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Good-Bye Nintendo? Pleeaassee!!! Just wait until the Leipzig gaming convention on the 20 August.lancea34
I've waited since the Wii launch, so far, nothing. People have accused Sony of saying "just wait" - but for core gamers, the real "wait" has come from Nintendo. The Twilight Princess four year delay-a-thon was where their strategy for old franchises in this new era became clear.
Bravo, great thread. Honestly, I've been waiting since the Wii was anounced, from when it was called the 'Revolution' for something big and all we get at E3 is a sequel to Animal Crossing that looks exactly the freakin' same. Does it even use the Wiimote, cause I certainly couldn't tell. I totally agree. Nintendo need to shut the hell up.
It looks like the GCN game with a lot of content missing, replaced with lesser content. :/
[QUOTE="lancea34"]Good-Bye Nintendo? Pleeaassee!!! Just wait until the Leipzig gaming convention on the 20 August.subrosian
I've waited since the Wii launch, so far, nothing. People have accused Sony of saying "just wait" - but for core gamers, the real "wait" has come from Nintendo. The Twilight Princess four year delay-a-thon was where their strategy for old franchises in this new era became clear.
Bravo, great thread. Honestly, I've been waiting since the Wii was anounced, from when it was called the 'Revolution' for something big and all we get at E3 is a sequel to Animal Crossing that looks exactly the freakin' same. Does it even use the Wiimote, cause I certainly couldn't tell. I totally agree. Nintendo need to shut the hell up.
It looks like the GCN game with a lot of content missing, replaced with lesser content. :/
again...the only thing that seems to be missing form ACWii is NES games.It's got the good points of the DS game *better overworld structure, online, hats and customization* mixed with some of the better points of the GCN game *return of real world holidays*
[QUOTE="blitzkid1"]Too bad foryou, and who are you anyways ? I cant wait till wii music, wiisports resorts come out.110million
Maybe one day you can upgrade into being a gamer.
I'm sorry, but what gives you the right to dictate who is a "gamer" and who isn't.
He plays games, as casual as Wii Music etc are, they are still games. Therefore he is a gamer. Whatever his tastes may be.
I love how the Nintendo fanboy damage control has become "E3 isn't for that anymore". Really? Not what your man Reggie was saying before E3 - he was claiming a big game for veteran gamers - guess he thought AC would cut it.
It's also funny how *every other press conference* showcased a veritable goldmine of awesome core titles - Gears of War 2, Too Human, Final Fantasy XIII, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, etc - while Nintendo was showing Wii Music. Every other press conference showed both broad appeal AND tons of core games - only Nintendo was lacking.
Funny how that works. Funny how Nintendo fanboys, left with nowhere to turn, are now blaming the *conference* instead of the company. I suppose that's how fanboyism works though, "company of choice ____________" can never be faulty. And if the Wii 2 doesn't sell? It'll be the world's fault - not Nintendo, never, ever precious Nintendo.
Reggie himself confirmed allready that the hardcore gamer will be pleased. We have both Animal Crossing and GTA for DS. And there will be more.
You lemkids and cows are accusing Nintendo of abandoning you, but the real truth is that you infact abandoned Nintendo in the N64 and NGC era.
Mario Galaxy > Sunshine, Mario 64 and even Super Mario World.
Metroid Prime 3 is the best one yet.
Dead Rising for Wii anounced! Looks pretty identical to the 360 version too.
The Wii had Zelda TP, Galaxy, Prime 3 and Brawl . I won't count Kart because IT'S THE SAME GAME FOR THE FIFTH TIME !!! Nintendo left its fans in the cold with its innovation approach , period .
When Zelda Wii or whatever comes out in 2 or 3 years, people will laugh at it , because the Wii will have incredibly dated hardware by then . As a fan since 1983, I find this a cruel divorce....
Some people really need to to step outside, close their else, take a deep breath and say to themselves:
"There are many things in this world more important than videogames"
Honestly, this is getting borderline pathetic. And creepy. But, alas, I guess every hobby has its rabid, over-obsessed patrons.
I don't mind the Wii
but it is not a system for gamers, it is a system for casuals and non-gamers. It is and always will be the worst system this gen and the mindless Fanboys who cling to it will be increasingly marginilised
You want a GOOD Nintendo system by a DS
The Wii had Zelda TP, Galaxy, Prime 3 and Brawl . I won't count Kart because IT'S THE SAME GAME FOR THE FIFTH TIME !!! Nintendo left its fans in the cold with its innovation approach , period .
When Zelda Wii or whatever comes out in 2 or 3 years, people will laugh at it , because the Wii will have incredibly dated hardware by then . As a fan since 1983, I find this a cruel divorce....
As do I.
This isn't how it's supposed to end Nintendo - you're not supposed to leave us for an older woman (grandma).
Some people really need to to step outside, close their else, take a deep breath and say to themselves:
"There are many things in this world more important than videogames"
Honestly, this is getting borderline pathetic. And creepy. But, alas, I guess every hobby has its rabid, over-obsessed patrons.
[QUOTE="3picuri3"]kinda sad that people place so much importance on E3.
the industry hates it, nobody cares
websites make a big deal about it because fanboys place importance on it - really not that complicated toad ;) just because its covered doesn't mean the majority of the industry doesn't loathe it... beside that, many outlets reported this E3 as a total absymal failure on all fronts.
but hey, if you take ad spots and coverage as some indicator of people caring i guess there's not a heck of a lot i can do to help, heh.
[QUOTE="ng1234"]Reggie himself confirmed allready that the hardcore gamer will be pleased. We have both Animal Crossing and GTA for DS. And there will be more.
I don't let Reggie tell me whether I'm pleased or not. Do you?
You're not a true Nintendo fanboy until you feel the way Nintendo tells you to feel.
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