But realistically I was exited for the WiiU when it was announced and i'm still just as excited now. I think the tablet controller is great and has a lot of potential for games. I don't really look to consoles pushing graphics, but rather specific types of games. Nintendo still understands the difference between a gaming console and a gimped PC thank god.
I think Nintendo has a history of being eccentric to their own demise. N64 with the carts, GC with the 1.5GB mini-dvds, Wii with it's lack of shader pipelines. They preached this revolution in gameplay with the Wii and Wiimote, but largely failed to capitalize, even with their own 1st-party titles. So much talk, but little on the action side. More incoming from the WiiU.
The lack of power, specifically a standardized shader pipeline similar to either of the Xbox's kept Wii from getting so many 3rd-party titles. Now we may be dealing with a similar situation here. When you consider overall value, Nintendo lacks in multimedia, gfx, online, and AAA 3rd-party support. Yet they still sell it at $250(wii, 3ds), and possibly more this time around. $299 for a current-gen system with a touchpad gimmick that will be present on both HD Twins. Completely abandoning the Wiimote philosophy to follow market trends and maximize profits.
If the low end standard of the WiiU is to run 720p games with good steady performance then they already have a leg up over the twins. And of course they should 7 years later.
DF's analysis showed trade-offs for the respective differences in WiiU version. I'm claiming the WiiU's GPU will be anywhere from a Xenos with more unified RAM and EDRAM, up to a GPU 50% more powerful than the 360's. That would mean the WiiU will get excluded just like the Wii did in the long run. Yes, a system should provide value beyond 2yrs..
I'm not looking at this through the perspective of a butthurt fanboy like most of you.
I'm looking at this through the perspective of a guy that likes playing games. The Wii U finally delivers on being an HD console AND has some really nice control options. Another good looking console to add to the ever growing collection.
This thread is about WiiU games running 720p. You come in here and start making dumb analogies and try to play the stereotypical passive-agressive sheep who never gave a crap about gfx or 3-party support because it's good to give Nintendo more profit.
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