That doesn't surprise me as I've never even heard about these games. It's very difficult for anybody to want to spend money on an indie game that probably has no demo. Especially when it looks like that and costs $12.
They could Youtube it.
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That doesn't surprise me as I've never even heard about these games. It's very difficult for anybody to want to spend money on an indie game that probably has no demo. Especially when it looks like that and costs $12.
They could Youtube it.
Why doesn't he back up how he got that figure of 4%, of what exactly? Did he go to random fishy download websites to check the amount of downloads on his game?
Also 12 bucks for a game looking like that will make anyone suspicious of buying it. I know it might have taken a lot of work but it doesn't look like 12 bucks. For that money you can get some amazing games these days.
Sounds like this gem of a fact was pulled out of their asses. I don't believe it. Also top that off that the game just doesn't look that worthy of a title would be a major factor concerning their sales.
Now that they state facts bullshit like this I'm even less likely to play it.
PC digital games must be cheaper because the developer doesn´t pay publishing fees, nor manufacturing cost, nor for patching.
Bullsh** now games are digital distributed on PC i have been a PC gamer since floppy days,PC games are always cheaper because Piracy has been rampant period,i payed $20 dollars for UT 2004 when it was a month old,and the game came on 5 or 6 CD's not only the developers had to spend more on multiple CD's but also on a much bigger case.
Yet my PS2 games were $50.
In fact digital download on xbox and PS cost the same as retailers,many times just 1 or 2 dollar cheaper,it has been cause for many complains why don't console digital game cost less.? Because even that there is piracy is not even close to as big as it is on PC.
Games like Modern Warfare 2 in 1 month was download 4 million times on PC,the xbox 360 version 900,000 and the PS3 nothing.
Bullsh** now games are digital distributed on PC i have been a PC gamer since floppy days,PC games are always cheaper because Piracy has been rampant period,i payed $20 dollars for UT 2004 when it was a month old,and the game came on 5 or 6 CD's not only the developers had to spend more on multiple CD's but also on a much bigger case.
Bullshit ?! It´s fucking facts. Lol. Why you want to pay for digital game as much as for physical copies. Are you dumb or something ?
Yet my PS2 games were $50.
Hooray for you
Games like Modern Warfare 2 in 1 month was download 4 million times on PC,the xbox 360 version 900,000 and the PS3 nothing.
That´s because there are some 600M PCs in the world vs 140M of consoles (PS3 and xbox 360 combined). Duh.
In the end, what are trying to prove ? That games should be more expensive ?
That doesn't surprise me as I've never even heard about these games. It's very difficult for anybody to want to spend money on an indie game that probably has no demo. Especially when it looks like that and costs $12.
Games on the PC sell fine overall. You get the occasional indie dev who blames their mediocre sales on piracy or publishers who think piracy ruins sales (it really doesn't).
True... also, I'm curious about the actual number of people who played the game.
I mean, when you say, only 4% bought it, while 96% pirated it, that sounds pretty dramatic... but what if only a few thousand people played the game, or showed any interest in it?
Lol at Tormentos. You do pirating all the time. When you make photocopies of a book, you are pirating the book. When you buy cheep chinese cloths immitations, you are pirating to the legit cloths brands. Anti-piracy laws are made by corporations.
I don't copy books. I don't buy chinese knock off cloth either,you have a pretty interesting life dude,watch you one day you may get a knock on your door..hahaha
Yolo. I made photocopies of college books. I like to live to the limit.
Then why is this industry going the way of licenses and what not then you dolt. I'm well aware of my rights to sell what I own and stop comparing me to a thief, I've never stolen anything in my life.
Because they want more profits like any company do is call greed,if it was for them movie studios would limit the viewing of movies to just you and no one else and ever body had to buy a separate copy.
Funny you should mention that, movie studio's ARE thinking of doing that.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
To be fair, at least something was bought to begin with. Doesn't make it any better though.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
For each individual copy yes, overall no. Each copy bought won't be resold 24 times.
Bad troll attempt. It is beyond obvious that you are trying WAY too hard. The "GTA5 will never come to PC" is where you over did it and in turn ruined your troll attempt. Better luck next time kid, better luck next time.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
For each individual copy yes, overall no. Each copy bought won't be resold 24 times.
Proof of that?
Common sense. Do you think for example GTA V (selling over 20million copies) will be resold 24 times and thus bought by 500 million people (new+used)?
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
For each individual copy yes, overall no. Each copy bought won't be resold 24 times.
Proof of that?
Common sense. Do you think for example GTA V (selling over 20million copies) will be resold 24 times and thus bought by 500 million people (new+used)?
So, no proof then.
It's easier to pirate on PC, which is why I think they have separated the release date of GTA V with the console version. So get everyone to buy the console version on launch, then further down the track, once you've got the majority to buy the game, release a PC version to get the final sales. If GTA V released on PC the same day as the console versions, I'd bet there would be less versions sold of the game compared to the separate release date way.
So yeah, I'm sure the PC will eventually get GTA 5, and they'll get 6 as well.
No matter how they play it, they still only get one purchase from me. I always just wait for the PC version and skip the console version. Although my girl and our daughters was talking about the game yesterday and I may end up with a PS3 copy in my house.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
For each individual copy yes, overall no. Each copy bought won't be resold 24 times.
Proof of that?
Common sense. Do you think for example GTA V (selling over 20million copies) will be resold 24 times and thus bought by 500 million people (new+used)?
So, no proof then.
No I don't have proof that GTA V won't be bought by 500 million. If you believe that I don't think I or anyone else will be able to help you.
TC still trying to justify his argument with a game like that how about looking at Stanley Parable which sold 100,000 copies in its first week and that was 12 dollars oh the piracy.
That game looks pimp. I added it to my wish list. I'll wait for X-mas sale to maybe pick it up.
As for the pirate morons. Get a job.
Haven't the last few major console releases been pirated even before they were available in stores?
And i believe before that there were leaks of Diablo 3, Gears of War Judgement, and a number of other games
Pretty much any major to mid-range release, I would think.
Didn't there used to be a level limit to make threads on Gamespot ?
System Wars used to have some fun debates. Now it's the same 5 "personalities" posting any news they can and playing the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, game. Also, PRE-ORDER CANCELLED should be a bannable phrase.
Developer of Crazy Viking
Taron here, the other half of Crazy Viking Studios.
A 90%+ piracy rate estimate is expected and normal for any game that has a DRM-free version available, which we do, and since tracking the number is haphazard at best (I'm not sure why Kris even tried), the margin of error for estimates is really high, so we are well within the norm for estimated piracy rates. I'm not sure why its suddenly newsworthy. I don't think Kris expected this much reaction when he made that tweet (and I personally wish he hadn't said anything).
There's no way to say if piracy actually negatively affects sales, in fact there's every possibility that it increases sales. Anyone claiming to have converted piracy rate into actual lost sales is lying to you. Just because tons of people download a game, doesn't mean they were going to buy it anyway, and there's no way to definitively say if they would have or not. Chances are they wouldn't have bought it anyway, or are just using the pirated version as a "demo", so I personally doubt it has any significant impact on sales.
That's why we aren't actually stressed or even particularly surprised by the estimate. It will have no affect on how we do things in the future. It was just an observation (that in hindsight Kris should have kept to himself), an interesting statistic to look at but it doesn't really MEAN anything, and we don't and won't support the practice of using intrusive DRM to combat piracy, as it does much more harm than good.
I just want to make cool games. Piracy is going to happen and any attempt to stop it is just going to upset legitimate customers, so its not worth spending time on. I'm not even sure why Kris started tracking it or tweeted about it, he certainly never told me he was doing that.
Didn't there used to be a level limit to make threads on Gamespot ?
System Wars used to have some fun debates. Now it's the same 5 "personalities" posting any news they can and playing the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, game. Also, PRE-ORDER CANCELLED should be a bannable phrase.
Consoles in 2005 had something to debate about regarding each other and PC.
Now the X1 is just a fail, the PS4 is the console to get, and real gaming happens on PC.
There is nothing left to debate! PC > PS4 > all else Only idiots disagree.
Didn't there used to be a level limit to make threads on Gamespot ?
System Wars used to have some fun debates. Now it's the same 5 "personalities" posting any news they can and playing the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, game. Also, PRE-ORDER CANCELLED should be a bannable phrase.
They were good times.
This is to all the PC pirates.
+1. Lol. You made my day.
This song actually makes piracy look cool.
GTA V is coming to PC.
Volgarr is selling fine.
@Louownz It doesn't suck actually. What would suck is if we didn't sell enough to keep going. Yet we did and we are! Its just interesting.
— Crazy Viking Studios (@VOLGARR) October 23, 2013
1. Video game development is super-competative, because it's a "fun" job so every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks they have what it takes, most devs fail before they get even 1 game out.
2. Devs are usually more "artist" than "businessman" which means they gonna either be homeless or hook up with publishers to market their products for them.
3. Publishers are sharks, lawyers and other greedy scum, because that's the only way to survive in the game dev business. You could be the best developer in the world, but unless saavy business people market your product, you aint gonna make money.
4. Both devs and publishers who lose in "the biz" like to cry and complain because they are going broke. They then cast blame on their failures by ;
a. Blame piracy for bad sales
b. Blame used games for bad sales
c. Blame people who rent games
d. Blame people who play games at someone else's house
e. Blame people who borrow games
f. In short, blame everybody in the world who didn't give them money, whether the game was actually good or not, whether it had a demo or not, they expect users to plunk down money day one just based on box art and youtube trailers. Naturally most consumers are not stupid and will find ways to try a game before they spend money on it. It's kind of the reason we have rating systems where 9 is good, 8 is mediocre, and any game that scores lower is crap. Time is a valuable commodity and most people don't want to waste time playing mediocre games.
5. The simple fact is that only a small portion of devs out there will get to make a living doing this. Saying "the devs deserve to profit from their work" is like saying "Every restaurant deserves to stay alive." No, the simple fact is %90 of restaurants close down in the first 6 months, and most devs are going to leave the business penniless with their tail between their legs. The blaming of the consumer for this is merely scapegoat. If 1 million people torrented your game, and even 1/4 of them enjoyed it enough to buy it, that's 250k sales, at $10 each that's $2.5 million, enough for a small developer to stay in business for a few years.
6. Draconian anti-consumer measures will not help small devs survive, it will simply funnel more money to the devs that are already rich. Case in point, Steam, when gamers gave up their consumer rights to own and resell an actual product and accepted "always on DRM" did it help small developers like the one above? No, it only helped Gabe Newell become a billionare.
7. Devs that whine about piracy, whine about used games, whine about borrowing games, etc show that they simply don't "get it." They don't understand the habits of their own customers or "gamer culture." They're the same clowns who would like to put sensors on a TV to charge "per person" for a rented movie, or make it so a DVD plays exactly once and deletes itself, they're the same assholes who prevent you from getting an mp3 off your iPod. Corporations abuse people, people strike back at corporations, and the cycle continues.
Devs are devs 8 hours a day.
Gamers are gamers 24x7
This is our world, you're just a guest.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
Yes buying a second hand car is as bad as going into a toyota dealer and stealing a new corolla...
My god....
That's a very very horrible analogy.
Better stop drinking so hard El Tomato, you're going to lose those last few braincells.
If we have to count now you may only have 1,because justifying piracy with second hand game market is completely idiot and down right absurd,to say the least.
I legally bough a game i contributed to 1 developer team,i sell my copy of the game to some one who can afford it new,how is that the same to down right not giving any profits at all to a developer and just steal the game.?
So selling my house is illegal.? I am hurting the new house market,selling used cars hurt the industry it hurts the new car market,buying used bicycles,used DVD/s music CD..
You can argue that all hurt new industry,but as a consumer we all have the right to sell what we legally buy,hell ebay and many other sites tribe on sales like that.
Fact is i will not get arrested by the Federals for selling my copy GTA5,but if they catch me downloading it or with a copy version i may get 5 years in a federal prison and a healthy fine.
I'll say it again. Console users buy used games which is worse than piracy.
I'll say it again. Stealing a dam car is not the same a buying a second hand one you blind biased lermit..
if we are going by dumb analogies then creating a second car and both having cars would be the right analogy, in either case the "creator of the car" gets no money, they are both as bad so stop using dumb analogies.
The analogy is not dumb at all,since you can't copy cars,but stealing them is a felony much like piracy.
I'll say it again. Console users buy used games which is worse than piracy.
I'll say it again. Stealing a dam car is not the same a buying a second hand one you blind biased lermit..
The only difference is the original sale. But ALL other purchases after that point aren't beneffiting the devs, only gamestop.
It's not as bad as outright piracy, but it's not far behind.
I'm all for giving pirates the electric chair, IMHO.
Irrelevant i contributed from a first purchase,i give them money,toyota doesn't money from second hand cars either,no maker of products do,in fact not even the online passes could be justify,because at the end of the day still only 1 copy accessing the game no matter in which had the game would be.
Lol at Tormentos. You do pirating all the time. When you make photocopies of a book, you are pirating the book. When you buy cheep chinese cloths immitations, you are pirating to the legit cloths brands. Anti-piracy laws are made by corporations.
but you CAN copy a game, which is why the analogy is dumb. Also your justification is wrong, if you buy second hand devs dont get a penny, simple as that, if you sell your house that YOU BUILD, or that you payed to someone WHO BUILT IT the one who created it is getting his money, unlike when you sell a second hand copy which the creator is not getting anything, whats up with dumb analogies, cant consolites use analogies properly?
Apparently in your own analogy you have flaws, but, oh dear, the consolites gone goofed again. Seems you misread what he was even saying. Tormentos goes and buys X game, devs got their cash; later, Tormentos sells X game to Joe Schmo. Transfer of ownership. What Tormentos was saying with his house analogy (regardless of the ability to copy, but we'll get to that later) was Tormentos goes and buys X house, previous house owner or builder got their cash; later, Tormentos sells X house to Joe Schmo. Again, transfer of ownership. I mean really, was that hard? In neither of these scenarios is money entitled to the developers or previous home owners. However, media that can be copied (books, games, movies, music, etc.) are quite different, but the same principle still applies.
With used games or movies or music or books or whatever, the first sale gave money to X creator. If that product is sold again to someone else, the deal is done; the creator has no claim to any transferred funds. However, with used products, there is an inherent rate regarding transfer of ownership. A product may be only sold once (the first sale) or may be sold/resold a couple of times (2, 3, maybe even 4). With piracy, however, the possibility is infinite. You stick a copy of the product on the net, and it is available to anyone, free of charge. Everyone detests the business of used games, yet no one ever seems to think about the actual idea of used games. Some games just don't make it to PSN/Virtual console/XBL/PC, whatever have you. Good luck trying to find a new copy of certain PS1/PS2 games, maybe even N64, etc.
I'll say it again. Console users buy used games which is worse than piracy.
One group is willing to spend money on a game but decide not to support developers by buying used, while the other never attempted to pay anything. The end result is the same, so lets not even bother playing this game.
I'll say it again. Console users buy used games which is worse than piracy.
One group is willing to spend money on a game but decide not to support developers by buying used, while the other never attempted to pay anything. The end result is the same, so lets not even bother playing this game.
What game is there? You have people making legal transactions between two parties vs. someone taking something because they can. One being perfectly legal while the other is not. It's more of an anomaly for people to decide not to support developers, therefore they will buy used. People buy used because they can, because it can be cheaper, and can be the only way sometimes to even get the game. Other media have learned to deal with the used market (music/movies), so games can learn too.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
No, because the used game being played was ALREADY PAID FOR. The pirated game was never a SALE. That's the big difference between used and pirated games.
Very true, though it's especially hard to note the pirated copy as an actual lost sale. This was actually noted by the other half of this dev team.
I'll say it again. Console users buy used games which is worse than piracy.
One group is willing to spend money on a game but decide not to support developers by buying used, while the other never attempted to pay anything. The end result is the same, so lets not even bother playing this game.
Ever heard of the first-sale doctrine?
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
No, because the used game being played was ALREADY PAID FOR. The pirated game was never a SALE. That's the big difference between used and pirated games.
Never is such a strong word.
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