A couple of games are in 1080P and 60fps or 30fps that will release on day 1 for the console.These include trine 2 director's cut, that scribblenauts game and I think one more game.
Now that's impressive.
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A couple of games are in 1080P and 60fps or 30fps that will release on day 1 for the console.These include trine 2 director's cut, that scribblenauts game and I think one more game.
Now that's impressive.
A couple of games are in 1080P and 60fps or 30fps that will release on day 1 for the console.These include trine 2 director's cut, that scribblenauts game and I think one more game.
Sure and pacman will be 1080p too
Now that is an achievement !!!!
Isnt Trine a 2D game ?
Let them optimize this console and we will see 1080p games. Maybe an option to turn off the pad will allow 1080p. You have to remember it is powering two screens.caseypayne69
That's the same problem the 3DS has to deal with right now, but it's the 3D instead that is sucking the power.Some of ninty's stronger first party developers will really show how powerful this console is eventually.
A couple of games are in 1080P and 60fps or 30fps that will release on day 1 for the console.These include trine 2 director's cut, that scribblenauts game and I think one more game.
Sure and pacman will be 1080p too
Now that is an achievement !!!!
Isnt Trine a 2D game ?
Yeah!It runs in a higher resolution then the other console versions.
[QUOTE="nintendoboy16"]How many launch 360 games ran at 720p?ShuichiChamp24Question is how many games actually ran at 720. Anyway, We already know Scribblenauts is at 1080 at 60FPS and Rayman ran at 60FPS.
And how many of them runs at 60fps? Theirs no way in hell Pikmin 3 will be at 720p at 60fps on the 360 and Ps3.
Anybody who thinks that next-gen console games will be running at 1080p is fooling themselves. It's a damn waste on your typical HDTV set. Unless the screen is 2 feet from your nose, the average gamer wouldn't really notice the difference between a 720p game with good AA an a 1080p game.
A GPU capable of 1080p is easily within budget for either MS or Sony. Even something as weak as a APU+GPU 6670 crossfire setup is more than able to push 1080p.
I think that Nintendo simply chose to go with a ~$125 build excluding the WiiUmote. They literally sat down and cloned the 360 in power and controller, but added some RAM for the sake of dev convenience. That's kinda creepy.
Yeah, show me the list of all the x360 games that run nativly on 720p at 60fps. You're lucky if you find some xbla games ^^
So what is being said is that I can now get Nintendo 1st Party games that look as good as Ps3/360 games? Sign me up!
Yeah, show me the list of all the x360 games that run nativly on 720p at 60fps. You're lucky if you find some xbla games ^^
Show me a WiiU game that looks better than Gears 3 or Uncharted 3.
I've been saying it has something like a 4650/70 since I saw the Zelda demo. People give me trouble and say it has a 48xx for a whole year. Where's the beef?
P.S.- MS's most technically advanced game, Forza 4, runs 720p, 60fps, 2xAA and looks beast compared to the current offerings from the WiiU. Bayonetta, Rage, DMC4, GT5 are some more.
At this point, I'd say having a 4670 gpu would be big win for everybody. We can only hope it's at least that level.
Yeah, show me the list of all the x360 games that run nativly on 720p at 60fps. You're lucky if you find some xbla games ^^
Show me a WiiU game that looks better than Gears 3 or Uncharted 3.
I've been saying it has something like a 4650/70 since I saw the Zelda demo. People give me trouble and say it has a 48xx for a whole year. Where's the beef?
P.S.- MS's most technically advanced game, Forza 4, runs 720p, 60fps, 2xAA and looks beast compared to the current offerings from the WiiU. Bayonetta, Rage, DMC4, GT5 are some more.
At this point, I'd say having a 4670 gpu would be big win for everybody. We can only hope it's at least that level.
Show me a 4670 running Arkham City at DX11
Show me a 4670 running Arkham City at DX11
That Batman AC footage shows only that it's nominally more powerful than the HD Twins, and nowhere near powerful enough to hit 1080p. A 4670 can push 1080p @ 30fps at console settings. Your spin doesn't change that.
Yeah, show me the list of all the x360 games that run nativly on 720p at 60fps. You're lucky if you find some xbla games ^^
Show me a WiiU game that looks better than Gears 3 or Uncharted 3.
I've been saying it has something like a 4650/70 since I saw the Zelda demo. People give me trouble and say it has a 48xx for a whole year. Where's the beef?
P.S.- MS's most technically advanced game, Forza 4, runs 720p, 60fps, 2xAA and looks beast compared to the current offerings from the WiiU. Bayonetta, Rage, DMC4, GT5 are some more.
At this point, I'd say having a 4670 gpu would be big win for everybody. We can only hope it's at least that level.
You have to know that comparing games from 6 year old consoles (Forza 4 is very new) to early Wii U games is so broken and uneven. I'm happy with the games that have been confirmed for 1080p +60fps at launch personally.[QUOTE="ZombeGoast"]
Show me a 4670 running Arkham City at DX11
That Batman AC footage shows only that it's nominally more powerful than the HD Twins, and nowhere near powerful enough to hit 1080p. A 4670 can push 1080p @ 30fps at console settings. Your spin doesn't change that.
I don't get it, are you saying you think the Wii U can't do that? I don't know why you would judge it based on a third party port. Seems unfair. That and Scribblenauts Unlimited will be native 1080p @60fps, Trine 2 will be 1080p (but I think 60fps) If they're doing this at launch I'd expect Retro, Nintendo EAD to show something even more impressiveGuys, stop comparing the Wii-U to 360/PS3, the other 2/3 of next gen haven't been shown or even announced, but just compare it to PC, since that is what everyone is hyping them to be.
How can we compare it to PC, when the graphics dont even touch PS3/360 best ???
Well the character models are three dimensional now, I'm not sure what that would effect but they were 2D in Origins. But I think Legends is confirmed for native 1080p @ 60fps.Rayman Legends better run at 1080p 60fps. No reason why it wouldn't.
[QUOTE="laus_basic"]Well the character models are three dimensional now, I'm not sure what that would effect but they were 2D in Origins. But I think Legends is confirmed for native 1080p @ 60fps.Rayman Legends better run at 1080p 60fps. No reason why it wouldn't.
Do you have a link that confirm 1080p 60fps?
Considering the WiiU is suppose to have a much better GPU and 3 times the ram as the 360/PS3(which were able to run Origins at 1080p 60fps), doesn't matter if the characters are now in 3D I'd definitly expect Legends to run the same on a more capable machine.
So it was cool to play sub HD with piss performance on the "HD" twins all gen, but now the WiiU is taking what this gen promised and actually delivering on it?
And now you hypocrites are pissing on it?
These are consoles. The jump to 1080p doesn't make the gameplay any better. If cutting edge graphics mean the world to you then please go build a proper PC.
This is like watching Burger King and McDonalds employees arguing over who makes the best burgers and then they got pissed off when a slightly better burger came around.
Well the character models are three dimensional now, I'm not sure what that would effect but they were 2D in Origins. But I think Legends is confirmed for native 1080p @ 60fps.[QUOTE="bonesawisready5"][QUOTE="laus_basic"]
Rayman Legends better run at 1080p 60fps. No reason why it wouldn't.
Do you have a link that confirm 1080p 60fps?
Considering the WiiU is suppose to have a much better GPU and 3 times the ram as the 360/PS3(which were able to run Origins at 1080p 60fps), doesn't matter if the characters are now in 3D I'd definitly expect Legends to run the same on a more capable machine.
The WiiU GPU is a joke, the RAM is taken mostly by the OS (512MB) and generally the system is a joke
I don't get it, are you saying you think the Wii U can't do that? I don't know why you would judge it based on a third party port. Seems unfair. That and Scribblenauts Unlimited will be native 1080p @60fps, Trine 2 will be 1080p (but I think 60fps) If they're doing this at launch I'd expect Retro, Nintendo EAD to show something even more impressivebonesawisready5
You have to know that comparing games from 6 year old consoles (Forza 4 is very new) to early Wii U games is so broken and uneven. I'm happy with the games that have been confirmed for 1080p +60fps at launch personally. bonesawisready5
Obviously it's all speculation on my part, but I feel like I've been spot on with it since the Zelda demo.
It's not "unfair" because they are effectively working on a 360 with more RAM, more EDRAM, and allegedly a more modern GPU. Even a 4670 would easily push Batman at 1080p at console settings.
So it was cool to play sub HD with piss performance on the "HD" twins all gen, but now the WiiU is taking what this gen promised and actually delivering on it?
Gears and Forza have been 720p all gen. Those are the best looking games on the 360.
Sony's 1st party games like Uncharted, Killzone, and God of War 3 are 720p too.
Do a search for 1280x720 on b3d's res list and you'll see 7 720p games come up just under games starting with 'A' on PS3.
Give the hyperbole a rest, brah.
Do you have a link that confirm 1080p 60fps?Considering the WiiU is suppose to have a much better GPU and 3 times the ram as the 360/PS3(which were able to run Origins at 1080p 60fps), doesn't matter if the characters are now in 3D I'd definitly expect Legends to run the same on a more capable machine.
[QUOTE="bonesawisready5"]You have to know that comparing games from 6 year old consoles (Forza 4 is very new) to early Wii U games is so broken and uneven. I'm happy with the games that have been confirmed for 1080p +60fps at launch personally. gamecubepad
Obviously it's all speculation on my part, but I feel like I've been spot on with it since the Zelda demo.
It's not "unfair" because they are effectively working on a 360 with more RAM, more EDRAM, and allegedly a more modern GPU. Even a 4670 would easily push Batman at 1080p at console settings.
So it was cool to play sub HD with piss performance on the "HD" twins all gen, but now the WiiU is taking what this gen promised and actually delivering on it?
Gears and Forza have been 720p all gen. Those are the best looking games on the 360.
Sony's 1st party games like Uncharted, Killzone, and God of War 3 are 720p too.
Do a search for 1280x720 on b3d's res list and you'll see 7 720p games come up just under games starting with 'A' on PS3.
Give the hyperbole a rest, brah.
I'm just saying. Games like Forza and such are made by teams who have made half a dozen 360 games or more over the last few years. These ports of 360 games on Wii U, and even Nintendo's first party games are the first attempt on this hardware. I'm sure that has to play a role, even if it is a small one. I just wouldn't expect early Wii U games to look all that much better yet.[QUOTE="daveg1"]better than 480p.. but theres no excuse for those 2d peices of crap not being 1080pbonesawisready5Wow, just wow. Crap? Jeez. Am I mistaken or are you referring to Trine 2 and Rayman Legends as "crap" those games have depth to them wii u mario is flat
further more yep they are crap..
[QUOTE="sandbox3d"]This is like watching Burger King and McDonalds employees arguing over who makes the best burgers and then they got pissed off when a slightly better burger came around.
Wow, just wow. Crap? Jeez. Am I mistaken or are you referring to Trine 2 and Rayman Legends as "crap" those games have depth to them wii u mario is flat[QUOTE="bonesawisready5"][QUOTE="daveg1"]better than 480p.. but theres no excuse for those 2d peices of crap not being 1080pdaveg1
further more yep they are crap..
Cool opinion, bro[QUOTE="daveg1"]those games have depth to them wii u mario is flat[QUOTE="bonesawisready5"] Wow, just wow. Crap? Jeez. Am I mistaken or are you referring to Trine 2 and Rayman Legends as "crap"bonesawisready5
further more yep they are crap..
Cool opinion, bro anyway randy i was talking more about the graphics being crap and not the actual 2d games..mario i mean.[QUOTE="MicrosoftRules"][QUOTE="campzor"] is ur head touching the tv screen when you play or something?campzor
No, it's at just the right distance and level to look exactly at the screen and see detail without moving my head.
Edit: By big screen I mean 5 feet across and 5 feet high, that's what my brother games on. I'm not going to sit across the room or 15 feet away just to see everything. I'm about as far away from my screen as a computer screen.
unhealthy for ur eyes dude.How's it any worse than being in front of a comupter screen?
This is like watching Burger King and McDonalds employees arguing over who makes the best burgers and then they got pissed off when a slightly better burger came around.
Come on, now. Nintendo pulled another Wii, but I fear with much less impactful controller this time around.
We can go back to all the old WiiU threads full of nintendo fans stoked about getting a system that has a 48xx series gpu in it. Now they're the same ones DC-ing the WiiU all-too-apparent lack of gfx horsepower. Deluding themselves and others into thinking lems and cows are jealous about the WiiU being barely more powerful than the 360, a system from 2005.
Let's just call it what it is. A Wii60. In the flesh. Innovative new controller to boot...
This is like watching Burger King and McDonalds employees arguing over who makes the best burgers and then they got pissed off when a slightly better burger came around.
Come on, now. Nintendo pulled another Wii, but I fear with much less impactful controller this time around.
We can go back to all the old WiiU threads full of nintendo fans stoked about getting a system that has a 48xx series gpu in it. Now they're the same ones DC-ing the WiiU all-too-apparent lack of gfx horsepower. Deluding themselves and others into thinking lems and cows are jealous about the WiiU being barely more powerful than the 360, a system from 2005.
This is like watching Burger King and McDonalds employees arguing over who makes the best burgers and then they got pissed off when a slightly better burger came around.
Come on, now. Nintendo pulled another Wii, but I fear with much less impactful controller this time around.
We can go back to all the old WiiU threads full of nintendo fans stoked about getting a system that has a 48xx series gpu in it. Now they're the same ones DC-ing the WiiU all-too-apparent lack of gfx horsepower. Deluding themselves and others into thinking lems and cows are jealous about the WiiU being barely more powerful than the 360, a system from 2005.
Let's just call it what it is. A Wii60. In the flesh. Innovative new controller to boot...
Hey for the sake of playing the SW game, sure you win!
But realistically I was exited for the WiiU when it was announced and i'm still just as excited now. I think the tablet controller is great and has a lot of potential for games. I don't really look to consoles pushing graphics, but rather specific types of games. Nintendo still understands the difference between a gaming console and a gimped PC thank god.
I don't think cows and lems should be jealous (though they obviously are, hence the WiiU being such a hot topic of hate on this board recently), but the truth is cows and lems are trying to compare low end WiiU launch titles to the best of the best, big budget holiday blockbusters of their respective consoles. If the low end standard of the WiiU is to run 720p games with good steady performance then they already have a leg up over the twins. And of course they should 7 years later. I'm not looking at this through the perspective of a butthurt fanboy like most of you. I'm looking at this through the perspective of a guy that likes playing games. The Wii U finally delivers on being an HD console AND has some really nice control options. Another good looking console to add to the ever growing collection.
Not sure if you're trying to take a jab at Nintendos innovative abilities in that pic.
1. Nintendo had the most innovative controller last gen and now they have the tablet this gen.
2. That WiiU pro controller in no more a rip off of the 360 pad than the 360 pad is a rip on the Dual Shock. As a matter of fact many aspects of the 360 pad can be traced back to early Nintendo controllers.
So lol if that was supposed to be some kind of ownage. :lol:
I'm just going to say this:
If you expect a console to fail simply because it's running on lower resolution, you really do have something wrong with you. Never mind the weakest console last gen (with the smaller number of core game) sold the best, or Nintendo's huge, raving fanbase that are STILL hyping the WiiU because it met most of our standards.
The only people ranting the death of the WiiU are the same people who are hoping for the PS4 and the 720 to have supernatural-level graphics, without taking into account the cost of such a console. The PS4 has already been rumored to not be much more powerful than the WiiU so Sony can avoid the same little mishap they had with the PS3 when it released at $600 US dollars.
This goes beyond simple resolution power, it goes into quality of the games, the number of people interested in the console, the targeted demographics. If graphics are your deciding point... well, you're just as screwed as you're claiming the WiiU to be.
I'm just going to say this:
If you expect a console to fail simply because it's running on lower resolution, you really do have something wrong with you. Never mind the weakest console last gen (with the smaller number of core game) sold the best, or Nintendo's huge, raving fanbase that are STILL hyping the WiiU because it met most of our standards.
Maybe because it was half the price of the competition and was riding on a gimmick?
I'm just going to say this:
If you expect a console to fail simply because it's running on lower resolution, you really do have something wrong with you. Never mind the weakest console last gen (with the smaller number of core game) sold the best, or Nintendo's huge, raving fanbase that are STILL hyping the WiiU because it met most of our standards.
Maybe because it was half the price of the competition and was riding on a gimmick?
So, the WiiU? (IF the 720 and PS4 are the God-like supercomputers the lems and cows are raving them to be. If not, we'll have 3 systems of roughly equal power and price and the winner will be decided not by hardware superiority, but which one just has the better games.)
what? Were you expecting 1080p? :|
Well didn't nintendo promise that?
Rayman Legends...Trine... Dat Tunnel vision. And ScribblenautsWell that's good news, I think.
I have a 720p Panasonic Viera 42" and quite happy with it, honestly. It gets the job done with my 360 and PS3 games.
And most 360 and PS3 games CANNOT even run games at that resolution at 60fps :lol: So I don't know what the fuss some of you people have.
If the WiiU can run almost 90% of their games at 60fps at 720p, then good for potential Wii-U buyers and sheep.
Will I buy one? Not really.
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