[QUOTE="NitaraPwnzU"][QUOTE="carljohnson3456"][QUOTE="-GhostMLD-"] this will help make 360/PS3 owners think twice if their %^&*$ enough to pick the PS3 version
Dude, it's 20 hours of extra gameplay... after a 50+ hour campaign. Once I devote 2+ days of my life to one game, I think I'll be fine giving those 20 hours away to play something else.
Dont get me wrong, whoever wants DLC, that's great and fine. But you shouldnt call anybody else stupid for not wanting it, or wanting it enough to buy the 360 version over the PS3.
I think the bottom line CJ is that if you own both consoles, the DLC has to be a factor.
If you are the type of person that gets bored easily and wants something new after playing GTA. sure the DLC wont matter. But if you are the kinda person who enjoys good gameplay and stories and would like the game extended.. Then the DLC plays a factor.
The nice thing about the 360 version is you have a choice. The PS3 you do not.
I know but it's all about choice on which console you want to get it on too, right? I'm not saying it's not going to sway people into buying the 360 version, but it's not playing a factor with me... and I know I'm not the only one. But, I also know there are people out there opposite of me. I just dont see after playing GTA4 for 50 hours, I'm going to want more enough to buy it on my 360 instead of PS3. That's just me. If GTA was 100% exclusive to the 360, I'd buy it for sure, but that's about the only thing that would make me buy a multiplatform game on the 360 over the PS3.
And I hate to say this, because I'm not picking a fanboy fight, so please, if you have to, ignore this comment. My 360 has just been too faulty for me to want to even risk playing a game like GTA4 for hours upon hours on. That's another big reason I'm getting the PS3 version.
Like I said, I dont want to fight about RROD or failure rates with anyone, I dont have the time anyway. But that it a reason of my own.
You can use that reason if you want. See the thing is you have a choice. You own both. I can easily afford a PS3 but there just haven't been any games that interested me enough to buy one and justify the purchase. Maybe by the end of this year that will change. The PS3 has a few games that might interest me. That and I need a bluray player :D
Anyways my son and I each have a 360, so co-op play is a plus for us. It is called quality time and I can keep an eye on him when he is on xbox live.
His Xbox RROD 6 months ago. we both got ours shortly after launch. Mine on the other hand has not given me a bit of trouble in any game and trust me I have played games like oblivion and mass effect for hours and hours upon getting them.
But yes you can always factor in a problem with a console if you have both and that being your choice. For me I have always been a GTA fan. I owned a PS2 and an XBOX last gen so I am not anti-sony. Sonys price point factored in with no games that I was interested in keeps me from owning both consoles thus far this gen.
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