I wonder if they turned down the texture quality and the AA until there was no screen tearing occuring, if it would be worse looking than the 360 version?
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Can anyone tell me how hard the game can be on higher difficulties??? it seems all the reviews and the comment are restricted to warrior mode.
So far the game dosent seem that hard.. i beat 4 chapters already but on the easy mode which is not warrior mode.. its a great game and not hard
The first couple chapters are easy, well, from NG2 on 360. They get much harder towards the end.NG2's difficulty is like a 100 proof Liquor mixed very well into a soft drink. you don't feel the alcohol..so you say to yourself "this is nothing"..and start pounding 3 or 4 more...next thing you know you''re on the ground twitching and covered in your' own vomit.
Weren't cows hyping this AAA?
quite a few did actually...
alot of cows stated the tweaked graphics and new content was gonna make NGS2 a AAA game and the ultimate Ninja gaiden experience (one or two people even stated it would be AAAA).Yet sure enough,the game only got a whopping point higher than the original,now we're gonna downplay it with some "buh buh but it's a port from a year old game,you can't expect them to re-review and praise a game they already played" apologist BS. :roll:
Cows overhyping their games, I'm not shocked.:P And hyping a updated year old game AAA?:lol:[QUOTE="Kandlegoat"]
Weren't cows hyping this AAA?
quite a few did actually...
alot of cows stated the tweaked graphics and new content was gonna make NGS2 a AAA game and the ultimate Ninja gaiden experience (one or two people even stated it would be AAAA).Yet sure enough,the game only got a whopping point higher than the original,now we're gonna downplay it with some "buh buh but it's a port from a year old game,you can't expect them to re-review and praise a game they already played" apologist BS. :roll:
Cows overhyping their games, I'm not shocked.:P And hyping a updated year old game AAA?:lol:Yup...it's dumb,they'll do the same with Star Ocean,and TOV.
this is saying alot coming from me too,considering I only own a Ps3 at the moment,and actually prefer it over the 360.
Weren't cows hyping this AAA?
quite a few did actually...
alot of cows stated the tweaked graphics and new content was gonna make NGS2 a AAA game and the ultimate Ninja gaiden experience (one or two people even stated it would be AAAA).Yet sure enough,the game only got a whopping point higher than the original,now we're gonna downplay it with some "buh buh but it's a port from a year old game,you can't expect them to re-review and praise a game they already played" apologist BS. :roll:
Cows overhyping their games, I'm not shocked.:P And hyping a updated year old game AAA?:lol:So I guess that makes NG2 a twice flopped game. :P
If you were one who didn't own the 360 version, it's still worth it. Not everyone played NG 2, and this likely will go to any PS3 only owners or someone like me who has both systems but never made the jump on the game. (Mostly because of money :P ).5 worth $40 more? You decide!
Good score, though.
Cows overhyping their games, I'm not shocked.:P And hyping a updated year old game AAA?:lol:[QUOTE="mitu123"]
quite a few did actually...
alot of cows stated the tweaked graphics and new content was gonna make NGS2 a AAA game and the ultimate Ninja gaiden experience (one or two people even stated it would be AAAA).Yet sure enough,the game only got a whopping point higher than the original,now we're gonna downplay it with some "buh buh but it's a port from a year old game,you can't expect them to re-review and praise a game they already played" apologist BS. :roll:
So I guess that makes NG2 a twice flopped game. :P
Yup,so I say it's Even and Fair,both sides have a game that is pretty much the same.
It's a tie....everybody wins!
basically to sum things up...both versions are great,both versions have similiar flaws,and both versions can't touch the awesomeness of NGB and NGS.
meh god of war ftw! is ng2s $60? if it is i rather buy the god of war collection, u get 2 updated old games and 1 new demo, ng2s u just get 1 updated old game
I already own the first 2 GOW games,so i'm not gonna cough up $40-50 dollars just for a demo,but I do agree, it's the better deal over NGS2.
Weren't cows hyping this AAA?
quite a few did actually...
alot of cows stated the tweaked graphics and new content was gonna make NGS2 a AAA game and the ultimate Ninja gaiden experience (one or two people even stated it would be AAAA).Yet sure enough,the game only got a whopping point higher than the original,now we're gonna downplay it with some "buh buh but it's a port from a year old game,you can't expect them to re-review and praise a game they already played" apologist BS. :roll:
I don't recall any LARGE group of people hyping this game AAA?! There might have been one or two extreme fanboys but if we go buy that logic then every game is a flop. Overall most Sony fanboys felt this version would be considered the definitive version of NG2. Most probably hoped it would score higher but of course we all know how the same game with more improvements can get a different score because it came later then the other console's version, ex. Oblivion. We all know first impression plays alot in a game's score and for NGS2 to score 8.5 a year after its original release is pretty impressive. I really think people need to stop generalizing a whole group by a small vocal few when it's convenient.[QUOTE="_SWAG_"]
meh god of war ftw! is ng2s $60? if it is i rather buy the god of war collection, u get 2 updated old games and 1 new demo, ng2s u just get 1 updated old game
I already own the first 2 GOW games,so i'm not gonna cough up $40-50 dollars just for a demo,but I do agree, it's the better deal over NGS2.
How is it a better deal? I have never played NG2?NGS2. Sure I don't have a 360 so I can't play NG2 but I have both god of war games so they aren't new to me while NGS2 is new and has plenty of content that makes it worth the $60. The only ppl it isn't worth it for is those with multiple systems, but as a ps3 gamer who liked NGS1 and loved the demo of NGS2 then NGS2 is well worth the money.love this "baww only .5 better" crap, people cry superiority with even 0.1 higher, even when Oblivion on PS3 got like 9.5, 0.1 less then 360, BECAUSE of the new score scale, people still claimed ownage..110million
Whelp,I wasnt around for when those games released,but no matter,I would have the same stance..besides I own PS3,as well as the Ps3 versions of Fallout 3 and Oblivion that I re-bought after selling the 360 versions (RROD) and I really don't see a difference between the the 360/PS3 versions of those games either.
meh god of war ftw! is ng2s $60? if it is i rather buy the god of war collection, u get 2 updated old games and 1 new demo, ng2s u just get 1 updated old game
I already own the first 2 GOW games,so i'm not gonna cough up $40-50 dollars just for a demo,but I do agree, it's the better deal over NGS2.
How is it a better deal? I have never played NG2?NGS2. Sure I don't have a 360 so I can't play NG2 but I have both god of war games so they aren't new to me while NGS2 is new and has plenty of content that makes it worth the $60. The only ppl it isn't worth it for is those with multiple systems, but as a ps3 gamer who liked NGS1 and loved the demo of NGS2 then NGS2 is well worth the money.I was more speaking for myself,in which I appologize for not adding a "IMO".You have a point with people that never played NG2,but If one has never played either a GOW game or NG2,and had to choose,I'd say get the GOW collection,because it's two for the price of 1.
Which is the overpowered weapon? I felt all of them are pretty balanced
The new sword, Fang something-or-other, is just too overpowered to fit in with Ninja Gaiden 2's balanced gameplay. It makes the were-wolfs laughably easy (charge sword up while they are running at you, unleash attack, kill the entire group 9 out of 10 times).
Also, for those of you who are trying to decide which version to get, the 360 plays better and is much cheaper. Also, for those of you say the camera sucked in any of the Ninja Gaiden games, my advice is to learn to use the camera reset button. Of course a game this fast might have issues with tracking multiple enemies on screen at once. This game doesn't have a slower methodical pace like Devil May Cry or God of War. This is the fastest action game around, and camera maintenance is part of the game. Camera reset button fixes 99% of the problems, and the other 1% are fixed by hitting light attack and jump together (which makes you jump towards the nearest enemy) then hitting strong attack which is the flying swallow move. Then hit camera reset.
I hope the cows don't give up on NGS2 just because they can't use the score for ownage :?. Why does 8.5 not mean good anymore.
Just because it can't be rubbed in peoples faces?
Weren't cows hyping this AAA?
quite a few did actually...
alot of cows stated the tweaked graphics and new content was gonna make NGS2 a AAA game and the ultimate Ninja gaiden experience (one or two people even stated it would be AAAA).Yet sure enough,the game only got a whopping point higher than the original,now we're gonna downplay it with some "buh buh but it's a port from a year old game,you can't expect them to re-review and praise a game they already played" apologist BS. :roll:
I don't recall any LARGE group of people hyping this game AAA?! There might have been one or two extreme fanboys but if we go buy that logic then every game is a flop. Overall most Sony fanboys felt this version would be considered the definitive version of NG2. Most probably hoped it would score higher but of course we all know how the same game with more improvements can get a different score because it came later then the other console's version, ex. Oblivion. We all know first impression plays alot in a game's score and for NGS2 to score 8.5 a year after its original release is pretty impressive. I really think people need to stop generalizing a whole group by a small vocal few when it's convenient.sorry didnt notice your' reply to me..
I didnt say everyone..The practical people knew NGS2 wouldn't be too big of an improvement over NG2.Perhaps I blew things out of proportion,but the few people THAT did overhype Sigma 2 made it out to be like it was gonna make the original 360 version look like "8-bit NES NG2" or some ****.Yet, the game releases and theres only a slight difference between the two...this was actually my point from the beginning..perhaps I should've made that clearer...I'm sorry.
from what i've seen and read,and even played of the demo,Both games seem equal,with the same amount of pros and cons. So it's all subjective really,some can say the more polished graphics,and new content makes NGS2 superior,and some can say "the b-movie style blood spray",and harder difficulty makes the original superior.
It is the best version even if by .5 which is pretty stupid to see it simply as that. I mean PC versions of games are without a doubt superior in most cases yet they hardly ever score score higher.
I wasn't even exited by the sixaxis feature but I find it pretty asinine to put this feature as something "bad". How come you Kevin-V didn't downplay all the gimmicks and features in MGS4 or other games? That's pretty ridiculous. GS reviews hit an all time new low.
Well, I was speaking specifically for those of us who own both systems.Seems like a bad double dip, especially at $60.
It is still the better version regardless of the score.
:lol: It didnt reach AAA. Well, theres always Uncharted :wink:Nidget+ Demon Souls, R&C:ACIT and the GoW Collection. *sigh* how lems think of the ps3, its pretty sad :cry: especially this year
A year and a half of dev time to work on it..I would hope it's better..and they barely got away with it. They got rid of two staples of the NG universe in the process though, removing the gore and the brutality by adding co-op.. "BU I NEED HELP I SUX" :roll: I can only imagine how bad the camera is for co-op.Pa3 version>>>>360 version
Its a fact, get over it lemmings! "WAAH ONLY 0.5 BETTA :cry:"
+ Demon Souls, R&C:ACIT and the GoW Collection. *sigh* how lems think of the ps3, its pretty sad :cry: especially this year Oh now you're including ps2 remakes in your "must have" lists? Nice to know when PD64 gets AAA this winter.[QUOTE="Nidget"]:lol: It didnt reach AAA. Well, theres always Uncharted :wink:Generalmojo
[QUOTE="Disturbed123"]A year and a half of dev time to work on it..I would hope it's better..and they barely got away with it. They got rid of two staples of the NG universe in the process though, removing the gore and the brutality by adding co-op.. "BU I NEED HELP I SUX" :roll: I can only imagine how bad the camera is for co-op. so Killzone2 gets bashed for no co-op? now NGS2 get bashed FOR co-op? lems at their finest :lol: :DPa3 version>>>>360 version
Its a fact, get over it lemmings! "WAAH ONLY 0.5 BETTA :cry:"
[QUOTE="Generalmojo"]+ Demon Souls, R&C:ACIT and the GoW Collection. *sigh* how lems think of the ps3, its pretty sad :cry: especially this year Oh now you're including ps2 remakes in your "must have" lists? Nice to know when PD64 gets AAA this winter. id rather get remastered classics from ps2 then $60 expansions, yh i can play like that too honey :P[QUOTE="Nidget"]:lol: It didnt reach AAA. Well, theres always Uncharted :wink:DeadMagazines
A year and a half of dev time to work on it..I would hope it's better..and they barely got away with it. They got rid of two staples of the NG universe in the process though, removing the gore and the brutality by adding co-op.. "BU I NEED HELP I SUX" :roll: I can only imagine how bad the camera is for co-op. so Killzone2 gets bashed for no co-op? now NGS2 get bashed FOR co-op? lems at their finest :lol: :D Shooters are built for co-op. Ninja Gaiden is not. Is it hard to comprehend, really? If I could think of one game that co-op is not needed or even desired for, its a game like NG.[QUOTE="DeadMagazines"][QUOTE="Disturbed123"]
Pa3 version>>>>360 version
Its a fact, get over it lemmings! "WAAH ONLY 0.5 BETTA :cry:"
Oh now you're including ps2 remakes in your "must have" lists? Nice to know when PD64 gets AAA this winter. id rather get remastered classics from ps2 then $60 expansions, yh i can play like that too honey :P How much you think those remakes are gonna cost? I guess you'd rather buy the same game twice than buy a new "expansion" with near unlimited replayability. Nice to know again.[QUOTE="DeadMagazines"][QUOTE="Generalmojo"] + Demon Souls, R&C:ACIT and the GoW Collection. *sigh* how lems think of the ps3, its pretty sad :cry: especially this year
[QUOTE="Generalmojo"]id rather get remastered classics from ps2 then $60 expansions, yh i can play like that too honey :P How much you think those remakes are gonna cost? I guess you'd rather buy the same game twice than buy a new "expansion" with near unlimited replayability. Nice to know again. God of War 1 + God of War 2 in fully remastered HD + Beta code to God of War 3 demo, the ultimate games from the ps2 era, you gota be joking mate.[QUOTE="DeadMagazines"] Oh now you're including ps2 remakes in your "must have" lists? Nice to know when PD64 gets AAA this winter. DeadMagazines
[QUOTE="Generalmojo"]so Killzone2 gets bashed for no co-op? now NGS2 get bashed FOR co-op? lems at their finest :lol: :D Shooters are built for co-op. Ninja Gaiden is not. Is it hard to comprehend, really? If I could think of one game that co-op is not needed or even desired for, its a game like NG. you do know that you are not forced to play the co-op. if you dont like it, dont play it.[QUOTE="DeadMagazines"] A year and a half of dev time to work on it..I would hope it's better..and they barely got away with it. They got rid of two staples of the NG universe in the process though, removing the gore and the brutality by adding co-op.. "BU I NEED HELP I SUX" :roll: I can only imagine how bad the camera is for co-op. DeadMagazines
Hmm. I always thought "360 beta testers" arguement was a bit weak, but with better versions of former Xbox exclusives appearing on PS3, I guess not.
yeah but the 360 version, also has inferior graphics, less content, no online, bugs/glitches/frame rate/slow down, cheap difficulty, off screen projectile spam and many more.As someone who is a Ninja Gaiden fanatic, I'd have to disagree with the review. I haven't beaten the game yet, but what I have played feels like a step down from the 360 version. It has a good amount of new content, but they made too many changes to the underlying gameplay (many of which are for the worse, such as the overpowered new weapon, unlimited secondary ammo, and the new way that weapon upgrades are handled) and some of the new content is pretty bad (Momiji's level sucked hard, and she isn't that much fun to play as) for me to consider this a better version than the 360 version.
Since you can easily get the 360 version for $20 these days, get that one instead. It has better gameplay, a better camera, and actual difficulty.
[QUOTE="Vlaphor"]yeah but the 360 version, also has inferior graphics, less content, no online, bugs/glitches/frame rate/slow down, cheap difficulty, off screen projectile spam and many more. Bottom line: he should have waited. "Only on Xbox" is as valid as Obama's promise to bringing troops back from Iraq.As someone who is a Ninja Gaiden fanatic, I'd have to disagree with the review. I haven't beaten the game yet, but what I have played feels like a step down from the 360 version. It has a good amount of new content, but they made too many changes to the underlying gameplay (many of which are for the worse, such as the overpowered new weapon, unlimited secondary ammo, and the new way that weapon upgrades are handled) and some of the new content is pretty bad (Momiji's level sucked hard, and she isn't that much fun to play as) for me to consider this a better version than the 360 version.
Since you can easily get the 360 version for $20 these days, get that one instead. It has better gameplay, a better camera, and actual difficulty.
The first couple chapters are easy, well, from NG2 on 360. They get much harder towards the end.[QUOTE="h575309"][QUOTE="finalstar2007"]
So far the game dosent seem that hard.. i beat 4 chapters already but on the easy mode which is not warrior mode.. its a great game and not hard
NG2's difficulty is like a 100 proof Liquor mixed very well into a soft drink. you don't feel the alcohol..so you say to yourself "this is nothing"..and start pounding 3 or 4 more...next thing you know you''re on the ground twitching and covered in your' own vomit.
**makes mental note of that** :lol:Please Log In to post.
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