Just played the online for two hours, tons of fun.
Hardcore search and destroy on some of these maps are just awesome. That one level in team deathmatch with the manican's and the little bomb city set up is pretty fun to. I usually dont like small levels like that but this was fun.
Definatly alot more fun to me then MW2 was online. Having the browsers back is nice and amny other things.
Great job I gotta say, didnt think id liker a cod game ever again, but this is good fun.
The singleplayer is alot of fun to, but does have some slowdown in some spots for me, the onlien though has been runnign very well to. If you can get on a server with people in your country it doesnt lag at all, at least for me. Its when you get people from all over together like North American, UK, Brasil, Japan,etc.. all in one room is when things get nasty (as with most games).
In the end? Multiplayer and campaign are better here then they where in MW2 imo.
Its also nice to have a good COD campaign finally again (havnt really liked any of the cod campaigns since COD1 and COD2). The only problem I have with the game as a whole is the slowdowns in the campaign from time to time is annoying.
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