Man, reading these comments, someone may be under the impression it got 60% on metacritics.
wait a minute... I remember in a thread where we were discussing Uncharted gameplay vs Gears gameplay you said you had played U4 and only now you make this thread?
So basically you were lying about having played U4 just like pretty much most U4 haters out here
and that fellow gamers is how a liar is caught up in his own lie
The game's original title "Uncharted 4: Drake's rock climbing Adventure" didn't do so well with focus groups..
Tell me about it. I still remember when everyone and their mothers (being lems and hermits) were praising RotTR left and right, Its just funny how for those exact same people Uncharted is too cinematic, uncharted is too boring, uncharted is everything that RotTR isnt when they are pretty much similar to each other (Oh noes, Lara has a bow! That makes it completely different!)
fvckin hypocrites
I wish I had been more enamored with Uncharted 4. Certainly a very good game, but I preferred Uncharted 2 and Rise of the Tomb Raider over it.
A whole lot of walking, climbing, and just looking at stuff though, I agree with that. Haven't replayed the game since the initial playthrough so I'm curious how I'll enjoy that.
@zassimick: I haven't even finished UC4 lol. It's been on hiatus since last year with drake and Sam stuck in the snow parts and I am too lazy to muster the strength to actually finish it with all the tension in my life lately. Funny thing is I find time to pass by SW, but not to finish the last hurrah of one of my Favourite franchises in gaming. Guess it says something about overstaying your welcome.
@zassimick: I tried to replay but then the walking, climbing and uneventful chapters caused a change of mind.
I can see this causing me grief. XD
@zassimick: I haven't even finished UC4 lol. It's been on hiatus since last year with drake and Sam stuck in the snow parts and I am too lazy to muster the strength to actually finish it with all the tension in my life lately. Funny thing is I find time to pass by SW, but not to finish the last hurrah of one of my Favourite franchises in gaming. Guess it says something about overstaying your welcome.
You should definitely finish it sometime, even if you are feeling lazy about it all. Though... you're only like at the halfway point? Sure, the game picks up after that but... hahahaha good luck. ^_^
I'd take that to an "adventure" game that spends more time in shootouts than adventuring (i.e. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune).
Tell me about it. I still remember when everyone and their mothers (being lems and hermits) were praising RotTR left and right, Its just funny how for those exact same people Uncharted is too cinematic, uncharted is too boring, uncharted is everything that RotTR isnt when they are pretty much similar to each other (Oh noes, Lara has a bow! That makes it completely different!)
fvckin hypocrites
yea, they're exactly the same. you know, other than the parts where tomb raider actually has exploration, meaningful collectibles, good gameplay, actual progression and compelling villains. Other then that they are basically twins...
Tell me about it. I still remember when everyone and their mothers (being lems and hermits) were praising RotTR left and right, Its just funny how for those exact same people Uncharted is too cinematic, uncharted is too boring, uncharted is everything that RotTR isnt when they are pretty much similar to each other (Oh noes, Lara has a bow! That makes it completely different!)
fvckin hypocrites
Yah Lemmings are a weird bunch. They are just mad because 99% of xb1 exclusives flopped and now they are running around like rabid dogs. I love Tomb Raider and I love UC4 and they both are almost exactly the same. The only thing I give TR over UC4 is the side quest, but besides that they both have the same amount of climbing and cinema cutscenes.
Tell me about it. I still remember when everyone and their mothers (being lems and hermits) were praising RotTR left and right, Its just funny how for those exact same people Uncharted is too cinematic, uncharted is too boring, uncharted is everything that RotTR isnt when they are pretty much similar to each other (Oh noes, Lara has a bow! That makes it completely different!)
fvckin hypocrites
yea, they're exactly the same. you know, other than the parts where tomb raider actually has exploration, meaningful collectibles, good gameplay, actual progression and compelling villains. Other then that they are basically twins...
Yea, because U4 doesnt have exploration or good gameplay. Oh and I laugh at the notion you actually believe TR has "meaningfull collectibles" lol, progression lol or wait for it, I cant stop laughing... you actually think TR has compelling villains buahahahahahha ;D, oh man, you sometimes are reaaly funny ;D
Look, I played ALL the damn TR games until now, I'm a long time TR fan btw and I know for a FACT the TR reboot copied more from Uncharted then Uncharted copied from old TR games... I actually do like the new TR games but thats because their exactly like Uncharted, but just with meaningless upgrades that add NOTHING to the experience. Its not because you have an upgrade system that makes ot better when those upgrades should have been there ever since from the start
Apologies for the late answer, busy (and sick) day. Flu fucking sucks. Anyway.
Que? So which is it? None or actually a few? Because I have the game, I know which ones I had to do :P
You said you have to play generic repetitive side missions to move the game forward. I know the missions you're talking about. You can skip those. Stuff like the tank unit, mine clearing, high ranking soldier, target practice, MB soldier, etc.. These are the same few side ops that repeat ad nauseum, but none of them ever need to be played more than once, and the majority of them don't need to be played at all.
The ones you have to play aren't the ones you're describing. They're unique one offs that end up becoming main missions. Like the "side ops" that actually lead into your meeting with Huey, or the boss fight with Quiet. Those aren't repetitive or generic. Those aren't the missions that continually pop up in the side op que.
Outside of the boss fights I'd count those as generic tbh. Huey (btw, what a dick this dude was), for example, is little more than infiltrating one of the bigger bases in Afghanistan. Something which, if you had already explored the map, was quite repetitive. Sure it had more enemies there during the mission, but if you already knew the place, the only difference was having a cutscene and then being forced to run from Sahelanthropus (or was that later? I know you had to run from the base in any case).
Definitely agreed on the pointless expanses of dead space in the game. Like I said before, it's pretty bad.
I'll agree to the motherbase stuff being lame too, you already know my position on that stuff lol.
As for the rest, I simply disagree.
I wish more games could make as good of use of their mechanics as MGSV does, that'd be the dream, especially as far as these open world games go.
I wish more games had a level of variables comparable to even MGS2s AI routines, let alone MGSV haha. Seriously, MGSV AI is dumb by design (more about viewing distance actually), but if its routines are too predictable to you then I'd love to know what games you're playing.
And I think you're getting a little carried away with your criticism about the amount of enemies that will respond to a situation... I mean seriously bro, let's at least be realistic here.
Again, the game mechanics are cool (even something as silly as the horse poop could be used to great effect, at times). The game just doesn't know what to do with them, at any point. The infected soldiers were perhaps the only point where you had to actively change what you did since they detected you with ease. Otherwise, if you ever figured out some strategy that worked for you (in terms of getting in and out unnoticed) you didn't have much reason to ever change it simply because all the " AI adaptation" they talked about pre-release is for the most part meaningless.
Also, hyperbole bro. Well sorta, I honestly rarely had anymore than 2-3 guys come from other outposts/bases when I messed up. In the bigger bases you alert the enemies within it, yes, but outside support (despite all the noise the game makes out you taking out communication instruments for example) is very rare and when it did happen it was usually just a few extra dudes.
Regarding interesting AI, though in itself also deeply flawed at points, I feel the Deus Ex series (in particular HR and especially MD) make great use of it. Though I think the most important part is that it's maps are designed to accomodate (and encourage you) to play in different ways way more than MGS5 (the open world was a mistake for sure, GZ sized maps would be the best compromise IMO).
Bro, is there an agenda here? I thought your mentioning of MGSV was out of left field and not really applicable to the topic at first, but I figured I'd roll with it anyways.
But is it like you're trying to shit on a game I like because I shat on a game you liked? Just making sure we're on the same page.
You were pretty specific about the game making you develop items to progress. Like this is something that is actively taking you out of the game. I mentioned the one item I could think of (and it still doesn't take you out of the game, lulz) that is actually needed to progress.
I shouldn't even entertain the rest of this, but...
Everything else you mentioned there doesn't even become an issue until you're trying to get ridiculously powered post game equipment for the online portion lol.
Through the regular course of play, up through about the 200 hour mark, you get way more resources than you can spend. You'll have almost one of every weapon in the game, and in most cases you'll have 5+ variations of every weapon in the game, before anything becomes a grind.
You're trying to paint this picture of a game that makes you struggle for a pea shooter and it's simply untrue. As a matter of fact, the opposite is true and it's another problem for the game. You have the arsenal of a small army before the game really gets started. You become way overpowered too early and have to place limitations on your load out for a good challenge. You're a millionaire with at least 5 of every weapon type before you even get through the first area of the game.
The game straight up gives you a rocket launcher before it's even available for development lol.
I also think development timers are retarded man, I could go on and on about it, but...
1. It's not the picture you're painting here, and
2. It's not even remotely comparable to my beef with Uncharted. I'm talking about aspects that are either poor interaction or not interactive at all. You're talking about things that happen in the background while I'm PLAYING a game.
Oh you're on a roll with the story and having fun with the missions? GG bro, go back to the MB to watch a dumb cutscene about two soldier being dicks because there is literally no one else in command, apparently. All that is filler content, padding, boring padding at that.
See you're getting very carried away here. You triggered an optional scene, that can only happen under a specific circumstance, that you don't even have to respond to. As a matter of fact, I think you have to randomly go to motherbase on your own accord just to trigger it lol.
And in a game where a lot of people actually complain that there is not enough story for the amount of gameplay there is? That they play for 4 or 5 hours at a time with no narrative? No, that is not padding, padding, padding, and no it's not comparable to Uncharted.
Honestly man, I'm tired, I've typed a lot here, I don't care to address the rest.
I think you're stretching really far here to make some comparison with Uncharted. If you want to say MGSV wastes your time, hey, I agree. No worries.
It's just not the same. MGSV doesn't take me out of the playing part for large portions of the game. And when I am playing MGSV, I'm playing something that always plays well. MGSV could have had some "whoa, whoa, whoa!" platforming sections and fisher price puzzles too. Would have only made the game worse.
I understand some of your grievances with MGSV, I agree with some and I have plenty of my own. They're just not applicable to my grievances with Uncharted is all.
There is a discussion agenda sure :P Again, this came to be as a counter for the claims of the UC games (mostly 4) taking away time from the player just because. And yes, they are very slow at points if you're not into the story. Which is more than fine, different tastes are what make gaming great in the grand scheme of things. However I presented MGS5 as a game, that was praised for it's gameplay yet I feel it's a far worse offender than any UC game ever was in taking away my time. Heck, MGS4 had the hour long cutscenes but each level at least felt and was different enough to keep you entertained (even if they were kind short).
I completely disagree about the resource management though. Unless you go out of your way to get them, you most certainly don't have a surplus of resources just by doing the bare minimum. And sure, you can develop stuff in the background (I mean considering the timers it would be the ultimate dick move to force you to stay in MB while stuff was being done), and you can "play" all the while, but again, outside of the story? The "playing" isn't anything particularly interesting. It's busy work. It's the exact same issue I have with say GTA games. Once you do the story missions everything else just doesn't really justify any sort of open world. Ridding around with the horse and/or clearing outposts with your dog bro is only entertaining up until a certain point. Deus Ex has the right idea. Smaller, much smaller maps than either MGS5 or any GTA (or even most open world games I'm betting) but filled to the brim with content and optional stuff that rewards exploration and different approaches, or in short, it's designed to take advantage of what it actually does unlike what I feel MGS5 does (or doesn't do).
And no, that particular scene (the soldiers) was triggered when I finished a mission and was transported right away for the MB, for whatever reason. The Quiet scene was the one that triggered when I went back to the MB to my own accord.
Anyway, enough derailing I guess. We can continue this on the lounge if need be ;)
You make it sound like a bad thing. Platforming is a big thing Uncharted has been missing for ages! And for an adventure game like that, platforming is a crucial element. As for the rope thing, well blame simple game logic. Would you really want a realistic rope that had to be aimed with? That would suck!!! Libertallia is my least favorite part of the game too. From here on, the game will drag alot.
There are actually a lot of optional shoot outs in that segment of the game.
I'll admit I think only found one of those shootouts. However, the whole segment still doesn't sit right with me. One of the benefits the older games had was their pacing. Sure, only UC2 had amazing pacing but the others weren't the worst in the world. I feel they would have been better off removing the segment and adding more structured fire fights rather than driving a car that controls poorly.
To be honest, replaying UC2 this year, was a rude awakening on that games pacing. There is a good stretch when that game gets going, but the opening is a bore, and there is a stretch in the middle from when you have to reclimb the train off the side of the cliff, to the snow fight, to the village, to that boring ass ice cave where the game comes to a screeching halt. Plus lets not front, that final act with the Mutants can be fairly unsatisfying stuff. And yeah I would argue 1 and 3 has bad pacing, 3 especially, be it the gameplay or its story.
The pacing in 4 is like a mixed bag. I actually think the story itself is well paced, the problem is it would be well paced for a passive medium, for a game, it's the opposite of that. It's mindless interactions that take up too much of the run time, bogs the game down.
I can understand that to an extent. For the pacing in 2, the only part I felt really drag was the village segment and I can see why you'd think the train climbing slows the pace down but I never had a problem with that. The main issue I have with that segment is the disconnect between gameplay and story. Much like in 3 after Drake gets lost in the desert, he's meant to be weak and fragile yet the gameplay doesn't reflect that. Sure when you're not in combat he holds his side and shit but as soon as an enemy appears you're running and jumping like no one's business. That's not necessarily a bad thing since the game would probably drag if you're actually forced to play as if he's actually injured.
Personally I like to imagine that all the monster segments in UC games don't exist, they're fucking terrible.
For UC3 now that I think of it yeah, I was actually fairly frustrated by the pacing. For UC1 I don't remember having issues with the pacing. The problems I had were more just terrible game design.
Yeah, the story is paced fairly well, but like you said, it's not well paced for a video game. When I have to sit down and play for over an hour and have next to no interaction other than lousy puzzles and platforming I start to lose interest.
What you dont know is that TC actually has said he had played U4 (and talking sh*t about it) in another thread loooooong before this one thus admiting he had not played the game before.
One must wonder how many of these U4 haters actually played the damn game...
Well, you asked for it. The definitive xantucritic rankings (higher does not necessarily = "better", it can be a bad thing. It means the highest level of ____ being ranked)
Naughty Dog games ranked by story
Naughty Dog games ranked by best USE of their mechanics (read: the game, as a whole, draws on its mechanical grab bag most SMARTLY. This means there may be weaker mechanics than some of the other titles, but the game plays to its strengths and they are used less or only when they make more sense)
Naughty Dog games ranked by most REFINED mechanics (read: aren't necessarily in the best balance in terms of screen time, pacing, whatever, but the ones that are there are the most polished)
Naughty Dog games ranked by the most numerous/diverse mechanics (kinda tough with UC4 vs TLOU, but I think there are more in UC4)
Naughty Dog games ranked on boom-boom flashy bombast leading to choking on popcorn and budweiser while high fiving
Naughty Dog games ranked on mechanical "difficulty" (not necessarily "difficult" to be good at, for some titles, but encourages smart use of the tools before you)
Naughty Dog games ranked on unintentional difficulty (bullet sponges and whacked out hit detection)
Naughty Dog games ranked by Cows
Naughty Dog games ranked by Lemmings
You mean to tell me Uncharted 4 released ages ago, got a 10, AND LEMS ARE STILL BUTTHURT OVER IT ?!
Damn, man! This is pathetic! Have you nothing else to play ? (Ofcourse not, lol)
No Xb1 game will get a 10 this gen, including scorpio.
Yeah, apart from some decent platforming, and adding some vertical gameplay to the encounters, the climbing became pretty old pretty fast. Which is a shame, because everywhere else the game does a decent job.
I remember arguing with someone named animal mother about Uncharted having too much climbing, and he got mad that I thought that, because to him that's what separated the franchise from Gears of War.
I don't understand how anyone would want to champion all that terrible climbing.
@makemefamous07: Is that style you use a persona you put on when you enter System Wars, or is that just the way you communicate with the world in general?
@daredevils2k: tomb raider is way better than Uncharted. Not even close. Playing through RotTR on ps4 now... Played uncharted during launch week. Two different levels. Tomb raider has lots of gameplay. Some mundane and pointless shit too, but in the context of a pretty open map, it hits way more gameplay high notes than Uncharted .
Uncharted has always been about presentation first (which has always been excellent) and gameplay second (which has always been average)
UC4 is no exception
@daredevils2k: tomb raider is way better than Uncharted.
Not really. Can't speak to Rise of the Tomb Raider, as I only got 4 hours in, but the myth that Tomb Raider 2013 is good, is just that. A mother fucking myth. It has slightly better gunplay, and on paper it has actual puzzles. None of that offsets that the climbing and exploration are dull aspects of the game, the puzzles are tertiary and overly simple, and the over done scripting looks more interesting than it actually is to play.
The tears from Sony fanboys in this thread is glorious!!!! Many people have exposed Uncharted 4 for being a AWFUL game & 25-30 minutes of 11 chapters of PURE Walking/ sliding on ass, pushing boring ass puzzles that move SLOW just like Nathaniel Drake. Stop cying sony fanboys. Same thing happen with MGS4 & MGS5, GTA4 etc etc etc. All which sucked & Uncharted 4 is on that list.
Face it Uncharted 4 is BORING cuz gameplay is piss poor Bad/ Chore/ Work!!! etc etc. One of the worst Triple A games ever is Unchated 4. Thank goodness there alot of people saying it sucked lmao. Sony fanboys MAD lol. How u like your shitty boss fight wit Nadine when Naughty Dog ACTS like u can fight her but u CANT. U do NOT even have to bash the square button. U can just stand there until the cutscene ends with the button prompts LOL.
Watching Nathaniels balls drop as young drake for 2 whole chapters with NO gameplay. U just walk in a Linear Line for 25-30 minutes (Per Chap) lol. . When u r in the rich auction place & all u do is Walk, push a barrel, & look for a wrench LOL. The Chapter where u drive the car in a DEAD world with nothing to see or do besides see the SAME exact tree over & over lol. Mmmm that Wench u use for your car is soooooo fun LOL.
The first 4 chapters had NO gameplay. Mmmm that next gen gameplay of being in a attic LOL. Then when you are in the water doing this LINEAR trash of hooking a crate to a box or watever . Mmm thats epic gameplay. The chapter where u r in the beach with NO gunplay for 25-30 minutes Ahaha. The chapter after that only had ONE section of gunplay at the very end to end the torture Ahahaha. The last 2 chapters had NO gunplay, Short, & only a QTE shit boss Ahahaha. Whew thats alot of shitty walking u do in Uncharted & didnt even name the other half of the chapters which had pure walking. Rise of the TR is the best action adventure game of this generation by far. Sorry Uncharted
@daredevils2k: tomb raider is way better than Uncharted. Not even close. Playing through RotTR on ps4 now... Played uncharted during launch week. Two different levels. Tomb raider has lots of gameplay. Some mundane and pointless shit too, but in the context of a pretty open map, it hits way more gameplay high notes than Uncharted .
Yeah, spot on.
They're two similar games executing themselves completely differently, and I too agree that Tomb Raider largely focusing on gameplay makes it an infinitely better game.
@jg4xchamp: only speaking of rise vs. U4. I have different feelings about each of the uncharted games and tomb raider 2013 was a pretty fun game to me. It didn't do anything exceptionally well though, so I would tend to agree there are legit grievances.
I've spent maybe 15 hours in rise thus far. I really like the more open ended ways to approach combat/stealth and I appreciate the attempt at actually making tomb raiding a draw of the game.
My grievances being the skill progression is really kind of meh... And Ive felt overpowered pretty much from the get go. Still, like games like far cry 3, it's sometimes more fun to orchestrate the takedown than needing to dispatch a difficult enemy, so I can live with not really being intimidated by many encounters. A good poison arrow usually calms a situation down quick.
I'm 50% through after my session today and I did my first back track through the 5 or so locales I've been to gather relics and junk I've missed now that I have more gadgets.
I can't seem to rebuy tomb raider 2013 on psn even though they try every few weeks to give it away for a few sheckles. I played through it and thought it was fun. What didn't you like?
Well if Microsoft actually released good games I'm sure lemmings would be playing them. Instead of talking about God tier Uncharted 4.
Well if Microsoft actually released good games I'm sure lemmings would be playing them. Instead of talking about God tier Uncharted 4.
Amazing to think that your join date is also likely the year you were born.
yep.... that was my main problem with them game outside the boring and lame story.
Way too much climbing... 65% of the game play is just climbing
Man, reading these comments, someone may be under the impression it got 60% on metacritics.
That's lems for you.
People like NyaDC bash Uncharted to no end and praise flops like Quantum Break that actually scored in the 60s on MC. When your preferred console has shit for games you just have to live in denial and bash the other console's games to no end. I'm not saying UC4 is perfect, no game is, but the nitpicking and bashing it gets in System Wars from certain factions reeks of insecurity and immense butthurt.
Tell me about it. I still remember when everyone and their mothers (being lems and hermits) were praising RotTR left and right, Its just funny how for those exact same people Uncharted is too cinematic, uncharted is too boring, uncharted is everything that RotTR isnt when they are pretty much similar to each other (Oh noes, Lara has a bow! That makes it completely different!)
fvckin hypocrites
Uhhh what? They are completely different. Tomb Raider is a game, Uncharted 4 is a mildly interactive movie with some gameplay parts. Tomb Raider is about exploring huge areas that you can revisit with new gadgets to get collectibles with a solid crafting system. Uncharted is a linear roller coaster that you can never backtrack to get collectibles you missed, you have to replay the entire game. Uncharted 4 has mostly a mixture of stealth and cover shooting, the combat in Tomb Raider is much more run and gun with visceral melee attacks and lots of close range bow head shotting. Tomb Raider has platforming you can fail and has a lot of things you can find while platforming, Uncharted 4 has basically QTE level platforming that you can't fail and almost never has anything you can find, and the stuff you can find typically has zero effect on the gameplay.
You have to be trolling. They are two radically different games with completely different design philosophies. Tomb Raider focuses on gameplay over story, Uncharted 4 focuses on story over gameplay. There's nothing as terrible in RoTR as the mansion chapter in Uncharted 4.
Man, reading these comments, someone may be under the impression it got 60% on metacritics.
That's lems for you.
People like NyaDC bash Uncharted to no end and praise flops like Quantum Break that actually scored in the 60s on MC. When your preferred console has shit for games you just have to live in denial and bash the other console's games to no end. I'm not saying UC4 is perfect, no game is, but the nitpicking and bashing it gets in System Wars from certain factions reeks of insecurity and immense butthurt.
Sorry, but this is incorrect. You seem to forget that PC gaming exists and is by far the best way to play games. PC has by far the most exclusives with by far the most variety. It gets nearly every multiplatform game and these games, like Overwatch, Fallout 4, and The Witcher 3, are radically superior on the PC because of hugely improved controls as well as dramatically superior graphics and performance. This isn't about Xbox fanboys vs PS4 fanboys. Uncharted 4 is just a miserably boring experience that only appeals to people that aren't really gamers.
What?!?! The game is all about treasure hunting and climbing is the core gameplay/mechanics of the game. Its like complaining that cod games are nothing but firing guns and racing games are just driving cars.
By this logic nearly all of Pirates of the Caribbean should have been just people climbing, also why exactly are you justifying overtly excessive climbing in a video game as a good thing?
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