Specifically the campaign, the entire experience just felt like a major step down compared to Uncharted 2. The main things that killed U3 for me was
1. Very slow and boring opening chapters.
2. Very very weak villains
3. Ending does nothing to explain the many questions the story arises.
Number 3 is probably my biggest complaint. The game has a ton of build up with a lot of unanswered questions about the Villains, Drake, Sully, etc. However, the game fails to answer these questions. I feel like there are some major obvious plot holes that the game seems to ignore completely.
Uncharted 3 felt more like they were trying to give the player a cinematic experience without the good story and memorable characters this time around. Well...at least the multiplayer is pretty good.
1. If you're not much of a fan of adventure, I can see how you could say that. People who want Michael Bay-esque explosions every minute would find it boring. But not me. The opening chapters set up important plot points and make the overall game feel more like an action-adventure rather than a TPS. Uncharted always gets compared to Indiana Jones and this is the closest it's been in the series' history - and that's a compliment of the highest degree.
2. Talbot's a great villain, the game did an excellent job of just making you hate the a******. The chase scene in Yemen really drove the point home - one of the best scenes in the game quite frankly. All of the previous interactions with the character up until that point culminate in a Bond-like chase scene, and the entire time you're really waiting for the moment you can tackle and punch the s*** out of him. And that's how a game succeeds at crafting a good villain, by making you hate the sonofab****.
Marlowe was a more cerebral enemy than the series has seen and she appropriately stayed in the background. The puppeteer pulling the strings, the "wizard" behind the curtain, however you want to see it, Marlowe was the one calling the shots throughout the game. Plus, alongside Talbot and Drake, there's a good parallel to the Queen, John Dee, and Sir Francis. Skimming around the thread I guess the main complaint is people wanting to know more? Sure, they could have added more, but it'd be backstory just for the sake of including backstory. Everything the player needed to know about these characters in the context of the plot, was laid out in-game.
And since this thread is pretty much comparing the game to U2, it's worth pointing out Lazarevic was not a very good villain. Lazarevic was a stereotypical bad guy through and through, and that's without mentioning the awful boss fight - in a top-tier game like UC2, he really is a noticeable blemish.
3. What major plot holes are there in the game? The game doesn't spoon-feed you information - a good thing as that's lazy writing - but that shouldn't be confused with plot holes.
tl;dr: OP, I disagree.
edit: ah, just noticed the new post:
3. Drakes past, Talbots magical ways to escape danger and death, talk of victor betraying you, the corpse at the chateau, how did the villains know that the city of brass had hallucogenic power, why do they need it when Talbot already seems to have some in the form of darts etc. etc.
- What about Drake's past?
- Talbot's the right-hand man of a covert clandestine operation. You know, James Bond to MI6 kind of thing. It'd be surprising if he didn't know how to get out of a tight spot.
- The game is called Drake's Deception, and unsurprisingly, deception is a major motif of the game. Talk of Sully betraying Drake is exactly that.
- The corpse of a man who met the spiders.
- Marlowe's crew isn't new at this, their organization dates back 400 years. They knew from the legends that a great power had laid waste to the city.
- If they were going to take over a city, what are they going to do, throw darts at everyone? Having the source gives them more free reign to do as they wish, and at least from Drake's experience with the water, it seems more potent than what Talbot carried around.
Beat me to it but yeah pretty much. Like I said he rushed through it and didn't pay much attention.
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