No the fact is you're quoting inaccurate numbers to argue. Steam doesn't always registers the GPU correctly or update it once changed. Second GTX 670 blows PS4 out of the water and it's a midrange card and you know the best part, PS4 has yet to release.
Oh and you also comparing consoles with the GPU's when consoles used to ship with similar power in your another argument. Here the PS4 is oudated by even midrange cards before a whole 1.5 years before its going to release.
And, the funny thing is all you consolites are jumping up and down without even knowing the price of your precious PS4.zeeshanhaider
Oh please dude stop steam stats are done every single month,is as accurate as it can be.
The 670GTX blow sh** out of the water dude,with efficiencies the PS4 should be there with a 7870,which the 670gtx hardly blows away,sure it beat it but blows it no chance in hell.
You people should get this,on PC power is use for speed,on consoles power is use for visuals,is what DF article complained about PC has the power it just lack the software.
Is funny how in all thise arguments is always hermits words vs wll know developers,first it was Jonh Carmack now is Metro developer,i take their word over yours any day.
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