The reason why the term "console exclusive" is stupid is because it undermines the validity of the PC as a gaming platform. This is not console wars or company wars, nor is reality console wars. All gaming platforms are competing directly with each other... and if you can find a game on more than one platform, it is multiplatform. The only "exclusives" are those that exist on one platform only, no more, no less.
MS doesn't make money from games sold on PC and Sony doesn't make money from games sold on PC (and they only do if they publish the games). So treating a multiplatform game as "exclusive" because you don't own or use a PC to game is incredibly silly.
Nicely said! But I doubt fanboys will even consider this because they so frakking scared that a system will rape theirs, so therefore they exclude it in the comparison. Nothing is absolute, everything is relative, EVEN IF fanboys say the contrary.
That is precisely why a list of exclusives doesn't mean anything. The failure in this argument is the presumption thatexclusives are primarily what distinguish one from another and that is often not the case. Exclusive differentiates one from all others....not one from another. So, I agree with the SW definition of exclusive....it just doesn't mean much.
If I want to buy a car and I am considering a Honda or a Ford, and I want/value a feature...say GPS...then if one has GPS and the other doesn't, that car has an advantage. One relative to the other. Just because a Porsche also has GPS doesn't suddently mean that Honda vs Ford relative comparison is now somehow invalid. One still has the advantage relative to ther other, regardless of what a 3rdor 4th option brings.
Thus exclusive is a sound concept, it just doesn't necessarily mean much, because total game library is what matters and is the only sound basis of relative comparison. Which is how we humans actually make decisions.
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