I have to really disagree here. I'm seeing dozens of statements like Crytek betraying the PC Gamers, Crytek selling out, giving the finger to the PC Gamers, turning their back on the platform that made them and so on. That all seems to me to point to a lot of PC Gamers (not necessarily you personally) feeling like CryTek owes them something. If they didn't, why would they be so enraged at how Cryis 2 was made and launched.
Again my personal impression, but it seems to me that the message from crytek has been fairly consistent: We did pretty well with Crysis, but we'd have liked to do even better. We're worried that Piracy and a limited number of PC Gamers with high end hardware are limiting the sale potential for games on the PC. In addition the big hurdle and biggest potential in the game industry right now lies in multi-plat games so that's what we'll be looking towards. Those are obviously my words but not Cryteks, but that's what I've taken away from the snippets and quotes I've seen here and there.
Reading between the lines here it seems to me that the message is that if you want to be one of the big boys in the FPS market you are eventually going to be wanting to move towards multi-plat. Outside of first part studios I can't think of any franchise aside from Gears of War that are still exclusive (and even then, not entirely since the first one was released for the PC). STALKER is still PC Exclusive but they've also talked about going multi-plat. Maybe CryTek didn't do as good a job as Valve in communicating but if that's the extent of CryTek's crimes against the PC Gamers, why the outrage?
The thing is, they did betray their PC audience, Crysis 2 was a 100% console port. They actually went further than most console developers in completely disregarding the PC version. Most console ports bother to scale the art assets in the game between graphical settings, Crysis 2 didn't. It was as if the entirety of the graphical options in that game could be made in 10 minutes using notepad.
They didn't just go cross platform, they became console developers; that ported to PC as a after thought. Given Crytek's history on PC, is it really unreasonable for PC gamers to react in such a manner?
You say they are acting like Crytek owes them something, I suppose they are. But I don't see that as being unreasonable, given the companies long standing relationship with the PC audience. Most companies that turn their back on PC at least go through a transitional period, Crytek did it in the process of one game, which makes it so shocking.
From a business standpoint, does Crytek owe PC gamers anything? Of course not. But this is a PR disaster with the PC audience.
Crysis never tried to hide the fact that it was a game meant to do well on all platforms. But for all accounts Crysis two is still one of the best looking PC Games out there. While it looks like most people feel that it's not quite as good looking at the first it sounds like it certainly one of the top games on the PC from a graphical point of view. While their choice to exclude detailed graphical options might be baffling it's hardly a matter of them being lazy. If they were lazy they would have added the engine support for the different graphical options in the first place, that they choice not to make the settings directly accessible to the PC Gamers is strange but again I don't see it as any kind of betrayal.
And yes I do think it's unreasonable for PC Gamers to react like they do. Crysis made a game, they never hid the fact that their focus over the last couple of years was to extent the CryEngine to support consoles, they never hid the fact that it was a multi-plat game. They've been honest and upfront with their concerns regarding the PC Games market, even if PC Gamers don't agree with their arguments or reasoning. But turn your question around, Given Cryteks history on the PC would it really be unreasonable for PC Gamers to cut CryTek some slack, not fault them for trying something new or perhaps to look past a couple of poor design choices?
And you probably are correct in that it's a PR disaster for Crytek, but I would also argue that it's a PR disaster for PC Gamers. What developer in their right mind would try to support the PC Gaming community after seeing how the PC Gaming community reacts. If you were the developers of 'the next big thing', would you say 'yaa that's the kind of players I want as my community!'.
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