anyone ever had of Bush before he ran.
There, that's my two cents on you opinion. I dare say it won't change your mind, but I can't help but say something.
Way to go. You basically took a page out of Obama's playbook by evading my points and questions by shifting the blame to other people. Another thing I noticed is that you answered questions with a question which is also a good way to evade the topic at hand.
Here are the facts from my post.
Fact: Obama has had friendships with people of questionable values. Some are racists, one is a terrorist, and another is a slum landlord owner. We know this, and you can't deny it. Now seeing the people he has befriended and associated with should bring his values and judgement into question. I mean I'm not going to go hang out with drug addicts if I don't do drugs. I'm not going to be friends with a racist if I'm not one. This is why his judgement should be brought into question.
Fact: I never once stated that Jeremiah Wright was a worthless human being. You're just putting words in my mouth.
Fact: I'm not accusing Obama of being friends with a terrorist. I'm saying he IS friends with a terrorist. I guess I should really say terrorist supporter since he is now a university lecturer which I find kind of scary. But William Ayers was a terrorist that still hasn't apologized for the bombings of the US Capital, The Pentagon, and the Harry S Truman Building, and in an interview, he was quoted as saying "I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough." And like I said, he still supports political terrorism.
Fact: Yall blamed Hillary for what Geraldine Ferraro said, yet yall constantly repeat over and over why blame Obama for what his pastor says. That is a definite example of a double standard.
Fact: Charges were made by the liberal media that Romney and Huckabee may let their faith be their guide to running this country, but they didn't utter a word about Obama and his church's message of hate until after Fox News broke the story. If the liberal media is so quick to jump all over Romney's and Huckabee's religious backgrounds, why aren't they so quick to jump all over Obama's?
Fact: It is illegal for a pastor to use the pulpit to endorse a candidate. Not only has he use the pulpit to endorse Obama, but he has also used it to bash the Clintons.
Opinions from my post.
Opinion: What is so sad and pathetic is that when it comes to Obama, if you are white and just have some doubts about him, you are automatically labeled a racist by his supporters. I mean talk about ignorance. Just because I have doubts about the man doesn't make me racist. I would vote for Colin Powell in a heartbeat if he would have ran, and IMO, Obama is no Colin Powell and he definitely isn't Martin Luther King Jr. as some people like to say. My post was all about my legitimate doubts about the man, and the reason behind those doubts.
Opinion: We don't know everything there is to know about Obama because the hard questions aren't being asked. But when Obama does actually get asked a hard question, which is hardly ever, he has a way of skirting around the issue making people think he answered the question when he really didn't say anything pertinent at all.
Opinion: I personally believe the media has given Obama a pass on many of the issues that have come up about the people he as associated himself with. Now why is this? Is any story that is negative about Obama not allowed? Have we gone to censorship by fear of offending other races? He is a viable candidate for President, therefore, everything is up for scrutiny as it is with McCain and Hillary. Or is it? The media needs to get over this bias crap in favor of Obama because it is disgusting. Just report the **** news whether it be good or bad about the candidate. Don't sugarcoat the topic at hand because it pertains to your candidate of choice.
Again, all you did was point the finger at other people while dodging the majority of the points in my post about Obama.
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