Fix that quote up, I never wrote that crap. A) MC is irrelevant, and GTAIV is the highest. OOT's average is 95 (or was it even less?) on a different website that counted more reviews than GR/MC thus being more credible. B) I know every one did, but its still ridiculous giving it a 10, because the game was goddamn awful. compared to Saints Row 2, Just Cause 2 and of course RDR, not to mention last gen GTA games. C) I wouldn't say LBP is a 9.0 but its definitely not a 10. I agree with IGN's 9.5 D) Uhhhh no. God of War 3 is the best hack 'n slash this generation, period. God of War 3 isn't 10/10 worthy, so Bayonetta is certainly far from being a 10. E) Yes, SMG2 got a 10 on Gamespot and IGN, but Gamespot picked RDR as their GOTY and IGN picked ME2 as theirs. Wii has MUCH lower standards than the HD twins, and naturally, the PC. if SMG2 was on 360 and PS3 it would get a 9.5 at best, and perhaps a 9.0 if it was a PC exclusive... MGS4 scored a 10 from any reviewer that's actually relevant.Everything you said in A is false:?
GTA has a 98 Meta-Critic
OOT a 99
In B you can't single out Edge if everyone did it. That's just simply how it works.
In C, You say LBP should get a 9.5 when that option is not available in Edge. Only 9.0 or 10. That's it.
D) From a gameplay standpoint, (from what I've heard and played in the demo) Bayonneta simply does more than GOW3, which is good enough for some people, including Edge. GOW 3 also had a problem with the pacing. Santa Monica spent all it's recources on the intro and Cronos fight that the rest of the game (the other 90%) could have all been done on the PS2.
E just doesn't make sense. Going by your logic, in 2009, the PS3 had lower standards than the PS3 because Demon's Souls got GOTY not Uncharted 2 which scored higher. There is a simple fact about MGS4. It has long cutscenes. Long enough to where they make up almost half of the game. That a good enough reason to not get a 10.
Based off of what was said in A, I shouldn't have even read anything past it. But whatever.
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