Sheep seem to love comparing wii-u to an ancient 7 year old console. Talk about low standards. Bubu on par or slightly better than 360 guys. Is anyone supposed to be impressed?
Considering, sheep don't have anything else to compare to other than PC, what do you want? "Wii-U is not as weak compared to PC than, PS3/360." oh wait that is exactly the same thing. Then again, everyone else is comparing it to the other 2/3 of next gen, which is also the same as PC, according to them. It isn't like Nintendo said something like, "It can put out dual 1080 signals.", or some crap, they said it can put out 1080, which it can. Nothing being said here is a surprise, and it hardly matters what you compare it to. We don't know much about its specs, and the others of next gen are unrealistic. It is a lose/lose discussion then.
I don't have a problem with the Wii-U's power, it is fair, and will be affordable most likely, that is all I need, that and the good games I know are coming out, just speaking about what was shown this E3. I think the argument, if you can call it that, against PS4/Xbox3's fantasy specs, are all going to crumble on top of the people who believe them. Sony doesn't have too much money to lose. Also, why would Microsoft do it when it won't sell compared to cheaper hardware?
But, I continue to come into these threads to see all of these high hopes and think toward the likely future and wonder what they will say then. Unless Sony/Microsoft wait long enough for better hardware to be really cheap, but by then they would have fallen behind in library and sales.
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