I am not questioning the gravity of his actions nor that he shouldn't receive severe punishment, which he should, but, tell me, what would his conviction solve ? Personal revenge ? This isn't justification for death penalty.
You take him out of existence so he has 0% chance to ever repeat his actions, simple as that.
Even in prison people still commit murder on a regular basis. While I am not a fan of prisoners in any right, they shouldn't neccessarily be getting murdered by other inmates for BS gang crap.
Also, when it comes to capturing and holding leaders of violent groups, if you don't kill them they usually find a way to keep in touch with their followers and give orders while in prison, at least here in the US.
I actually saw an interesting program a little while back on prisons and how gangs operate in the prisons. They come up with so many interesting ways of coding messages and such in their letters it is ridiculous.
You justify their reasoning by claiming that if he died it wouldn't ever happen ? Rather narrow-minded. Every human being deserves a chance to get better, as does this man. He can't tell right from wrong, black from white. He has a severe mental illness and deserves the chance to be set straight.
Life in the solitary and psychiatric help would be a better fit...
My view is that to insure the safety of others you kill this man who is very liable to commit the crime again if he ever has the oppurtunity. If you kill a person who has commited murder you know 100% sure that they will never murder again. Keep them alive, even in prison, and theres still a decent chance they will kill again be it another prisoner, gaurds, or a civilian.
Life in solitary would only make things worse. People need regular human contact to keep any remnant of sanity they have.
I am sorry but life is not a fairytale. There is no such thing as a reformed and/or remorseful serial killer and there is no such thing as a reformed pedophile. His laughing while confessing is a clear sign of his lack of a conscience AKA Anti-Social Personality Disorder.
He will never be able to see the wrong in what he has done.
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