[QUOTE="UnknownSniper65"][QUOTE="mr_mozilla"]People have used both "PC is so different" and "PC is MS platform too" arguments, so which is it? Those are pretty much two opposite view points so it sounds to me like lemmings are just desperately clinging onto anything that would give them more exclusives. There is not a single reasonable argument that makes a game on 2 platforms an exclusive, it's like trying to say a triangle is a circle when compared to a square. Anyone backing this "console exclusive" PR talk fails at logic.lolkie_81
If I am looking for a game on consoles I'm not going to care about the PC....So the only thing that will matter to me is what consoles that particular game is on....if its on ONLY one...then there you have it...Console Exclusive.....
I really don't see what is so hard about this whole concept..
People get it, they just refuse to see it on SW. There is no logic here. The funny thing is hermits bash the 360 games that go to pc anyway. They act like they are "dumbed down" If MS saw it as hurting the 360 by putting there best games on the pc they wouldnt do it.
another link for you where it shows how pc sales affects 360 http://news.filefront.com/pc-and-xbox-360-releases-from-microsoft-will-continue-to-be-staggered/
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