Nintendo to reveal 3DS details on January 19th in NY, where it's expected that release dates, prices and launch tiles are to be shown.
Interesting facts:
Stereoscopic 3D gaming without glasses
Next gen. handheld that's more powerful than the PSP, and capable of graphical effects the Wii cannot do
Top screen 400x240 3D screen
Bottom screen 320x240 resolution touchscreen
3D slider can adjust 3D picture looks so players can maximum eye comfort or even turn off the 3D effect
Includes both inward facing camera, and outward facing 3D camera (0.3 MP)
Controls are standard DS + an analogue "slide pad"
Motion sensing accelorometer and gyroscope
Game carts can store up to 8GBs of storage
Backwards compatability with all DS games
Will get 3D movies
Some games:
Kid Icarus Uprising
Resident Revelations
Metal Gear
Star Fox
Zelda Ocarina of Time
Super Street Fighter IV
Paper Mario 3
Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracles
Oh yeah one more thing... don't forget to pre-order once available! The Wii was sold out for almost 2 years, so expect this to printz the monaeh!!!
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