But no one is doing that.
It's just that lemmings like to use the word exclusive a lot when it obviously doesn't apply.
And exclusives have always mattered more than multiplats in SW. It's not the cows' fault, everyone gives more value to exclusives here.
Yes, that's exactly what Sony fanboys are doing. When Xbox 360 owners list PC/360 games in comparison lists, even if they aren't saying those games are exclusive to the 360, someone inevitably says "Those don't count because I can play the superior version on the PC."
As far as I'm concerned, those are games that can be played on the 360 and cannot be played on the PS3 and they should count as any other game should. Exclusive to the 360 or not.
Yeah they don't count because they're probably listed in a thread called "360 exclusives HERP DERP".
On occasion, someone will say the 360/PC games are exclusive to the 360 or "console exclusive" (a term that exists practically everywhere but here...imagine that) but in many cases, they're just listing them as games for the 360 that can't be played on the PS3, which they are, even if they aren't exclusive. :|
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