Lemming logic is flawed, cow logic is flawed when they use Sony exclusives(PS3, PS2, PSP), works both ways.
I'm more appalled by the fact that some people here are acting like any faction has ever gotten away using that argument. They haven't and never will.
But they sure are trying. Even in this very thread.
Lemmings like to mention at every possible chance how the PS3's multiplats are always so inferior to the 360 versions, but the second someone says the same thing about PC/360 multiplats it's "STOP HIDING BEHIND THE PC".
For the past 6 months it's just been "PC/360 games should count as exclusives" threads one after the other. Whether it's console exclusive or MS exclusive or whatever.
And you guys are sitting here telling me to stop making this up, that no one is doing that.
Lemmings are actually turning being a fanboy (ie owning only one console) into a virtue in SW, when owning mutliple systems used to considered a good thing.
Hurr durr stop hiding behind the PC I only have a 360 so that makes me better than you hurr durr
Well hey guess what, I just happen to own a gaming PC and a PS3. I'm not hiding behind anything, I'm actually just more of a gamer than you are. There I said it.
That is a ridiculous notion, I'm sorry but trying to tell me that lemmings are the only ones that do this is beyond logical thinking. Lemmings flaunt there superior multiplats against the PS3 in 360 vs PS3 threads. That's a win for them because they have the better version of a game, how can you expect themnot to brag to cows? When someone says they have the inferior 360/PC multiplat version, they cn't say anything because they all know its true. When a cow or sheep says that however they say stop hiding behind the PC because none of those factions can play the game they are talking about. They are hiding behind PC to make themselves feel better since they missed out on a quality title. That is absoltely a valid complaint because its the other side being picky.
Only fanboys say 360/PC multiplats should be exclusive. In this thread you have had several rational minded posters admit to you that fanboy lemmings do this and they are wrong. Are you going to dwell on this forever cause you don't seem to want to let go of fanboy drivel. No one is saying no one says this, they are saying fanboys say this and that you should ignore them because they are wrong.
Acting like lemmings are turning single console ownage into a virtue is just being btitter and picky honetly. That's what fanboys do, all fanboys not just lemmings. As for the last part, in the context of the argument we are discussing, owning a PC is irrelevant to a 360 vs PS3 thread so it is hiding. The PC is not mentioned as part of the comparison so bringing it up is being petty quite honestly. And for the gamer part, the amount of game systems you own do not define you as a gamer. Take the true gamer/better gamer crap out of here, you ain't fooling anyone and it most definitely has no bearing on this thread.
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