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As they say...if it walks like a duck...and quacks like a's a duck. LJS9502_basicI'd love for that to be used as testimony in a US court! :lol:
[QUOTE="drufeous"]And all the evidence you need was provided by a "Saudi web forum"?A full blown confession is all the evidence needed. Guilty.
The last link I gave you said this:
"Saudi reports said that police used one of the survivors, a seven-year-old boy believed to be of Yemeni origin, to scour the area where he was molested, looking for the suspect's vehicle. Al-Ramaly allegedly confessed to the crime and was sentenced to death by a court in Hail, but appealed to a higher court in the capital, Riyadh"
I do not see any mention of the web forum there. They do mention the forum on a later paragraph
"Amnesty said there were reports that al-Ramaly may have been suffering from a psychological disorder. One Saudi web forum reported that police had been surprised when he laughed as he confessed to the rapes and murder."
So the web forum are the ones alleging that he "Laughed" while he confessed, not that he confessed.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"] As they say...if it walks like a duck...and quacks like a's a duck. Engrish_MajorI'd love for that to be used as testimony in a US court! :lol: His confession would result in a conviction in the US as well. No question.
His confession would result in a conviction in the US as well. No question.LJS9502_basicThe US does not torture people to get confessions. In addition, the death penalty is not carried out from guilty pleas.
A full blown confession is all the evidence needed. Guilty.
And all the evidence you need was provided by a "Saudi web forum"?The last link I gave you said this:
"Saudi reports said that police used one of the survivors, a seven-year-old boy believed to be of Yemeni origin, to scour the area where he was molested, looking for the suspect's vehicle. Al-Ramaly allegedly confessed to the crime and was sentenced to death by a court in Hail, but appealed to a higher court in the capital, Riyadh"
I do not see any mention of the web forum there. They do mention the forum on a later paragraph
"Amnesty said there were reports that al-Ramaly may have been suffering from a psychological disorder. One Saudi web forum reported that police had been surprised when he laughed as he confessed to the rapes and murder."
So the web forum are the ones alleging that he "Laughed" while he confessed, not that he confessed.
Yes, "allegedly". According to who? The police? The suspect? The journalist's sister's boyfriend?[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]His confession would result in a conviction in the US as well. No question.Engrish_MajorThe US does not torture people to get confessions. In addition, the death penalty is not carried out from guilty pleas. There have been ZERO reports he was tortured for a confession dude.
thats epic
i garentie you if we did that just once in the USA, pedophile crimes and child rape/muder would drop
Yeah, our current death row system doesn't deter crime. If only we beheaded them instead, that would surely do the trick!There have been ZERO reports he was tortured for a confession dude.LJS9502_basicAnd ZERO reports citing reputable sources that he actually confessed.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]There have been ZERO reports he was tortured for a confession dude.Engrish_MajorAnd ZERO reports citing reputable sources that he actually confessed. In your opinion....
[QUOTE="cyberdarkkid"][QUOTE="Engrish_Major"]And all the evidence you need was provided by a "Saudi web forum"?Engrish_Major
The last link I gave you said this:
"Saudi reports said that police used one of the survivors, a seven-year-old boy believed to be of Yemeni origin, to scour the area where he was molested, looking for the suspect's vehicle. Al-Ramaly allegedly confessed to the crime and was sentenced to death by a court in Hail, but appealed to a higher court in the capital, Riyadh"
I do not see any mention of the web forum there. They do mention the forum on a later paragraph
"Amnesty said there were reports that al-Ramaly may have been suffering from a psychological disorder. One Saudi web forum reported that police had been surprised when he laughed as he confessed to the rapes and murder."
So the web forum are the ones alleging that he "Laughed" while he confessed, not that he confessed.
Yes, "allegedly". According to who? The police? The suspect? The journalist's sister's boyfriend? Did you want a written note of him confessing his crimes?In your opinion....LJS9502_basicShow me a report citing a reputable source of his confession. One that's not "allegedly" (without the source, no less) or a "Saudi web forum".
Disgusting. The man deserves to be executed but not like this. Then again, this is Saudi Arabia so dignitiy and the law doesn't mesh.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]There have been ZERO reports he was tortured for a confession dude.Engrish_MajorAnd ZERO reports citing reputable sources that he actually confessed. It's up to you if you don't want to believe in the evidence given by the articles.
[QUOTE="legend26"]Yeah, our current death row system doesn't deter crime. If only we beheaded them instead, that would surely do the trick!thats epic
i garentie you if we did that just once in the USA, pedophile crimes and child rape/muder would drop
honastly...i think so
yes i know the whole beheading and crucificton is extreme but seriously if some sickchild rapist/murderer heard this, he would think twice
Did you want a written note of him confessing his crimes?cyberdarkkidThe article doesn't even state where the "alleged" confession report is from.
[QUOTE="cyberdarkkid"]Did you want a written note of him confessing his crimes?Engrish_MajorThe article doesn't even state where the "alleged" confession report is from. Even if it did I think you would come up with another excuse.
It's up to you if you don't want to believe in the evidence given by the articles.cyberdarkkidThere's no evidence there. It's all heresay and conjecture.
[QUOTE="Engrish_Major"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]There have been ZERO reports he was tortured for a confession dude.cyberdarkkidAnd ZERO reports citing reputable sources that he actually confessed. It's up to you if you don't want to believe in the evidence given by the articles. Considering Saudi Arabia's track record on confessions and torture I think any confession is questionable. I hope they got the right dude.
[QUOTE="cyberdarkkid"] Did you want a written note of him confessing his crimes?LJS9502_basicI don't think he'd accept it even if the guy confessed to him actually... ...uhhh, if I saw it firsthand, that's completely different than heresay. And I think I'd know if I tortured someone.
I never called the punishment humane.
Quite honestly, just as long as the scum is killed I really don't care or feel any faint feelings of sympathy towards such an individual.
I just want him dead so he can't do it again.
Disregard the 'humane' bit, then.
So you'd rather slaughter a man that has absolutely no control over his actions to ensure this won't happen again over trying to help him ?
I love your assumption that the man has no control.
This isn't a case of some guy having a random schizophrenic breakdown. This is someone who went out and hunted down children and then proceeded to laugh about it afterwards.
Slaughter him like hes cattle I say. He isn't worth any more than that. They are just taking an extra step of making a public show out of it to try and show what happens when you screw up like that which while I don't neccessarily encourage I won't fight against it either.
Out of pure curiosity, would you be for executing/imprisoning people diagnosed with pedophilia even if they haven't broken any law? Just to make sure it doesn't happen?
[QUOTE="yabbicoke"]Let's give a toast to the improvement of civilization! *raises glass* he totally deserved itProgress!
I can't believe how savage the responders to this thread have been. Are you seriously advocating dark-ages practices? Sure it is atrocious what the culprit did, but we should be more civilized than this. He deserves to be in jail for life, but we should not resort to such idiotic actions.RushMetallicawhy not?
How absurd... wouldn't it be much easier to put him before a firing squad?
Elaborate executions (this includes lethal injection, the electric chair) seem completely unnecessary to me.
... Yeah wtg lets support the regime that will arrest women who try to drive.. Or who have men in their houses that are not of their relations.sSubZerOoThat second one will get them stoned, not arrested. I see what you're trying to say though. I don't support that regime, I do think they are an extremely oppressive country, but I really feel no sympathy for this man. Considering what he did, how he left a child to die in the desert like an animal after raping him, I don't find anything wrong with the sentence. It's shocking, yes, but nothing I will shed a tear over.
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