None of them do.IronBass
Unless you are doing a numerical comparison between the 360 and the PS3's game library, then it is excluding the existence of PC gaming.
Usually when i bring up the "mutual exclusive 360/PC" thing it is when either people have said a game is an exclusive, or when comparing game libraries.
i posted a list of my total game library in the last topic.
My logic is flawless.
(If it's on PC, it's not exclusive. I normaly have vary large gaming libraries for my consoles, however my 360 has the smallest library of any of my consoles, ever, including handhelds. I have a total of 4 games for my 360, one of which i only got because i am boycotting steam, compared to 10 on my wii 20 on my PS3, 40 on PS2, 37 on PC 12 for DS, and 16 on PSP.
This is only the games i have right now, i have quite a few in storage for my PS2 and classic consoles.
I also did not count DD games.
The numbers just speak for themselves IMO.)
My point is of course, based on my own library which sways it to the titles i personally am interested in, however my point remains.
When faced with the 360's library there are few games i wish to play that are not already on PC, and there are few PCs that are able to run multiplat games at the same or better visual quality then that of the 360.
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