im gonna laugh if this happens with Sony/Microsoft next gen machines.
The chances of that happening are close to zero, Epic's pushing them to release high tech machinery, hoping for PS4/NeXbox to be at Wii U's level is just wishful thinking. Sony and Microsoft know how to cater to gamers, Nintendo....:-/
What happend to all the hype you had for the WiiU XV? is that all gone just because its not 1080p? It's gone because of Nintendo's completely idiotic decisions.
Not only do they focus on having so many power-hogging features (a separate screen for controller, clearly inefficient OS, etc.), their terrible E3 conference (could have easily been good, but instead they show us garbage instead of proper games), they seem to love saying "Wii U is very powerful" while the facts clearly dictate otherwise (unless Nintendo is comparing Wii U to Wii, in that case, welcome to current gen Nintendo. You're 6 years late, again), and let's not forget the fact that none of the bigger companies seem to be getting into Nintendo's new console. Everybody is waiting for the next Sony/Microsoft consoles, it's like Nintendo doesn't even matter anymore :-/
Heck, Epic even stated that they didn't design UE4 with Wii U in mind, it's clear that Nintendo isn't concerned with power. They say they want to attract the hardcore gamer, yet they flaunt current gen technology in a "next-gen system". And how powerful can it really be? You have a high-res screen on another controller, plus better online features, plus slightly stronger than current gen specs, and Nintendo never sells at a loss, and Nintendo said they don't want to sell the console for a very high price. That leaves very little room for improvement in terms of power. Nintendo just continues to disappoint me, it's like they're completely out of touch with anything other than their first party games. I really expected more from them after the Wii and considering their track record, but I should have known better than to expect quality from the Nintendo brand.
[spoiler] Yeah, I'm that angry:evil: [/spoiler]
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