[QUOTE="Wolf-Man2006"]So in other words, you know so much about metal you are automatically a god among men..... No need to get angry sir, its just opinion which you seem to have a hard time understanding because you know so much about music you won't even answer my simple question because you are just that smart and know a lot more than casual folk like me..... I can understand the requirements of being a metal elitist snob because after all, you meet all the requirements.. Congratulations, I hope you are a very happy individual. Good luck proving that METALZ is so much better than that poppy, hip-hop crap because everybody knows Adele and Lady Gaga can't tell the difference between a piano and those fake $10 keytars manufactured by Fisher Price because after all, you are making a difference in somebody's life.. Probably not mine because I actually like stuff beyond death metal
Also I used to be a metal elitist snob just like you, until I took an arrow in the knee :)
Wow, you really stepped into this thread from the short bus, didn't you?If you had actually read what I wrote instead of playing the straw man with Nickelback and BFMV, you would have known the answer. Good going.
I am far from a "metal elitist" or "metal snob." I never once claimed that metal was superior to other styIes of music; in fact, my collection contains a lot of cIassic rock, cIassical music, reggae, blues, etc. All I was pointing out to whatever-his-name is that, compared to a good metal band, pop and hip-hop aren't even close to as talented, due to their absolute reliance on vocals and a computer. I remember a time when all of singers had actual talented bands behind them, and bands with mutilple talented singers; now, all you need is a big pair of boobs, plastic surgery, and a willingness to Autotune.
So two people out of... how many lame pop acts are there now? ...can play an instrument. Whoop-de-f***ing-do.
Finally: I don't listen to death metal. Nice try.
Are you sure you didn't take that arrow in the skull? An MRI can diagnose your brain damage for you, and treatments aren't as invasive as they used to be. Good luck
OrkHammer is the guy people assume most metal heads are. i hope they send word of his trueness onto the black isles of grim where the necro metal lords can revere him for his unrelenting brutality.
You must be a pretty cool guy. You flame people on GS without reading an entire thread and doesn't afraid of anyone, right?The "Necro Lords" would reject me due to my extensive Marillion collection.
I'm not sure what you thought you were accomplishing, but I'm reasonably sure you managed the opposite. Have fun with that.
First of all I'm not the one who told you to "go away," now did I?
Good thing you aren't a metal elitist snob who thought metal was the best thing ever... Otherwise I would have been disappointed..
Unfortunately just because you point out that most metal bands are better than many hip-hop/pop acts, doesn't make it fact (hint: its called an "opinion").
Good for you that you listen to a wide variety of music (kudos for listening to classical music; most people wouldn't have the guts to admit that).
Fine if you don't listen to death metal; to each his/her own...
So you remember the days when Janis Joplin, Stevie Nicks, etc used to perform? Thats quite a long time ago I bet...
I'm pretty sure I didn't take an arrow to the skull; headshots with an arrow don't register that well..
Yep, all you need is a good ol' nip and tuck and autotune; welcome to America...
By the way I should probably let you know that I used BFMV and Nickelback as examples because I was trolling you this whole time and got you mad... Personally I don't get pissy anytime someone claims metalcore is metal... :D
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