[QUOTE="subrosian"][QUOTE="IronBass"] What I still don't understand, if we ALL here know about the new Zelda beig developed, about Pikmin 3, about Kid Icarus, about Mad World, about Tales fo Symphonia, where's exactly is the problem thet they didn't show it?
Nintendo told us "we don't have time to show you the games here" - but they DID have time to spend 10 minutes discussing sales. Nintendo said "we're focusing on games that showcase our innovation" then showed us a slew of sequels. It's not about whether or not Nintendo will eventually release another Zelda or Mario title - that's inevitable - the problem is that the FOCUS of Nintendo is not on their veteran gamers, that Nintendo thinks AC & GTA are "enough" for what they call "veteran" gamers, and that the *focus* of their press conferences, marketing, and system has been against their most innovative titles.
Nintendo would rather push Wii Music and Wii Sports 2 than help give games like the Conduit, Mad World, or whatever their other teams are working on (likely a casualized Zelda, unfortunately). And when we complain? They say "oh at some point in the future, you may get Zelda & Mario". No ****, of course at some point in the future, but if it's not your *primary focus*, if you're totally clueless on what core gamers want (as Reggie is - see his interview with Morgan Webb for evidence), and you spend a pre-show conference that *only hardcore gamers & journalists watch* to show me Wii Fit Snowboarding or Rayman party games, yet never show the games we *actually came to see* you deserve nothing but disgust from the true gaming community.
You can argue it whatever way you like - by not focusing on those games, and by not helping the third parties get decent media exposure, Nintendo lines their pockets by presenting that "party system" image they want, and dooms developers to poor sales who actually want to make a game longtime gamers can care about.
So, your point is that Nintendo should be blamed for focusing its conference on the casuals that gave them the leadership of the market? Yes, they decided to focus on the business side of a business conference. Do you feel betrayed just for that? I, honestly, don't.
Will that stop them for making good games? No.
And sorry, if third party devs want to make money inthe Wii, they should start making good games. It is Nintendo's fault that devs are too lazy for using all the Wii's great feautures? Nope. NMH, RE 4 and Zack and Wiki prove that.
Actually I don't catch your point. The conference doesn't affect us, gamers, because we will getting good games anyway.
What good games do we have to look forward to from Nintendo?
This is the bleakest upcoming Nintendo first party lineup I've ever seen. As Nintendo realizes they make much more profit with much less effort creating less traditional experiences, they'll begin reallocating more and more resources to casual gaming.
Sure, Nintendo is still good for a great game every year, but these games will be released more and more sporadically. Nintendo is a business, and they don't care about hardcore gamers if casual gamers will make them much more money.
And both NMH and Zak and Wiki sold about 1/4 as much as Carnival games on the Wii, what does that tell you about the userbase? And don't you think developers will figure it out, too?
They have, and that's why we're getting Activision's "Wee First" lineup, Ubisoft's shovelware, and Wii Sports Resort! I think its personally reasonable for us Nintendo fans to feel betrayed.
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