Problem with this is they give 5 minute fun games better scores than games with supreme ambition and scale.
I question the integrity of the reviewer and the process. The game deserves better than it got.
are you referring to downloadable arcade games that are scored differently from standard retail games?
Not entirely no, but as you've brought it up, that fact is never made clear.
Let's be clear here. Most of the criticisms aimed at FO NV are based on bugs. I can understand criticism based on this as games companies should not release unfinished products but today these things are often ironed out after the game was released.
Civilization V had more bugs than any game I've played in years. I got three quarters of the game through and found a bug that crashed it as soon as I took a move. All that effort was down the drain and I had to start again. But that review was much more positive because, as expected, there is a patch on the way fixing issues like these.
You gave a better score to wii party and vanquish. And the one thing that came across loudly in the review was bugs, which are in time going to be fixed across all platforms.
You also gave those games a better score than the recent Castlevania, a game I found far more satisfying than even God of War. There seems to be a big difference between your reviews and the common perception lately and this is not the first divergence.
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