pretty much just hurts us gamers who purchase the games when they add DRMSo the people who buy the games should suffer because of the pirates? Things like DRM don't even stop piracy in the slightest so why even put it on there? I don't see what the point of pointing out piracy so much is... they still probably made a profit off that port anyway.
If you're so worried about how many sales the publisher/developer misses out on then you should be all for serial keys on console games to stop used game sales.
"When Reflexive games performed a series of experiments with anti-piracy measures, they found that they only made one extra sale for every 1000 pirated copies they blocked [7]. This implies that their 90% piracy statistic caused them to lose less than 1% of their sales."
from the article I posted..the one that everyone seems to ignore :D
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