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The problem also lies in your own post. It seems as if you would have been content with yet another zelda and a kirby-esque spinoff. I would be more pissed at less 3rd party games being shown if any. I was actually most impressed this year by believe it or not, a Wii game-Madworld. I can tell you now that there will be another Zelda. What's the excitement in knowing exactly what games are coming out, the series and when? You might as well not even watch E3 but look up release dates when they come up.soulsofblayck
Turn the page, wash your hands. Turn the page, wash your hands. First you turn the page, then you wash your hands.
I've been with Nintendo ever since I was 4 years old, playing Duck Hunt and Super Mario Bros. on the NES. But this conference was just such a big joke, that there MUST be something else revealed in the next few days. Or else I see a very sad future... not for Nintendo which is sitting on a huge pile of money, but for Nintendo fans which supported it till now, like me...Axass
Unfortunately this seems to be the case.
Yeah, I pretty much agree.
Hopefully Zelda Wii will actually be innovative, and by 'innovative', I don't mean 'casualised for morons who don't know how to play Zelda'.
As an old school gamer, and a fan of Nintendo, I was excited to tune into E3 this year. After all, I've heard from Nintendo fans that "every other year" Nintendo drops something big, and after last year's gad awful E3 showing (Good-Bye Nintendo) they've been long due for something.
Tuning in, right away, I was blown away by... the female Reggie, pretending to snowboard. Okay... well, women over 40 can do anything, you go girl! The Oprah moment wasn't too long though, but this female-Reggie did seem a little out of place at a gaming show.
After all, it's not like soccer Moms are watching the conference, it seems to me it would make a lot more sense to break out Mario, Miyamoto, and the one game we've all been waiting for: Zelda on the Wii.
Instead, Nintendo brought out the real Reggie, and like Dr. Frankenstein's Monster, this beast of a man wanted to grunt. And grunt he did - Reggie spent more time covering sales data than was spent on any other game. Even Nintendo fans in the live chat I was participating in during the conference were starting to wonder if Reggie was actually trying to play sales.
Then the fated announcement drops: "we only have time to show you three games" - wait... hang on... excuse me? You spent ten minutes explaining sales data that no one cares about, and then suggest you "don't have enough time" to tell us about games in detail?
Let me say that again.
Nintendo would rather spend time bragging to reporters about sales than showing all the facts about their customers upcoming games. Yeah...
Then came the games - Animal Crossing, Rayman, Call of Duty, Star Wars, Wii Sports 2 and Wii Music... okay.
Here's where I'll stop. See, I've been asked to do a part II to this thread. And I took that request finally, when Nintendo fans started coming to me and saying "please, you need to bring it back - do a redux, call out our complaints".
But I've done that before, it was called Good-Bye Nintendo, and its' where I personally gave up on them. Like everyone else who has enjoyed them over the years, I sat there and listened hoping to hear the game REAL Nintendo fans, REAL hardcore gamers, wanted:
Zelda Wii
Yeah, Animal Crossing was nice, we wanted it, but my real complaint was this:
Nintendo needs to keep their mouth shut about "innovation". You heard me, I'm not going to debate with you about whether they're "hardcore" or not. Frankly, I've given up any hope that people who think Mario and Star Wars represent the "hardcore niche" are going to understand why World at War on the Wii is not Call of Duty 4 on the PC. If you're the hardest of the hardcore Wii Fit players - by all means.
But Nintendo, please, shut up about innovation, and stop insulting other developers.
Let's look at the beginning of the conference. Nintendo talked about innovation, about changing, about improving, about "moving forward". Innovation, creativity, progress - those are words we all like to hear.
"Hell yeah!" we say - Nintendo is doing something new!
So what do we see?
- A rayman sequel as a party game.
- A call of duty sequel
- A Wii Sports sequel
- A guitar hero port
- A guitar hero sequel
- An Animal Crossing sequel
- Yet another GTA portable title
Now wait just a minute - we've listened to three years of Nintendo telling us the "industry wasn't innovative", giving traditional developers grief, telling us we're wrong when we ask for better graphics, sound, and control (yes... motion control doesn't necessarily mean *better control*).
And now, we get a show, Nintendo has the chance to show us *anything* and the only genuinely new thing they showed was Wii Music? And even that wasn't new, as it was shown two years ago as a concept for the Wiimote?
Nintendo is forever, from this day on, barred from saying *anything* about innovation. You heard me Nintendo - shut the hell up. Yeah, that's right: SHUT. UP. FOREVER.
Denis Dyack shows Too Human, controversial, certainly, but it's a completely creative story involving Norse gods in a high-tech world. Little Big Planet? Sony showed us something *amazing* - in terms of art, in terms of gaming. PixelJunk Eden, beautiful, gorgeous, different.
Even Banjo & Kazooie 3 - quite a deviation from the other titles - and yet, Nintendo, wants to claim they're better. That somehow *their* version of yet-another-Star Wars game is "different".
They're not different - their system is bringing us more of the same. Animal Crossing was unique when it was called Animal Forest on the N64. It was still cool when it was Animal Crossing on the GCN. Online? That was fun when Animal Crossing was on the DS. So what are you doing now? Adding a *microphone* - something that the Xbox had? That's innovation?
So - to summarize this rant, it's not eloquent, it doesn't have to be - you cannot call yourself a gamer and buy Nintendo's bull**** this year. No, not in a world with *genuine* innovation - Nintendo needs to shut up and stop insulting other developers.subrosian
I think you are overreacting. It's just about games, you know. It's not the first tome (ant won't be the last) that a company make bad decisions. Is the world falling to pieces? Nope. So try to relax a little. It is not that bad.
[QUOTE="Nickman71"]My God, get over yourself.
These press conferences are not intended to please YOU. They are intended to show the press and shareholders how these companies plan to make money. The real money comes from casual games. You saw it with Microsoft (Lips, 1 vs. 100), and Nintendo. And yes, Nintendo is going to make a boat load of money of the games they showed.
Anyways, we already know Pikmin 3, Zelda, Kid Icarus, and Disaster are all in development. Nintendo chose not to show them.
The gaming universe does not revolve around you.
5 yeara ago I might have agreed with you
but in this age of Live conference streaming over both the Internet and Television, every word is being judged LIVE by millions of gamers around the world. And the gamers watching these conferences aren't the majority of gamers, but the ones that generally buy the most games, so it's Nintendo's dudty to satisfy those customers if they expect those customers to remain loyal.
3 years ago I would have agreed with you. But E3 has been seriously toned down. None of the companies are thinking. Hmm, we have to impress the rabid fans glued to their computer screens, who already know every time Miyamoto coughs or Kaz Hirai blows his nose, thanks to their vast network of rumour sources.
No, what they are aiming to impress are the people in the audience, the people who were actually invited. These people don't want to hear "We're bringing out a big name game in two years". What they want to hear is how their businesses can make money, from what Nintendo has to offer them.
I think we are missig the point. Just because Ninty decided not to show its games, it doesn't mean they are no having good games.
Show =/= have.
We all know about Mad World, Tales of Symphonia, Pikmin 3, Kid Icarus, etc etc. And, of course, the nice interview of IGN with Miyamoto:
I know! I am so pissed off. I remember two years ago, the ESA was all like, "Yeah, we're gonna make E3 bigger and better. We know right now that it's the biggest gaming conference of the year, but we think we can do it better. It's going to be of the gamer, for the gamers, and by the gamers. It's gonna be awesome." I have a link to an article about it right here.;title;2
Hmm, no wait... Looks like it kicked out all the gamers and made it a developer and investor conference. And that coincided with Nintendo making it a business conference? Wow, thats kinda wierd. It's kinda creepy how much of a coincidence the fact that Nintendo start focusing on the business side of gaming at their E3 press conference after the ESA changed the format to be a more business focused confernce is. I mean, thats just wierd. Someone should look into that, because thats just incredibly disconcerting.
/me goes back to playing Crusader Kings.
I know! I am so pissed off. I remember two years ago, the ESA was all like, "Yeah, we're gonna make E3 bigger and better. We know right now that it's the biggest gaming conference of the year, but we think we can do it better. It's going to be of the gamer, for the gamers, and by the gamers. It's gonna be awesome." I have a link to an article about it right here.;title;2
Hmm, no wait... Looks like it kicked out all the gamers and made it a developer and investor conference. And that coincided with Nintendo making it a business conference? Wow, thats kinda wierd. It's kinda creepy how much of a coincidence the fact that Nintendo start focusing on the business side of gaming at their E3 press conference after the ESA changed the format to be a more business focused confernce is. I mean, thats just wierd. Someone should look into that, because thats just incredibly disconcerting.
/me goes back to playing Crusader Kings.
That's what I keep trying to tell people, but they're all obsessed over who has wasted the most time making a flashy trailer.
I think we are missig the point. Just because Ninty decided not to show its games, it doesn't mean they are no having good games.
Show =/= have.
The abscence of evidence is not the evidence of abscence!
[QUOTE="jeffwulf"]I know! I am so pissed off. I remember two years ago, the ESA was all like, "Yeah, we're gonna make E3 bigger and better. We know right now that it's the biggest gaming conference of the year, but we think we can do it better. It's going to be of the gamer, for the gamers, and by the gamers. It's gonna be awesome." I have a link to an article about it right here.;title;2
Hmm, no wait... Looks like it kicked out all the gamers and made it a developer and investor conference. And that coincided with Nintendo making it a business conference? Wow, thats kinda wierd. It's kinda creepy how much of a coincidence the fact that Nintendo start focusing on the business side of gaming at their E3 press conference after the ESA changed the format to be a more business focused confernce is. I mean, thats just wierd. Someone should look into that, because thats just incredibly disconcerting.
/me goes back to playing Crusader Kings.
That's what I keep trying to tell people, but they're all obsessed over who has wasted the most time making a flashy trailer.
What I still don't understand, if we ALL here know about the new Zelda beig developed, about Pikmin 3, about Kid Icarus, about Mad World, about Tales fo Symphonia, where's exactly is the problem thet they didn't show it?
I think we are missig the point. Just because Ninty decided not to show its games, it doesn't mean they are no having good games.
Show =/= have.
The abscence of evidence is not the evidence of abscence!
:D That is what I was talking about.
Yeah I'm the same way. I first played a NES in 1985 at a Mall demo. Since then, I've always bought nintendo. This is the first generation that they have become irrelevant to me, aside from the big first party games that have already come out. I dont plan on buying wii games from this point on.DarthmattExactly the same. Except the playing the NES at the mall. I played it when my sister's dad got it for her for Christmas.
I think we are missig the point. Just because Ninty decided not to show its games, it doesn't mean they are no having good games.
Show =/= have.
The abscence of evidence is not the evidence of abscence!
:D That is what I was talking about.
Say what again...I dare you say What one more time
I think we are missig the point. Just because Ninty decided not to show its games, it doesn't mean they are no having good games.
Show =/= have.
The abscence of evidence is not the evidence of abscence!
:D That is what I was talking about.
Say what again...I dare you say What one more time
That was so awesome, I watched it twice!What I still don't understand, if we ALL here know about the new Zelda beig developed, about Pikmin 3, about Kid Icarus, about Mad World, about Tales fo Symphonia, where's exactly is the problem thet they didn't show it?
Nintendo told us "we don't have time to show you the games here" - but they DID have time to spend 10 minutes discussing sales. Nintendo said "we're focusing on games that showcase our innovation" then showed us a slew of sequels. It's not about whether or not Nintendo will eventually release another Zelda or Mario title - that's inevitable - the problem is that the FOCUS of Nintendo is not on their veteran gamers, that Nintendo thinks AC & GTA are "enough" for what they call "veteran" gamers, and that the *focus* of their press conferences, marketing, and system has been against their most innovative titles.
Nintendo would rather push Wii Music and Wii Sports 2 than help give games like the Conduit, Mad World, or whatever their other teams are working on (likely a casualized Zelda, unfortunately). And when we complain? They say "oh at some point in the future, you may get Zelda & Mario". No ****, of course at some point in the future, but if it's not your *primary focus*, if you're totally clueless on what core gamers want (as Reggie is - see his interview with Morgan Webb for evidence), and you spend a pre-show conference that *only hardcore gamers & journalists watch* to show me Wii Fit Snowboarding or Rayman party games, yet never show the games we *actually came to see* you deserve nothing but disgust from the true gaming community.
You can argue it whatever way you like - by not focusing on those games, and by not helping the third parties get decent media exposure, Nintendo lines their pockets by presenting that "party system" image they want, and dooms developers to poor sales who actually want to make a game longtime gamers can care about.
the problem is that the FOCUS of Nintendo is not on their veteran gamerssubrosianNot quite, sub. I'd say the problem is that there is no room in the current focus for veteran gamers at all. I would've been happy with a tiny TINY slice of pie. Instead, I don't even get a crumb :(
This thread is a joke- And i'm usually not one to be so blunt.
But I am honestly getting sick and tired of people complaining about this conference.
Typical things I hear:
1. I'm selling my Wii.
2. How bout teh hardcorez!?
3. Nothing new in this conference.
4. Nintendo has let everyone down.
5. I have been a loyal fan, and now Nintendo has lost me.
6. My Wii collects dust.
Pathetic. Are you telling me that because of one conference and the fact that Nintendo is keeping all their stuff underwraps is enough to lose all faith in a developer that from a game standpoint, has never had a bad generation?
Sure, this e3 was a complete and utter disappointment. I won't deny it, I was hoping for an e3 Twilight Princess announcement like in 2004 where I could yell and scream like I did then.
We can sit here and cry about it or we can wait in anticipation when Nintendo drops hardcore titles like its raining outside.
Think about it for one second. We got a Mario Platformer, Metroid Prime, Zelda, Smash Bros, MarioKart all within the first year and a half of this generation. Not to mention that there has been some quality 3rd party titles.
Think about this. You would have to be a complete moron to not be 100% confident that games like F-Zero, Starfox, Zelda, and Kid Icarus are going to come out at this point. Hell, I even bet a Donkey Kong will be coming out. Not to mention stuff from second and third party publishers.
Look, you can be disappointed and throw in the towel on Nintendo because of one lousy conference and "claim" this is it for you and Nintendo.
Let's face it. Everyone's mad, everyone's choked, but I don't believe, not for a damn second that everyone complaining about the current state of Nintendo affairs is really going to abandon Ninty. There have been far darker times than these.
[QUOTE="subrosian"]the problem is that the FOCUS of Nintendo is not on their veteran gamersJandurinNot quite, sub. I'd say the problem is that there is no room in the current focus for veteran gamers at all. I would've been happy with a tiny TINY slice of pie. Instead, I don't even get a crumb :(
What's worse, their pie is full of leftovers :P
Not quite, sub. I'd say the problem is that there is no room in the current focus for veteran gamers at all. I would've been happy with a tiny TINY slice of pie. Instead, I don't even get a crumb :([QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="subrosian"]the problem is that the FOCUS of Nintendo is not on their veteran gamerssubrosian
What's worse, their pie is full of leftovers :P
well excuuuuse me if I want to keep my wii just to see if animal crossing and madword'd turn out to be good.I agree that it's depressing that nintendo decided to go in this direction...But I'm still gonna play these games.
Pathetic. Are you telling me that because of one conferencesonic_sparkFunny, these were the same arguments I used last year. That was a year ago. And that was AFTER a year of making these arguments.
Nintendo dragged crap out like the skit talking about Snow boarding, because they had nothing to show. They just pissed time away.
For me PS3 had the best PRESENTATION and slightly better show. All 360 did was steal a title from Sony and Copy Sony's SingStar with their version called Lips. Oh and they copied Sony's home in a watered down fashion.
So it was:
360: Steal FF 13 and Copy, HOME & Sing Star with aviatars and Lips. and well Gears 2, Fable 2
PS3: Humble new games on PS3, PS2, PSP. Killzone 2, Resitance 2, Infamous, Motorstorm 2, MAG, Resistance on PSP, Socom Confrontation,
Wii: Drag show out with casual commentary unrelated to hardcore games, don't mention any big games, tell us Animal Crossing is Hardcore. Finally circle jerk to Pikmon.
Really 360 started with a MULTIPLAT game and ending with a MULTIPLAT game they stole. 360 = LAME.
I think we are missig the point. Just because Ninty decided not to show its games, it doesn't mean they are no having good games.
Show =/= have.
We all know about Mad World, Tales of Symphonia, Pikmin 3, Kid Icarus, etc etc. And, of course, the nice interview of IGN with Miyamoto:
It's not like Nintendo came out and canceled all their other games.
They just chose to only show off their casual games.
Yeah, the conference was lousy and above all, their focus was not on us - the people glued to the screen anticipating what's up and coming.
But, it's not something to faze me at all. I know what i want and i know it's coming - things like Conduit, Fatal Frame, Wario Land, Final Fantasy CC, Dead Rising, Sky Crawlers. Any wait there is does not feel like waiting at all because i've got a backlog of games to complete/play.
[QUOTE="IronBass"]What I still don't understand, if we ALL here know about the new Zelda beig developed, about Pikmin 3, about Kid Icarus, about Mad World, about Tales fo Symphonia, where's exactly is the problem thet they didn't show it?
Nintendo told us "we don't have time to show you the games here" - but they DID have time to spend 10 minutes discussing sales. Nintendo said "we're focusing on games that showcase our innovation" then showed us a slew of sequels. It's not about whether or not Nintendo will eventually release another Zelda or Mario title - that's inevitable - the problem is that the FOCUS of Nintendo is not on their veteran gamers, that Nintendo thinks AC & GTA are "enough" for what they call "veteran" gamers, and that the *focus* of their press conferences, marketing, and system has been against their most innovative titles.
Nintendo would rather push Wii Music and Wii Sports 2 than help give games like the Conduit, Mad World, or whatever their other teams are working on (likely a casualized Zelda, unfortunately). And when we complain? They say "oh at some point in the future, you may get Zelda & Mario". No ****, of course at some point in the future, but if it's not your *primary focus*, if you're totally clueless on what core gamers want (as Reggie is - see his interview with Morgan Webb for evidence), and you spend a pre-show conference that *only hardcore gamers & journalists watch* to show me Wii Fit Snowboarding or Rayman party games, yet never show the games we *actually came to see* you deserve nothing but disgust from the true gaming community.
You can argue it whatever way you like - by not focusing on those games, and by not helping the third parties get decent media exposure, Nintendo lines their pockets by presenting that "party system" image they want, and dooms developers to poor sales who actually want to make a game longtime gamers can care about.
Like I said earlier in this thread, I used to think you were smart, but now I realize that's just an act as you use a press conference to tell everyone that Nintendo has betrayed us. I don't see any other company coming out with an interactive 1:1 motion sword fighting game for their system. What about MS? They threw innovation around so many times in their press conference it made me sick.
Stop being immature about it and get over it. They're having a dev conference at 5 today where they'll most likely show off some games. Didn't Reggie say they'd have more games?
What I find funny about the crying and the rest of the whiners in this thread is that there are still good games coming from Nintendo. There's still Warioland, Mario Sluggers, and Animal Crossing. I bet Disaster also makes an appearance this holiday season.
But the fact of the matter is that this is the time for 3rd party devs to shine. No single 1st party developer can continue to carry one console indefinitely and it takes time for internal studios to get back into producing games. Nintendo is giving 3rd parties the chance to sell games and stop with the "Only Nintendo games sell on Nintendo consoles" myth.
There are definitely a lot of 3rd party devs who are dropping the ball, but then there are some devs who are seriously bringing excellent games to the system. These games are Mad World, Sonic Unleashed, The Conduit, Tales of Symphonia 2, Mega Man 9, Dead Rising, and various other games. If anything, people should be supporting these games and stop crying about "No Nintendo games are coming out because of E3" nonsense.
sad I missed this thread. and yes, if this week ends without a major, MAJOR Wii announcement, I'll sell my Wii before the end of the month.
That's a promise.
[QUOTE="IronBass"]I think we are missig the point. Just because Ninty decided not to show its games, it doesn't mean they are no having good games.
Show =/= have.
We all know about Mad World, Tales of Symphonia, Pikmin 3, Kid Icarus, etc etc. And, of course, the nice interview of IGN with Miyamoto:
It's not like Nintendo came out and canceled all their other games.
They just chose to only show off their casual games.
Why do people not understand this? It's a business summit, not a fan-service party. Besides, when has Nintendo ever made pre-rendered trailers. It's always about gameplay footage. You can not tell me that they haven't been working on Animal Crossing for years. And another thing? Every game they announced is coming out in less than a year. They don't announce things until they're almost ready.
[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]sad I missed this thread. and yes, if this week ends without a major, MAJOR Wii announcement, I'll sell my Wii before the end of the month.
That's a promise.
I'm with you. I still need to play MGS4.
I've got to be honest - that's why my heart isn't into it as much this year. Not because I'm any less dissappointed in Nintendo, but because there's a slate of releases like MGS4, Too Human, Mass Effect, GeoW 2, and especially Little Big Planet that I've just been excited about. It's like other companies are stepping up to fill the roles on other systems - but why aren't they on the Wii?
Banjo & Kazooie 3 ... a platformer on a 360 that will be in the top-tier, it's just... odd. And on the Wii, I follow it, I'm aware of the the Conduit, Mad World, etc - but those are games on the order of No More Heros - genuinely good games, but also games we don't see nearly enough of. I don't like having to pick amongst my "here are you four core titles for the year, enjoy them". It's not enough selection.
My concern, as always though, is the focus of the system, which no amount of "but they said this at a latter date in a hotel room with the windows boarded up under NDA that they might release Zelda in the future!" Okay, that's not the same as coming on the stage dressed as Link or carrying a chainsaw and showing us footage and telling us a release date.
Well that's the problem with the "new" E3, it's more about impressing the industry (particularly the retail side) than impressing the fans. So rather than seeing MS, Nintendo and Sony try to one-up eachother by making the biggest splash, we get a bunch of presentations trying to convince the guys at EB/Gamestop, Best Buy and Wal-Mart to buy a couple hundred thousand more units of X, Y and Z. Why bother hyping the new Zelda when you can hype a game like Wii Sports Resort that will not only sell millions of copies on its own, but millions of Wii Motion Plus adaptors?
You are spot-on there my friend.
First, people have to understand how the market works.
Model 1:
Console Developer And/Or Publisher Sell Merchandise To Retailers. Developer/Publisher Gets Immediate Return.
Model 2 :
Console Developer And/Or Publisher Sell Merchandise To Retailers. Merchandise Is Sold. Cut Of Profits Made Goes To Developer/Publisher After Units/Games Are Sold.
Now, Model 1 is by far the most popular, because the Step 1 Seller gets an immediate return (And a promised one, at that) on their investment. Model 2 is unpopular simply because there are no risks with Model 2 in comparison.
This means that companies don't actually have to sell Consoles/Games directly to a customer, and can sell by the truckload easily. This is also one of the reasons why the Console Industry is so profitable. (Console sales statistics are also tallied in this way.)
[QUOTE="IronBass"]What I still don't understand, if we ALL here know about the new Zelda beig developed, about Pikmin 3, about Kid Icarus, about Mad World, about Tales fo Symphonia, where's exactly is the problem thet they didn't show it?
Nintendo told us "we don't have time to show you the games here" - but they DID have time to spend 10 minutes discussing sales. Nintendo said "we're focusing on games that showcase our innovation" then showed us a slew of sequels. It's not about whether or not Nintendo will eventually release another Zelda or Mario title - that's inevitable - the problem is that the FOCUS of Nintendo is not on their veteran gamers, that Nintendo thinks AC & GTA are "enough" for what they call "veteran" gamers, and that the *focus* of their press conferences, marketing, and system has been against their most innovative titles.
Nintendo would rather push Wii Music and Wii Sports 2 than help give games like the Conduit, Mad World, or whatever their other teams are working on (likely a casualized Zelda, unfortunately). And when we complain? They say "oh at some point in the future, you may get Zelda & Mario". No ****, of course at some point in the future, but if it's not your *primary focus*, if you're totally clueless on what core gamers want (as Reggie is - see his interview with Morgan Webb for evidence), and you spend a pre-show conference that *only hardcore gamers & journalists watch* to show me Wii Fit Snowboarding or Rayman party games, yet never show the games we *actually came to see* you deserve nothing but disgust from the true gaming community.
You can argue it whatever way you like - by not focusing on those games, and by not helping the third parties get decent media exposure, Nintendo lines their pockets by presenting that "party system" image they want, and dooms developers to poor sales who actually want to make a game longtime gamers can care about.
So, your point is that Nintendo should be blamed for focusing its conference on the casuals that gave them the leadership of the market? Yes, they decided to focus on the business side of a business conference. Do you feel betrayed just for that? I, honestly, don't.
Will that stop them for making good games? No.
And sorry, if third party devs want to make money inthe Wii, they should start making good games. It is Nintendo's fault that devs are too lazy for using all the Wii's great feautures? Nope. NMH, RE 4 and Zack and Wiki prove that.
Honestly, I don't catch your point. The conference doesn't affect us, gamers, because we will getting good games anyway.
My God, get over yourself.
These press conferences are not intended to please YOU. They are intended to show the press and shareholders how these companies plan to make money. The real money comes from casual games. You saw it with Microsoft (Lips, 1 vs. 100), and Nintendo. And yes, Nintendo is going to make a boat load of money of the games they showed.
Anyways, we already know Pikmin 3, Zelda, Kid Icarus, and Disaster are all in development. Nintendo chose not to show them.
The gaming universe does not revolve around you.
^ Truthz
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