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[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]I don't understand how this game got a 8.5 but SF4 got a 9.. When MK has far more content, more options, and far more multiplayer features.. finalfantasy94
I just dont get how it didint get higher then MVC3. It has way more content then that hollow game and it feels much more balanced.
MVC3 just happens to have such perfect gameplay. Honestly the best fighter I have ever played and it is also the most entertaining game to watch others play as well. I make a point of trying to watch the Wednesday Night Fight tourneys every week.
Mortal Kombat is phenominal as well, don't get me wrong, but I still prefer the gameplay of MVC3.
BTW they really need to freaking fix the online already. My two major gripes with this game are the BS AI and the abysmal online. I have never in my life played a game that lagged THIS BAD, not to mention at times it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to play in a KoTH as the connection loves to drop and rooms crash....
whats everyone's fave kharacter ending?.. :D.. my top 3 would be subzero, kitana and kratos.. :3HitomiChanSubby and Johnny Cage are my favorite right now. I have to finish everyone's ending to determine my top 3 though.
[QUOTE="HitomiChan"]whats everyone's fave kharacter ending?.. :D.. my top 3 would be subzero, kitana and kratos.. :3mrmusicman247Subby and Johnny Cage are my favorite right now. I have to finish everyone's ending to determine my top 3 though. what about stryker..
I've yet to flawless victory even on beginner.I finally beat story mode!!!
Is it even possible to get a flawless victory on the last Shao Kahn?
The only reason stopping me from playing the ladder is Shao Khan at the end. I can beat it fine on medium up to that fight and then I have to switch to Lui Kang? (I forget this name. The one who spams the fireballs) or Raidan then use cheap tactics to win. I don't want to go down to beginner because then the rest of the ladder wouldn't be fun.
Even Mimi had to be cheap to beat him.:P i just want to see the endings.. lol. i only finished subby on medium ( since i've been practicing him nonstop ) while i turn down to beginner when im doing others.[QUOTE="HitomiChan"]i actually did a flawless on shaokhan on beginner. :D... i was using cyber subby and spammed the hell out of icebombs and froze him then some fists to the face. mitu123
Finished all the endings! And Finally got Subby's second fatality. I haven't seen it yet. Please no one tell me! So my favorite endings are Sub's, Johnny Cage, and Nightwolf. mrmusicman247
That is not the real James Hyneman in your sig!
[QUOTE="mitu123"]Even Mimi had to be cheap to beat him.:P i just want to see the endings.. lol. i only finished subby on medium ( since i've been practicing him nonstop ) while i turn down to beginner when im doing others. I do medium normally even with Kratos.:P But since it's your 1st game I can see what you mean.[QUOTE="HitomiChan"]i actually did a flawless on shaokhan on beginner. :D... i was using cyber subby and spammed the hell out of icebombs and froze him then some fists to the face. HitomiChan
The only reason stopping me from playing the ladder is Shao Khan at the end. I can beat it fine on medium up to that fight and then I have to switch to Lui Kang? (I forget this name. The one who spams the fireballs) or Raidan then use cheap tactics to win. I don't want to go down to beginner because then the rest of the ladder wouldn't be fun.
with anyone find at least a 2 hit combo or more. THen when you face him jump over him while in the air do the downward punch that should stun him for a sec and will notice the animation then do the combo quick. Rinse and repeat. He will catch you time to time still,but the cheap tatic still works.
Play the game for the first time over the weekend, took two days to beat story mode and got all the way to challange 300. Skip the army of Goro because of the devasting damaged it inflict. Overall the game is amazing aside for the crappy AI, way too easy if you know what to do.
For Quan Chi vs Shao Khan, whenever he launches his spear or hammer, teleport so you come down on his head then uppercut him. That's what I did on medium and beat him 2 rounds in a row. Just a fyi to help beat that cheap ass boss.
So, i've beaten story mode and the challenge tower, bought everything in the Krypt and beat the arcade ladder with all characters. Also fought the four secret fights. I've won all the single player trophies with the exception of the "My Kung Fu Is Strong" and "My Kung Fu Is Stronger" (play for 24 hours with each character... really?).
I need to play online with other people, fast. This PSN outage better not last past this week and lets just hope us Europeans will be able to redeem our online pass codes from within the game, since the Playstation Store will be out until later this month...
[QUOTE="mrmusicman247"]Finished all the endings! And Finally got Subby's second fatality. I haven't seen it yet. Please no one tell me! So my favorite endings are Sub's, Johnny Cage, and Nightwolf. PhazonBlazer
That is not the real James Hyneman in your sig!
Yes, yes. I know :P
I do medium normally even with Kratos.:P But since it's your 1st game I can see what you well i think i can also finish kratos on medium.. :D.. on side note.mitu123
i learned subby's babblity command.. :D.. my fave MK baby is probably mileena baby lol. what about you guys?
[QUOTE="mitu123"] I do medium normally even with Kratos.:P But since it's your 1st game I can see what you mean.
lol. well i think i can also finish kratos on medium.. :D.. on side note.i learned subby's babblity command.. :D.. my fave MK baby is probably mileena baby lol. what about you guys?
I like most babies, but the ones that cracked me up the most were Scorpion, Sub-zero, Johnny Cage, Quan Chi and Noob Saibot. So funny.:Dlol. well i think i can also finish kratos on medium.. :D.. on side note.[QUOTE="mitu123"] I do medium normally even with Kratos.:P But since it's your 1st game I can see what you mean.
i learned subby's babblity command.. :D.. my fave MK baby is probably mileena baby lol. what about you guys?
Johnny Cage's is hilarious. So is Scorpions. I haven't seen all them yet though.[QUOTE="HitomiChan"]i just saw someone turning kintaro into a baby.. :|.. how?.. mrmusicman247I was wondering that too. "On ladder mode, you must play on Medium or Higher 2 Rounds plus 90 secs timer. No blocking on winning rounds and do babalities on everyone, You can not lose a match. Then it will automatically turn Goro & Kintaro into babies once you beat them." the guy said on one of the videos.. :|.. im gonna try it.
sigh i regret getting this game.. yes i payed $9 for it but did that after trading in 2 games, should have went for Portal 2.. my friends kept saying how awesome this game is but i got bored after 2 matches -_-... scored it a 6.5/10 -_-
That's what demo are for, the only thing that I regret is not waiting for a price drop. Amazon has it for 40 right now,sigh i regret getting this game.. yes i payed $9 for it but did that after trading in 2 games, should have went for Portal 2.. my friends kept saying how awesome this game is but i got bored after 2 matches -_-... scored it a 6.5/10 -_-
lol. well i think i can also finish kratos on medium.. :D.. on side note.[QUOTE="mitu123"] I do medium normally even with Kratos.:P But since it's your 1st game I can see what you mean.
i learned subby's babblity command.. :D.. my fave MK baby is probably mileena baby lol. what about you guys?
Scorpion is win!!! I still need to get through more of the Challenge Tower in addition to beating the ladder with all well i think i can also finish kratos on medium.. :D.. on side note.[QUOTE="mitu123"] I do medium normally even with Kratos.:P But since it's your 1st game I can see what you mean.
i learned subby's babblity command.. :D.. my fave MK baby is probably mileena baby lol. what about you guys?
Johnny Cage, Noob Saibot, Sektor, Stryker, and Kano all have absolutely hilarious babalities.
That's what demo are for, the only thing that I regret is not waiting for a price drop. Amazon has it for 40 right now, Sadly the demo is only for PS+ subscribers. That said, I don't regret the game. It's fantastic. Also the US gets all the best deals. The game is $70 up here in Canada.[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]
sigh i regret getting this game.. yes i payed $9 for it but did that after trading in 2 games, should have went for Portal 2.. my friends kept saying how awesome this game is but i got bored after 2 matches -_-... scored it a 6.5/10 -_-
[QUOTE="-DarthMaul-"]That's what demo are for, the only thing that I regret is not waiting for a price drop. Amazon has it for 40 right now, Sadly the demo is only for PS+ subscribers. That said, I don't regret the game. It's fantastic. Also the US gets all the best deals. The game is $70 up here in Canada.[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]
sigh i regret getting this game.. yes i payed $9 for it but did that after trading in 2 games, should have went for Portal 2.. my friends kept saying how awesome this game is but i got bored after 2 matches -_-... scored it a 6.5/10 -_-
It was for PSN+ subscribers for like 2 weeks. It was available to everyone like a week or so before launch.
[QUOTE="Da_lil_PimP"][QUOTE="-DarthMaul-"]That's what demo are for, the only thing that I regret is not waiting for a price drop. Amazon has it for 40 right now,
Sadly the demo is only for PS+ subscribers. That said, I don't regret the game. It's fantastic. Also the US gets all the best deals. The game is $70 up here in Canada.It was for PSN+ subscribers for like 2 weeks. It was available to everyone like a week or so before launch.
Actually it was PS+ exclusive for only a week and it was available for everyone with a PS3 for more than a month before the game's release.Finally beat Challenge Tower. The last fight wasn't as bad as I thought. I tried playing as Sheeva first but kept getting me butt handed to me by Kintaro but eventually beat the 300th challenge with Scorpion without much trouble. The hardest challenge for me was the one with Shang Tsung vs. Baraka, Sindel and Kahn. Was able to get past the first two without much damage but I totally suck with Shang when fighting Kahn. When I finally did beat that particular challenge it was out of luck and nothing else. Kahn went for an x-ray attack and I lucked out and managed to uppercut him for the win. I seriously hope the make Kahn a playable character via download.Krypt_KreeperAh, the infamous challenge 251, it was also the toughest challenge for me. Shang Tsung is slow and to make things worst we can't use soul steal/morph on any of the opponents in that challenge. I managed to beat Baraka and Sindel easily and beat Shao Khan by spamming forward fire skulls after dozens of tries. I also beat challenge 300 with Scorpion. It was easier than i expected.
I was wondering are the stage fatalities and babalities unlocked in the Krypt or by other secret means ?
Also I decided my tag team in MK will be Sub zero and *drum roll* Kabal :D Played with quite a few characters; Kung Lao, Noob, Jade and Kratos but as great as they were I really enjoyed playing with Kabal the most, he has a lot of sweet moves that are easy to perform and combo into.
hey guys.. :D.. so i encountered this weird glitches with intros voices.. :|.. i was fighting scorpion and instead of saying "vengeance shall be mine!" he said sonya's intro something something hardway.. i was like. WTH. :|HitomiChan
Yeah I noticed the game has a lot of audio glitches, especially in the story. Sometimes the voice will cut off or out of sync, or keep repeating like the cutscene before the last fight with Shao Khan.
Yo NetherRealms!? Patch it.
[QUOTE="HitomiChan"]hey guys.. :D.. so i encountered this weird glitches with intros voices.. :|.. i was fighting scorpion and instead of saying "vengeance shall be mine!" he said sonya's intro something something hardway.. i was like. WTH. :|Swift_Boss_A
Yeah I noticed the game has a lot of audio glitches, especially in the story. Sometimes the voice will cut off or out of sync, or keep repeating like the cutscene before the last fight with Shao Khan.
Yo NetherRealms!? Patch it.
yea its weird. its not really game breaking but its pretty annoying like that time where voice clips were repeating. . >.>My tag is Sonya and Sub-Zero. Sonya has DEADLY combos. :PI was wondering are the stage fatalities and babalities unlocked in the Krypt or by other secret means ?
Also I decided my tag team in MK will be Sub zero and *drum roll* Kabal :D Played with quite a few characters; Kung Lao, Noob, Jade and Kratos but as great as they were I really enjoyed playing with Kabal the most, he has a lot of sweet moves that are easy to perform and combo into.
My tag is Sonya and Sub-Zero. Sonya has DEADLY combos. :Pmrmusicman247
I have yet to play with many characters on ladder mode but from the story I was having problems getting to grips with quite a few characters, if I can't perform a string of moves to create an 8- hit combo then that character is not worth playing, lol. But I want to see the endings of everyone, so far my favourite is still Sub zero's ladder ending.
[QUOTE="mrmusicman247"] My tag is Sonya and Sub-Zero. Sonya has DEADLY combos. :PSwift_Boss_A
I have yet to play with many characters on ladder mode but from the story I was having problems getting to grips with quite a few characters, if I can't perform a string of moves to create an 8- hit combo then that character is not worth playing, lol. But I want to see the endings of everyone, so far my favourite is still Sub zero's ladder ending.
Sonya definitely can get you that 8 hit combo. And Subby's ending is one the best.I was wondering are the stage fatalities and babalities unlocked in the Krypt or by other secret means ?
Stage Fatalities and Babalities are not in the Krypt. The only way to unlock them is by performing them, they will show up in the move list afterwards.
Here's a list to help you out. ;)
I was wondering are the stage fatalities and babalities unlocked in the Krypt or by other secret means ?
Stage Fatalities and Babalities are not in the Krypt. The only way to unlock them is by performing them, they will show up in the move list afterwards.
Here's a list to help you out. ;)
:o I need this! Thanks :D
So that's how you unlock it for the move list, thanks.Stage Fatalities and Babalities are not in the Krypt. The only way to unlock them is by performing them, they will show up in the move list afterwards.
Here's a list to help you out. ;)lusitanogamer
[QUOTE="mrmusicman247"] My tag is Sonya and Sub-Zero. Sonya has DEADLY combos. :PSwift_Boss_A
I have yet to play with many characters on ladder mode but from the story I was having problems getting to grips with quite a few characters, if I can't perform a string of moves to create an 8- hit combo then that character is not worth playing, lol. But I want to see the endings of everyone, so far my favourite is still Sub zero's ladder ending.
It's one thing to perform 8-hit+ combos against the AI and another against a human player. You shouldn't rule out characters with smaller combos, they're usually more effective against another player.:o I need this! Thanks :D
You're both welcome.:)So that's how you unlock it for the move list, thanks.
[QUOTE="mrmusicman247"]:o I need this! Thanks :D
You're both welcome.:)So that's how you unlock it for the move list, thanks.
I feel wrong using the list :( but how else am I supposed to get them!? :P
Loving this game so far. I am a bit more than halfway done the story mode and a tad up the challenge tower. I love in story that they throw new characters at you. Sub Zero is one of my least favorites, and Kitana is amazing! I didn't think i would like her, but turns out I do :P.
hey guys.. :D.. so i encountered this weird glitches with intros voices.. :|.. i was fighting scorpion and instead of saying "vengeance shall be mine!" he said sonya's intro something something hardway.. i was like. WTH. :|HitomiChanI also found a few audio glitches. When playing as Scorpion, he said 'V-v-vengeance shall be mine" like he had a stutter. Mine has also froze on me for a few seconds then unfroze.
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