but Muslims keep immigrating into America, and Canada as well. and they're building more mosques as well.
in fact the first Muslim college opened up (as far as i know) for the West called Zaytuna College in California.
I can't tell if it's Europe's inability to emulate America's style of cultural integration, or if it's classical xenophobia playing a role here. and last time i checked France has been wanting to be a (i forget the word...) essentially a purely secular state. and even then...
when they banned the niqab the number of Muslim women who wore it is incredibly small in relation to the Muslim community at large. not to mention that the final number of how many people are Muslims is also disputed. I mean in America i hear the number is between 4 million or 8 million, depending on who'se sources you go by. even then.. considering for France i've read the number of Muslims in France ranges between 4% to 10% of the population.
Rather then fretting over the religion by banning what Muslims think is religious garb (speaking specifically of the niqab not the hijab), I would argue France and Europe to find a way to better integrate Muslims into European culture. find Imam's that promote liberal values in the religion and elevate them as role models.
If Europe wants to call itself free states that is also open to immigration, but is also worried about losing it's identity i'd suggest two answers.
1. Find a way to integrate Muslims into the community, not by segregating them or verbally/poltiically marginalizing them. Give them a stake and a reason to give a damn about their new homelands. promote the virtues of classical liberalism and the reason why it makes countries like France better. While resisting Shariah law in all it's forms.
2. Close your borders and have more native French babies..
I know Europe has more roots and longer (and bloodier) history with Christianity then America does. and that America - from the it's very inception - is a land of immigrants, where people may call it a Christian nation but in fact is a nation for all people not for any one specific faith.
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