[QUOTE="mrmusicman247"]Again, if that's the only complaint you have, I feel sorry for you. Missing out on a good game just because it doesn't have the same combinations from the original. You should stop looking at the past. If you can't, I suggest you go back and play MK2. Mystery_WriterIt seems you wanted to play a new fighting game, and you got that with this installment. My warning wasn't addressing you, nor to new comers to the series. I'm warning MK2 fans out there that this isn't what most reviewers hyped it up to be "true to its roots" come back. So please take your "feeling sorry" and bother someone else with your cynicism.
So basically you wanted a game were every single character has the SAME EXACT MOVE SET, but only differ in their few special moves and can not land more than a 3 hit combo unless you are in the corner?
Because that is exactly what MK2 is. MK1 and MK2 were both pitiful excuses for fighting games. Luckily, I was in middle school when they came out so I was impressionable enough to enjoy them for the blue screen graphics and over the top gore. Outside of that they were about as shallow as your typical flash games. MK3 took it to a new level with the run mechanic and dial-a-combo system and as broken as it was (in every version available) it was still fun and actually had a few layers of depth instead of the first two games.
Now they make by far the best battle system in a MK game to date, take it back to 2d fighting, get rid of all the crap that clogged the later games, bring back the best characters, the old stages, the old type of story, load you down with content, and all you do is **** and moan?
You are not a fan AT ALL, but rather some child that cant appreciate a good thing when its right in his face. They took the best possible direction they could with this game and all you want is a glorified remake of a simplistic game that wouldn't sell for more than 5 bucks in today's market. You would be impossible to please and I am glad that Netherrealm ignores gamers like you.
I do feel sorry for you.
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