[QUOTE="SaudiFury"]Those demographic changes are not necessarily a good thing. It seems like a sound immigration policy will never happen because Hispanics will oppose anything that limits them coming here. Legal or Not. Also kiss English goodbye, which is a terrible thing for the millions and millions of Americans who don't speak Spanish. He's right. I was really surprised when Obama won Virginia, and when Romney didn't take Florida early, it was clearly over for him from the start. He failed on minority groups and women. The Republicans don't realize how much of a changing country we have. Old people who believe in traditional values are becoming less and less whilst the next generation is taking over with new ideals. If Republicans don't change their strategy they will never be able to win another presidential election. They might have a chance in 2016 if they change their position on social issues, probably with Chris Christie who clearly scored some major points on the hurricane Sandy crisis (assuming he doesn't die before then.)Seriously guys,
Nevada's senate majority leader is a black man.
the first openly gay senator.
women now make 22% of the Senate (the highest ever).
LGBT's are looking to win on ALL the amendments in their favor
more blue counties even in states where Romeny won big.
solid wins in Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, and demographic changes in Arizona (the southwest is changing guys).
Republicans manage to look past the fact that they pushed a Mormon nominee (from a religious faction often despised)
A black man got re-elected to Presidency by good margins.
it's the demographics that are changing. more i look at the results, i seriously seriously think the Republicans are gonna need to rethink their strategies.
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