So a video was shown recently at a school in Virginia that has some parents upset. Without siding against the points made in the video I think it was rather obvious that this was going to upset some people if you are paying attention to the news today. That being said I pretty much agree that this video makes some decent points. So many people of today are focused on the current situation of today, which is to say that we are closer to equality than ever before (yet as made clear by the video still not truly equal), that they dismiss the very idea of benefiting from being part of the majority that has made up America since it formed. On another level I think it goes against how people in America think of or country and it's history. I think the general idea of America is that it was forged from hard work, personal determination/grit, and ultimately luck had nothing to do with our success of a nation. I think people feel connected to that belief, and if they admit that certain classes of citizens have had it better for hundreds of years it messes with their world view or perhaps makes them think that they are less deserving of their own success than their forefathers if it turns out they had help (which I contend that it doesn't mean that at all).
Anyways here is the videos, let me know what you guys think.
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