Pirates gonna pirate.
All a dev can hope for is that the pirates aren't thieves.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
I'll say it again. Console users buy used games which is worse than piracy.
I'll say it again. Stealing a dam car is not the same a buying a second hand one you blind biased lermit..
Except pirates aren't stealing a tangible object so your comparison in completely moronic.
You realize that if someone steals a car from Toyota that represents a lost to them since they put money on materials and construction. This dev actually "owns" the game and can continue to sell copies, all the game's files are already on Steam. And he's not losing anything since we don't know if the pirate would buy the game if he/she could. We also don't know if he/she will buy it later on.
This is the reason why it's idiotic to call piracy "stealing" since it's obviously not.
When it comes to intangible things, it is only a steal if and only if the data stolen was unique, and no other copy exists anywhere else. Because it is exactly the same data, the copies are literally 2 identical entities, something that only happens in the digital world, not the "material world", where cars are produced.
I'll say it again. Console users buy used games which is worse than piracy.
I'll say it again. Stealing a dam car is not the same a buying a second hand one you blind biased lermit..
Except pirates aren't stealing a tangible object so your comparison in completely moronic.
You realize that if someone steals a car from Toyota that represents a lost to them since they put money on materials and construction. This dev actually "owns" the game and can continue to sell copies, all the game's files are already on Steam. And he's not losing anything since we don't know if the pirate would buy the game if he/she could. We also don't know if he/she will buy it later on.
This is the reason why it's idiotic to call piracy "stealing" since it's obviously not.
When it comes to intangible things, it is only a steal if and only if the data stolen was unique, and no other copy exists anywhere else. Because it is exactly the same data, the copies are literally 2 identical entities, something that only happens in the digital world, not the "material world", where cars are produced.
"Since it's obviously not"... LOL
When you pirate a game, you are using someone else his product without their authorization. Which is theft.
@kellykelly: I wouldn't pay $2 for that
Doesn't matter, if you are not willing to pay for the game, that's fine. But that doesn't mean you are allowed to pirate it
Used games are good for industry because it encourages people to buy games. When you're finished with the game or don't like it, you can always sell it back and use that money to buy a new game. And people who buy used games may buy DLC as well which gives publishers and developers money. Used games are much better for industry than pirating.
Like Yves said
Used games market has been going for as long as i remember (megadrive) and the industry is still as or even stronger, used games is BS piracy is what's damaging developers
I'll say it again. Console users buy used games which is worse than piracy.
I'll say it again. Stealing a dam car is not the same a buying a second hand one you blind biased lermit..
Except pirates aren't stealing a tangible object so your comparison in completely moronic.
You realize that if someone steals a car from Toyota that represents a lost to them since they put money on materials and construction. This dev actually "owns" the game and can continue to sell copies, all the game's files are already on Steam. And he's not losing anything since we don't know if the pirate would buy the game if he/she could. We also don't know if he/she will buy it later on.
This is the reason why it's idiotic to call piracy "stealing" since it's obviously not.
When it comes to intangible things, it is only a steal if and only if the data stolen was unique, and no other copy exists anywhere else. Because it is exactly the same data, the copies are literally 2 identical entities, something that only happens in the digital world, not the "material world", where cars are produced.
Yeah lest rewrite laws to suit your damn stupid argument.
Stealing intellectual property from other from any one is a damn federal offence and if your catch you can go to jail,now please show me how i can go to jail in a federal prison for selling legally bough game.
That game wasn't created by you,it was created by another person,who hold the rights to it,copying that game without the permission of the owner is a crime PERIOD punished by laws now,now do you have any other moronic excuse to justify stealing.?
The felony here is that you are taking something that it doesn't belong to you,you hided on something digital than can continue to be sold to justify something that can't be stealing a game is theft period.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
Do you have numbers to compare the amount of games purchased in first and second hand? I really REALLY doubt is as bad as piracy. One is legal, the other isnt. PC gamers should stop comparing the two. Thats just reeks of desperation to counter argument
So, why are devs pushing licenses, restricting features for 2nd hand buyers, pushing a digital delivery system then. Once again, your limited knowledge of this industry is showing.
On PC it has always been like that,for ages it always had a license since when Nintendo came to my house and took the old nes games i owned from me.?
MS try to push that and got flamed to the end of the world,piracy is a crime selling a game i legally bough is not,you loss trying to compare piracy with used games sales is moronic,piracy leave nothing to developers,second hand games leave nothing to,but at least at 1 point they did contribute to that developer,,
On PC it has always been like that,for ages it always had a license since when Nintendo came to my house and took the old nes games i owned from me.?
MS try to push that and got flamed to the end of the world,piracy is a crime selling a game i legally bough is not,you loss trying to compare piracy with used games sales is moronic,piracy leave nothing to developers,second hand games leave nothing to,but at least at 1 point they did contribute to that developer,,
Here is a revelation for you. Steam was not created to combat piracy. A long time ago second-hand gaming/renting was just as popular and common on PC. Now it is all but gone, and people react indifferently towards it.
However, in its place we have digital sales at ridiculous prices - a feat that is only possible due to the death of second-hand gaming. You see, the number one reason most people buy second-hand games is because they are not willing to pay the full price for whatever reason. Digital sales, namely Steam sales, addresses that problem. It allows those same people who weren't willing to pay the full price to the games, yet the revenue made on the reduced sale still goes to the publisher/dev, whereas previously a second-hand sale would net the developer no additional revenue. This is from the concept of price discrimination, which can only truly shine in the absence of second-hand games.
If console gamers refuse to be open-minded, then things will only continue in this lose-lose situation, where publisher/devs are constantly trying to wring that extra cent out of gamers' pockets, and gamers are constantly trying to slap that hand away. All the while, an illusion of peace and unity presides. Digital distribution is the future. The only question is when. More than a decade ago people thought it impossible on PC and many detested the very idea. Yet, here we are.
Second hand sales are worse than PC piracy. Period.
The PC Pirates are more propense to become the buyer, while second hand resellers never contribute to the developer,
therefore PC Pirates > Dirty Consolite second hand resellers
PC Pirates >>>>> Console Pirates, because pirated consoles require difficult reinstalls to become legit again. PC Pirates just need to buy a legit copy, what many of them do if they like the game.
In conclusion, PC Pirate keeps being a potential client, a pirated game doesn´t mean a lost sale, while second hand resellers and console pirates ARE lost sales.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
Yes buying a second hand car is as bad as going into a toyota dealer and stealing a new corolla...
My god....
Poor comparison since a pirate isnt denying anyone of anything by downloading a copy of something. They are pirating a game they would likely have never bought anyway. A buyer of used games is willing to pay money for a game but not to the developer and that is 100% a lost sale for that developer.
Second hand console games resellers
is a community of millions of self-entitlled pricks that think if someone of them had bought a game once, then they can resell the said game to each other until the end of times.
Second hand console games resellers
is a community of millions of self-entitlled pricks that think if someone of them had bought a game once, then they can resell the said game to each other until the end of times.
So while your at it lets ban second hand cars or selling your house.
Anti consumer people like you and certain over people in this thread make me sick.
Second hand console games resellers
is a community of millions of self-entitlled pricks that think if someone of them had bought a game once, then they can resell the said game to each other until the end of times.
So while your at it lets ban second hand cars or selling your house.
Cars and house are are basic necessities. Duh. If you sell them to somebody else, you will have to get yourself new ones, or else you will stay homeless and without a car, and will probably die as a result.
In comparison:
10 unrelated people will need 10 houses and 10 cars. They can sell their houses and cars to each other, but, in the end, it will be always 10 houses and 10 cars.
10 unrelated people want to play GTAV. If they are self entitled secong hand games resellers, then they will just buy one copy and resell it to each other until the end of the days. In the end, everyone of them have played GTAV, but only 1 copy has been bought.
You see the difference ?
10 people - 10 houses - 10 cars
10 people - 1 GTAV copy
@Newhopes: I don´t stand for corporations. i stand for game developers.
Second hand games reseller harm developers and benefit corporations such as Gamestop and games publishers.
PC Pirates keep being potential customers. If they buy a game even on humblebundle or Steam sale, developer gets a cut, a small cut, but it gets something.
And developers don´t get a dime from circle of jerks of second hand games resellers.
So if we sum up all this, PC piracy pales against the combination of Console Pirates and Second hand game resellers. The latter damage developers much more than PC piracy.
On PC it has always been like that,for ages it always had a license since when Nintendo came to my house and took the old nes games i owned from me.?
MS try to push that and got flamed to the end of the world,piracy is a crime selling a game i legally bough is not,you loss trying to compare piracy with used games sales is moronic,piracy leave nothing to developers,second hand games leave nothing to,but at least at 1 point they did contribute to that developer,,
Here is a revelation for you. Steam was not created to combat piracy. A long time ago second-hand gaming/renting was just as popular and common on PC. Now it is all but gone, and people react indifferently towards it.
However, in its place we have digital sales at ridiculous prices - a feat that is only possible due to the death of second-hand gaming. You see, the number one reason most people buy second-hand games is because they are not willing to pay the full price for whatever reason. Digital sales, namely Steam sales, addresses that problem. It allows those same people who weren't willing to pay the full price to the games, yet the revenue made on the reduced sale still goes to the publisher/dev, whereas previously a second-hand sale would net the developer no additional revenue. This is from the concept of price discrimination, which can only truly shine in the absence of second-hand games.
If console gamers refuse to be open-minded, then things will only continue in this lose-lose situation, where publisher/devs are constantly trying to wring that extra cent out of gamers' pockets, and gamers are constantly trying to slap that hand away. All the while, an illusion of peace and unity presides. Digital distribution is the future. The only question is when. More than a decade ago people thought it impossible on PC and many detested the very idea. Yet, here we are.
The problem with going the digital route on consoles is that you can only buy from the console manufacturers store. Unlike PC where you have multiple options that are all competing for your dollar. Ex. Steam, greenmangaming, GoG, Amazon, origin, etc. The console eco-system is so backward that gamers actually pay $50-60/yr just to have access to some decent deals on their console's digital stores. Consoles will never offer the same type of deals due to the closed nature of the platforms.
I'll say it again. Console users buy used games which is worse than piracy.
I'll say it again. Stealing a dam car is not the same a buying a second hand one you blind biased lermit..
Except pirates aren't stealing a tangible object so your comparison in completely moronic.
You realize that if someone steals a car from Toyota that represents a lost to them since they put money on materials and construction. This dev actually "owns" the game and can continue to sell copies, all the game's files are already on Steam. And he's not losing anything since we don't know if the pirate would buy the game if he/she could. We also don't know if he/she will buy it later on.
This is the reason why it's idiotic to call piracy "stealing" since it's obviously not.
When it comes to intangible things, it is only a steal if and only if the data stolen was unique, and no other copy exists anywhere else. Because it is exactly the same data, the copies are literally 2 identical entities, something that only happens in the digital world, not the "material world", where cars are produced.
"Since it's obviously not"... LOL
When you pirate a game, you are using someone else his product without their authorization. Which is theft.
Learn the definition of theft buddy.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
Yes buying a second hand car is as bad as going into a toyota dealer and stealing a new corolla...
My god....
Poor comparison since a pirate isnt denying anyone of anything by downloading a copy of something. They are pirating a game they would likely have never bought anyway. A buyer of used games is willing to pay money for a game but not to the developer and that is 100% a lost sale for that developer.
Yeah thief also steal car they could not have bough any way..
Oh that makes it legal i guess.
The fact that you can't download a car doesn't mean that what pirates are doing is legal and is in deed a federal offense,since the times of the first tapes and VHS recorders,the issue is that you are using a license product without the permission of its rightful owner.
Second hand sales are worse than PC piracy. Period.
The PC Pirates are more propense to become the buyer, while second hand resellers never contribute to the developer,
therefore PC Pirates > Dirty Consolite second hand resellers
PC Pirates >>>>> Console Pirates, because pirated consoles require difficult reinstalls to become legit again. PC Pirates just need to buy a legit copy, what many of them do if they like the game.
In conclusion, PC Pirate keeps being a potential client, a pirated game doesn´t mean a lost sale, while second hand resellers and console pirates ARE lost sales.
In your small little world go ahead download when you get a knock on your door by a federal agent,you tell him that piracy is OK and tell him to go after second hand use game market that is worse.
PC pirates will not become buyers and most that had been arrested had endless TB of games,movies and stolen proprietary crap that didn't belong to them,the only thing they legally bough was theirs PC because even the Windows OS they had was stolen.
Bullsh** they use torrent to download illegal copies of the game.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has set several records this year, including the most units sold in a single month (over 6 million in November alone). But according to TorrentFreak, a site that covers the world of torrent downloads, the game was also the most pirated title of 2009.
According to the site, Modern Warfare 2's PC version was downloaded on torrent sites a whopping 4.1 million times, which is more than twice as many downloads as 2008's most-pirated game, Spore. The Xbox 360 version of Modern Warfare 2 was downloaded 970,000 times.
4.1 million download of MW2 in less than 2 damn months 4.1 million dude,oh and those are just turrents,that doesn't covert newsgroups or IRC programs like Mirc that has been use for piracy for years.
Funny enough the xbox 360 even that it had 970,000 downloads outsold the PC version by an extreme margin.
Read that link the game was pirate 4.1 million times while only 290,000 copies were sold on PC,compare that to the millions and millions it sold on both the PS3 and xbox 360.
The only games PC players buy most of the times are the ones that have extreme DRM or need online access to servers from the game creators all the time...
Your arguments of PC pirates buy games they pirate had been completely destroy,games on PC are cheap because piracy is out of this world there.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
Yes buying a second hand car is as bad as going into a toyota dealer and stealing a new corolla...
My god....
Poor comparison since a pirate isnt denying anyone of anything by downloading a copy of something. They are pirating a game they would likely have never bought anyway. A buyer of used games is willing to pay money for a game but not to the developer and that is 100% a lost sale for that developer.
Yeah thief also steal car they could not have bough any way..
Oh that makes it legal i guess.
The fact that you can't download a car doesn't mean that what pirates are doing is legal and is in deed a federal offense,since the times of the first tapes and VHS recorders,the issue is that you are using a license product without the permission of its rightful owner.
Second hand sales are worse than PC piracy. Period.
The PC Pirates are more propense to become the buyer, while second hand resellers never contribute to the developer,
therefore PC Pirates > Dirty Consolite second hand resellers
PC Pirates >>>>> Console Pirates, because pirated consoles require difficult reinstalls to become legit again. PC Pirates just need to buy a legit copy, what many of them do if they like the game.
In conclusion, PC Pirate keeps being a potential client, a pirated game doesn´t mean a lost sale, while second hand resellers and console pirates ARE lost sales.
In your small little world go ahead download when you get a knock on your door by a federal agent,you tell him that piracy is OK and tell him to go after second hand use game market that is worse.
PC pirates will not become buyers and most that had been arrested had endless TB of games,movies and stolen proprietary crap that didn't belong to them,the only thing they legally bough was theirs PC because even the Windows OS they had was stolen.
Bullsh** they use torrent to download illegal copies of the game.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has set several records this year, including the most units sold in a single month (over 6 million in November alone). But according to TorrentFreak, a site that covers the world of torrent downloads, the game was also the most pirated title of 2009.
According to the site, Modern Warfare 2's PC version was downloaded on torrent sites a whopping 4.1 million times, which is more than twice as many downloads as 2008's most-pirated game, Spore. The Xbox 360 version of Modern Warfare 2 was downloaded 970,000 times.
4.1 million download of MW2 in less than 2 damn months 4.1 million dude,oh and those are just turrents,that doesn't covert newsgroups or IRC programs like Mirc that has been use for piracy for years.
Funny enough the xbox 360 even that it had 970,000 downloads outsold the PC version by an extreme margin.
Read that link the game was pirate 4.1 million times while only 290,000 copies were sold on PC,compare that to the millions and millions it sold on both the PS3 and xbox 360.
The only games PC players buy most of the times are the ones that have extreme DRM or need online access to servers from the game creators all the time...
Your arguments of PC pirates buy games they pirate had been completely destroy,games on PC are cheap because piracy is out of this world there.
Again, why are you laying this soley at the door of PC gamers. Console piracy is just as bad, evidence to this includes the multiple games that are coming out in the next few months already making the rounds on the Pirate bay.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
Yes buying a second hand car is as bad as going into a toyota dealer and stealing a new corolla...
My god....
Poor comparison since a pirate isnt denying anyone of anything by downloading a copy of something. They are pirating a game they would likely have never bought anyway. A buyer of used games is willing to pay money for a game but not to the developer and that is 100% a lost sale for that developer.
Yeah thief also steal car they could not have bough any way..
Oh that makes it legal i guess.
The fact that you can't download a car doesn't mean that what pirates are doing is legal and is in deed a federal offense,since the times of the first tapes and VHS recorders,the issue is that you are using a license product without the permission of its rightful owner.
In order to steal something you have to take and deny someone else of something that belonged to them, like the car in your example. Making a copy or downloading a copy of software you would have never bought anyway denies no one of anything.
I dont support piracy or used sales but some developers will use piracy an excuse for poor sales of their crap game and it give the PC gaming platform a bad name. If you make a good game thats worth buying then people will buy it, simple as that.
Again, why are you laying this soley at the door of PC gamers. Console piracy is just as bad, evidence to this includes the multiple games that are coming out in the next few months already making the rounds on the Pirate bay.
Piracy as a whole not just PC,on PC it is the worse case scenario,funny enough most of the time to hack or mod a console a PC was also involve,so no only they have piracy as no other platform but is the means by which other platforms like consoles are also hack.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
Yes buying a second hand car is as bad as going into a toyota dealer and stealing a new corolla...
My god....
Poor comparison since a pirate isnt denying anyone of anything by downloading a copy of something. They are pirating a game they would likely have never bought anyway. A buyer of used games is willing to pay money for a game but not to the developer and that is 100% a lost sale for that developer.
Yeah thief also steal car they could not have bough any way..
Oh that makes it legal i guess.
The fact that you can't download a car doesn't mean that what pirates are doing is legal and is in deed a federal offense,since the times of the first tapes and VHS recorders,the issue is that you are using a license product without the permission of its rightful owner.
In order to steal something you have to take and deny someone else of something that belonged to them, like the car in your example. Making a copy or downloading a copy of software you would have never bought anyway denies no one of anything.
I dont support piracy or used sales but some developers will use piracy an excuse for poor sales of their crap game and it give the PC gaming platform a bad name. If you make a good game thats worth buying then people will buy it, simple as that.
Doesn't matter if you weren't going to buy it anyway. You are using someone else his product without their authorization, which is theft, plain and simple. It's their product and you are not allowed to do anything with it unless you pay them for it.
In order to steal something you have to take and deny someone else of something that belonged to them, like the car in your example. Making a copy or downloading a copy of software you would have never bought anyway denies no one of anything.
I dont support piracy or used sales but some developers will use piracy an excuse for poor sales of their crap game and it give the PC gaming platform a bad name. If you make a good game thats worth buying then people will buy it, simple as that.
Completely bullsh** so i can copy songs from Michael Jackson and release an album for profits with his songs without having the rights to do so.? You know since i am not denying any one of those songs..
Is illegal period by FEDERAL laws not because i say so,selling my legally bough games to another person is not.
I'll say it again. Console users buy used games which is worse than piracy.
I'll say it again. Stealing a dam car is not the same a buying a second hand one you blind biased lermit..
Except pirates aren't stealing a tangible object so your comparison in completely moronic.
You realize that if someone steals a car from Toyota that represents a lost to them since they put money on materials and construction. This dev actually "owns" the game and can continue to sell copies, all the game's files are already on Steam. And he's not losing anything since we don't know if the pirate would buy the game if he/she could. We also don't know if he/she will buy it later on.
This is the reason why it's idiotic to call piracy "stealing" since it's obviously not.
When it comes to intangible things, it is only a steal if and only if the data stolen was unique, and no other copy exists anywhere else. Because it is exactly the same data, the copies are literally 2 identical entities, something that only happens in the digital world, not the "material world", where cars are produced.
It's kind of a paradox because taking something that isn't yours that you didn't pay for equals to stealing or theft. However, nothing is actually stolen that prevents the original owner from making money other than the pirate didn't buy it. Yet this logic also applies to those who weren't even interested in buying it. So if 2000 people pirate the game and 2000 just don't buy the game the effect is the same. If you could make a magic bullet that could keep pirates out forever (yes impossible) would those same pirates buy the game? It's very hard to actually judge how many would buy and how many would just do without.
I posted these comments in other threads, but they seem relevant here-
On used games:
"Pirated games are stolen. Used games are used - the original purchase has been made, the publisher gets their cut. The retailer advertises more new games to be sold, making more money for the publishers while selling used games, which have already been purchased new, which keeps stores open and the market ticking over. Younger gamers, and less well-off gamers, buy more used games = more new games are sold, more stores open, more cuts for publishers, more marketing and so on. Meanwhile, the developer was paid a salary and is not effected by any of this."
In regards to pirating games that are no longer supported - "I like to think of games as art, as well as playthings, and preserving those that switch off when not connected seems almost impossible. This is a case where I see piracy may be necessary."
@always_explicit said "You cant justify piracy, its theft whatever way you spin it."
My response - "I would see it like saving books from being burnt. Stealing the books is theft, but if I'm preserving something that is going to be destroyed then one is the lesser of two evils."
In order to steal something you have to take and deny someone else of something that belonged to them, like the car in your example. Making a copy or downloading a copy of software you would have never bought anyway denies no one of anything.
I dont support piracy or used sales but some developers will use piracy an excuse for poor sales of their crap game and it give the PC gaming platform a bad name. If you make a good game thats worth buying then people will buy it, simple as that.
Completely bullsh** so i can copy songs from Michael Jackson and release an album for profits with his songs without having the rights to do so.? You know since i am not denying any one of those songs..
Is illegal period by FEDERAL laws not because i say so,selling my legally bough games to another person is not.
Except for they didn't say that they were releasing anything for profit. If you download a song for your personal use no one is denied buying that song. It's like downloading a MJ song versus stealing a whole semi full of discs. If I steal those discs they can't be sold and the distributor and Michael can't make any money. If I download that song then they just lose the sale they could have had to me. They could have also lost that sale with just being a crappy song or maybe I didn't like that it was on disc and I wanted an MP3. No one is saying that piracy is right, but it's a very gray area where you can't really classify it as theft because it's not the same outcome as a theft. It's definitely wrong, but it's not the plague that the industry wants you to believe it is.
4% of people bought it? How many people bought it? Why aren't releasing sales figures. I smell a rat, well two rats actually, one of them being TC.
The guy that made the game said that if it passes 100k copies sold he'll take a picture wearing just a loincloth.
If he released this game on PSN we would have seen him in a loincloth a long time ago
If they had released it on PSN they would have went under because not even 4 percent of people would have bought it, they would have just bragged about it being on PSN. Then again this game looks like stepped on shit. They are lucky anyone bought it.
Second hand sales are worse than PC piracy. Period.
The PC Pirates are more propense to become the buyer, while second hand resellers never contribute to the developer,
therefore PC Pirates > Dirty Consolite second hand resellers
PC Pirates >>>>> Console Pirates, because pirated consoles require difficult reinstalls to become legit again. PC Pirates just need to buy a legit copy, what many of them do if they like the game.
In conclusion, PC Pirate keeps being a potential client, a pirated game doesn´t mean a lost sale, while second hand resellers and console pirates ARE lost sales.
In your small little world go ahead download when you get a knock on your door by a federal agent,you tell him that piracy is OK and tell him to go after second hand use game market that is worse.
PC pirates will not become buyers and most that had been arrested had endless TB of games,movies and stolen proprietary crap that didn't belong to them,the only thing they legally bough was theirs PC because even the Windows OS they had was stolen.
Bullsh** they use torrent to download illegal copies of the game.
Lol at Tormentos. In what freaking world you live where federal agents nock on anybody´s door.
In many countries, like Canada, it´s completely legal to download anything, I repeat, ANYTHING on internet as long as you don´t try to sell it. It´s only illegal upload content. But people who uploads content usually live in countries where it´s LEGAL to upload content to internet.
So nobody will nock on nobody´s door. Even in USA, in many states, downloading stuff from internet is not illegal, or it´s actually pretty difficult to prove without violations of Civil Rights. And I think, federal agent has better things to do than hunting prebuscent kids, like you, Tormentos, for downloading Justin Bieber mp3s and GTAV.
So the Piracy was, is and will be. And it´s impossible to fight as long as there is such social inequality in the world.
PC pirates will not become buyers
Ahem ahem. PC pirates ARE potential buyers. Just ignoring facts as always, Tormentos ? The argument doens´t work that way. I present you evidence, and you present what, your fanboyism ?
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
Yes buying a second hand car is as bad as going into a toyota dealer and stealing a new corolla...
My god....
Poor comparison since a pirate isnt denying anyone of anything by downloading a copy of something. They are pirating a game they would likely have never bought anyway. A buyer of used games is willing to pay money for a game but not to the developer and that is 100% a lost sale for that developer.
Yeah thief also steal car they could not have bough any way..
Oh that makes it legal i guess.
The fact that you can't download a car doesn't mean that what pirates are doing is legal and is in deed a federal offense,since the times of the first tapes and VHS recorders,the issue is that you are using a license product without the permission of its rightful owner.
In order to steal something you have to take and deny someone else of something that belonged to them, like the car in your example. Making a copy or downloading a copy of software you would have never bought anyway denies no one of anything.
I dont support piracy or used sales but some developers will use piracy an excuse for poor sales of their crap game and it give the PC gaming platform a bad name. If you make a good game thats worth buying then people will buy it, simple as that.
Doesn't matter if you weren't going to buy it anyway. You are using someone else his product without their authorization, which is theft, plain and simple. It's their product and you are not allowed to do anything with it unless you pay them for it.
Well in that case if you arent going to pay the developer aswell, stop buying used games...
In order to steal something you have to take and deny someone else of something that belonged to them, like the car in your example. Making a copy or downloading a copy of software you would have never bought anyway denies no one of anything.
I dont support piracy or used sales but some developers will use piracy an excuse for poor sales of their crap game and it give the PC gaming platform a bad name. If you make a good game thats worth buying then people will buy it, simple as that.
Completely bullsh** so i can copy songs from Michael Jackson and release an album for profits with his songs without having the rights to do so.? You know since i am not denying any one of those songs..
Is illegal period by FEDERAL laws not because i say so,selling my legally bough games to another person is not.
Once again your comparison is a failure because a PC/console gamer pirating a game is nothing like someone pirating a Michael Jackson song and SELLING it. However, since you brought that up let me remind you that the people who do in fact profit from someone elses intellectual property are the people you buy used games from.
I'll say it again. Console users buy used games which is worse than piracy.
I'll say it again. Stealing a dam car is not the same a buying a second hand one you blind biased lermit..
Except pirates aren't stealing a tangible object so your comparison in completely moronic.
You realize that if someone steals a car from Toyota that represents a lost to them since they put money on materials and construction. This dev actually "owns" the game and can continue to sell copies, all the game's files are already on Steam. And he's not losing anything since we don't know if the pirate would buy the game if he/she could. We also don't know if he/she will buy it later on.
This is the reason why it's idiotic to call piracy "stealing" since it's obviously not.
When it comes to intangible things, it is only a steal if and only if the data stolen was unique, and no other copy exists anywhere else. Because it is exactly the same data, the copies are literally 2 identical entities, something that only happens in the digital world, not the "material world", where cars are produced.
Yeah lest rewrite laws to suit your damn stupid argument.
Stealing intellectual property from other from any one is a damn federal offence and if your catch you can go to jail,now please show me how i can go to jail in a federal prison for selling legally bough game.
That game wasn't created by you,it was created by another person,who hold the rights to it,copying that game without the permission of the owner is a crime PERIOD punished by laws now,now do you have any other moronic excuse to justify stealing.?
The felony here is that you are taking something that it doesn't belong to you,you hided on something digital than can continue to be sold to justify something that can't be stealing a game is theft period.
Nice try to deflect the point of discussion.
We are not talking about laws, laws are a mean to control the population, they're an attempt to objectively judge moral acts, which in themselves are subjective. If you've taken courses in the related topic you may have heard the phrase "Not everything legal is moral or vice versa".
Let's stay on topic, pirating is not stealing, doesn't **** matter if it gets punished by law or not, it is not stealing (with the exception that I mentioned above it is, if you steal the only copy that exists). I didn't know when you got deprived of your things you can still use them. You know, like that dev is still selling the game even though according to your logic he has gotten his product stolen 1000 times. Can you still use your car after being stolen (you know excluding the possibility that you got it back)?
By the way digital rights and patents are retarded too. You can't copyright ideas, abstract thoughts. It's just a way law acts in order to control the market, but it is completely moronic.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
Yes buying a second hand car is as bad as going into a toyota dealer and stealing a new corolla...
My god....
Poor comparison since a pirate isnt denying anyone of anything by downloading a copy of something. They are pirating a game they would likely have never bought anyway. A buyer of used games is willing to pay money for a game but not to the developer and that is 100% a lost sale for that developer.
Yeah thief also steal car they could not have bough any way..
Oh that makes it legal i guess.
The fact that you can't download a car doesn't mean that what pirates are doing is legal and is in deed a federal offense,since the times of the first tapes and VHS recorders,the issue is that you are using a license product without the permission of its rightful owner.
In order to steal something you have to take and deny someone else of something that belonged to them, like the car in your example. Making a copy or downloading a copy of software you would have never bought anyway denies no one of anything.
I dont support piracy or used sales but some developers will use piracy an excuse for poor sales of their crap game and it give the PC gaming platform a bad name. If you make a good game thats worth buying then people will buy it, simple as that.
Doesn't matter if you weren't going to buy it anyway. You are using someone else his product without their authorization, which is theft, plain and simple. It's their product and you are not allowed to do anything with it unless you pay them for it.
Well in that case if you arent going to pay the developer aswell, stop buying used games...
In that case devs already got their money from that particular game.
I know for a fact that GTA 5 will be downloaded day 1 if it is released on the PC. I know someone who has over 200 games and he hasnt paid for any of them. He sells games like GTA for $5.
I would be annoyed if i was a developer. It kills the industry
Used game kills the industry as well.
And GTA V got pirated 2 weeks early on the 360 :(
Even earlier on the PS3, I know.
Bandodgers at it again,stop bandodging Davekeeh.
I don't mind that you think i'm Davekeeh, because I'm not him, but atleast contribute to the topic instead of spamming
Thank you
Second hand sales are worse than PC piracy. Period.
The PC Pirates are more propense to become the buyer, while second hand resellers never contribute to the developer,
therefore PC Pirates > Dirty Consolite second hand resellers
PC Pirates >>>>> Console Pirates, because pirated consoles require difficult reinstalls to become legit again. PC Pirates just need to buy a legit copy, what many of them do if they like the game.
In conclusion, PC Pirate keeps being a potential client, a pirated game doesn´t mean a lost sale, while second hand resellers and console pirates ARE lost sales.
In your small little world go ahead download when you get a knock on your door by a federal agent,you tell him that piracy is OK and tell him to go after second hand use game market that is worse.
PC pirates will not become buyers and most that had been arrested had endless TB of games,movies and stolen proprietary crap that didn't belong to them,the only thing they legally bough was theirs PC because even the Windows OS they had was stolen.
Bullsh** they use torrent to download illegal copies of the game.
Lol at Tormentos. In what freaking world you live where federal agents nock on anybody´s door.
In many countries, like Canada, it´s completely legal to download anything, I repeat, ANYTHING on internet as long as you don´t try to sell it. It´s only illegal upload content. But people who uploads content usually live in countries where it´s LEGAL to upload content to internet.
So nobody will nock on nobody´s door. Even in USA, in many states, downloading stuff from internet is not illegal, or it´s actually pretty difficult to prove without violations of Civil Rights. And I think, federal agent has better things to do than hunting prebuscent kids, like you, Tormentos, for downloading Justin Bieber mp3s and GTAV.
So the Piracy was, is and will be. And it´s impossible to fight as long as there is such social inequality in the world.
PC pirates will not become buyers
Ahem ahem. PC pirates ARE potential buyers. Just ignoring facts as always, Tormentos ? The argument doens´t work that way. I present you evidence, and you present what, your fanboyism ?
Umm wrong.
Lol at Tormentos. In what freaking world you live where federal agents nock on anybody´s door.
In many countries, like Canada, it´s completely legal to download anything, I repeat, ANYTHING on internet as long as you don´t try to sell it. It´s only illegal upload content. But people who uploads content usually live in countries where it´s LEGAL to upload content to internet.
So nobody will nock on nobody´s door. Even in USA, in many states, downloading stuff from internet is not illegal, or it´s actually pretty difficult to prove without violations of Civil Rights. And I think, federal agent has better things to do than hunting prebuscent kids, like you, Tormentos, for downloading Justin Bieber mp3s and GTAV.
So the Piracy was, is and will be. And it´s impossible to fight as long as there is such social inequality in the world.
PC pirates will not become buyers
Ahem ahem. PC pirates ARE potential buyers. Just ignoring facts as always, Tormentos ? The argument doens´t work that way. I present you evidence, and you present what, your fanboyism ?
Yeah ignore that COD sold 290,000 copies on PC while on xbox 360 sold like 11 million copies,and like 9 million more on PS3..
Go with your it is legal in this or that country,in china you can get your hands shop for stealing doesn't mean all countries do the same,but many have anti piracy squads period,and in US were i live is illegal period and every damn movie comes with an advertising telling you what fine could be and what you could be charge with.
Second hand gaming is not illegal period.
Pirates will buy sh** is the reason why most developers care about consoles sales more than PC.
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
Yes buying a second hand car is as bad as going into a toyota dealer and stealing a new corolla...
My god....
Poor comparison since a pirate isnt denying anyone of anything by downloading a copy of something. They are pirating a game they would likely have never bought anyway. A buyer of used games is willing to pay money for a game but not to the developer and that is 100% a lost sale for that developer.
Yeah thief also steal car they could not have bough any way..
Oh that makes it legal i guess.
The fact that you can't download a car doesn't mean that what pirates are doing is legal and is in deed a federal offense,since the times of the first tapes and VHS recorders,the issue is that you are using a license product without the permission of its rightful owner.
In order to steal something you have to take and deny someone else of something that belonged to them, like the car in your example. Making a copy or downloading a copy of software you would have never bought anyway denies no one of anything.
I dont support piracy or used sales but some developers will use piracy an excuse for poor sales of their crap game and it give the PC gaming platform a bad name. If you make a good game thats worth buying then people will buy it, simple as that.
Doesn't matter if you weren't going to buy it anyway. You are using someone else his product without their authorization, which is theft, plain and simple. It's their product and you are not allowed to do anything with it unless you pay them for it.
Well in that case if you arent going to pay the developer aswell, stop buying used games...
In that case devs already got their money from that particular game.
In that case devs already got their money from the particular pirated game since someone would have had to buy the game to make a copy of it in the first place...
Yep uh-huh, that is why Gamestop is a billion dollar industry in which they price gouge the industry in trafficking used games....
Console users buy used games. Just as bad.
It is not, used games is never a problem, just make good games people never want trade away, Shigeru Miyamoto himself said so :P
Lol at Tormentos. In what freaking world you live where federal agents nock on anybody´s door.
In many countries, like Canada, it´s completely legal to download anything, I repeat, ANYTHING on internet as long as you don´t try to sell it. It´s only illegal upload content. But people who uploads content usually live in countries where it´s LEGAL to upload content to internet.
So nobody will nock on nobody´s door. Even in USA, in many states, downloading stuff from internet is not illegal, or it´s actually pretty difficult to prove without violations of Civil Rights. And I think, federal agent has better things to do than hunting prebuscent kids, like you, Tormentos, for downloading Justin Bieber mp3s and GTAV.
So the Piracy was, is and will be. And it´s impossible to fight as long as there is such social inequality in the world.
PC pirates will not become buyers
Ahem ahem. PC pirates ARE potential buyers. Just ignoring facts as always, Tormentos ? The argument doens´t work that way. I present you evidence, and you present what, your fanboyism ?
Yeah ignore that COD sold 290,000 copies on PC while on xbox 360 sold like 11 million copies,and like 9 million more on PS3..
Go with your it is legal in this or that country,in china you can get your hands shop for stealing doesn't mean all countries do the same,but many have anti piracy squads period,and in US were i live is illegal period and every damn movie comes with an advertising telling you what fine could be and what you could be charge with.
Second hand gaming is not illegal period.
Pirates will buy sh** is the reason why most developers care about consoles sales more than PC.
You seem to miss all the studies that show that pirates buy more than their non-pirating brothers. I'm not excusing pirates, piracy is more than just people not wanting to pay for things. Its been proven many times that people will turn to piracy when there is no legal alternative.
Used games are good for industry because it encourages people to buy games. When you're finished with the game or don't like it, you can always sell it back and use that money to buy a new game. And people who buy used games may buy DLC as well which gives publishers and developers money. Used games are much better for industry than pirating.
Like Yves said
This is a load of horse sh$t. Gamestop purposely pushes their used games over new ones which they usually undercut by a measly $5.. They have turned into a multi billion dollar industry in which they price gouge.. Now to say it's better or worse than piracy is one thing, but to suggest that its actually good for the industry?
You seem to miss all the studies that show that pirates buy more than their non-pirating brothers. I'm not excusing pirates, piracy is more than just people not wanting to pay for things. Its been proven many times that people will turn to piracy when there is no legal alternative.
Studies mean sh** when actual sales portrait a much more different story.
Come on man 290K for MW2 on PC is inexcusable i think even the wii version sold better 10 times better.
In that case devs already got their money from the particular pirated game since someone would have had to buy the game to make a copy of it in the first place...
Yeah one group who do release buy 1 copy and share with half a million people,..
So 1 copy could be more than 1 million download of illegal ones,that is total bullsh**.
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