Superior version. :PispeakfactYawn. With a due respect, you bore the hell out of me. Not sure if this helps, just my 2 cents.
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Superior version. :PispeakfactYawn. With a due respect, you bore the hell out of me. Not sure if this helps, just my 2 cents.
Actually the game looks and plays the best on the pc, its a :bad: port because of the kb/m support and the fact that the rez had to be fixed by a modder not the company that released the game, You get a controller and install the simple mod and it is by far the best version of darksouls. Pc gamers *standards* have made this game out to be garbage, when it is in fact a very good game.It's a shame that PC gamers have to play the broken version of one of the best games this gen. Blightown caused framerate issues on the consoles, I can only imagine how it will play on PC.
[QUOTE="whiskeystrike"][QUOTE="Zeviander"]And From never promised anything more than a direct, non-optimized port. PC gamers demanded they get the game, Namco-Bandai ordered From make it, they did as they were told.MFDOOM1983
Yup. Just getting the game, unoptimized as it is, should be plenty.
lol, consolites are some of the easiest consumers to please. If it exists, then it's worth buying.and hermits never accept a game is bad, fish around internetz for mods/community fixes
It's a shame that PC gamers have to play the broken version of one of the best games this gen. Blightown caused framerate issues on the consoles, I can only imagine how it will play on PC.
It's not broken, it's actually better than the console versions. It's just not up to standards on modern PC games.
PC gaming is so horrible. Point and click garbage, the crappiest games that werent good enough for consoles to want them. Hey lets go spend 3k on a gaming rig that cant even play any good games!! LOLneedweed
You're only saying that because good point and click games are very uncommon on consoles.
Dark Souls may be ugly as hell (without the resolution fix) but its bug free and has not crashed once so I dont find Gamespy's statement true. Saints Row 2 was and for many people is still unplayable. That was a bad port.
Honestly, it's still pretty damn uglywith the fix.
Dark Souls may be ugly as hell (without the resolution fix) but its bug free and has not crashed once so I dont find Gamespy's statement true. Saints Row 2 was and for many people is still unplayable. That was a bad port.
Honestly, it's still pretty damn uglywith the fix.
I was very surprised that under all that console fuzzyness there was so much detail and decent textures. The details of the character is pretty nice. It does make me wish the devs would make a PC only game. Id like to see what they could do.
lol, consolites are some of the easiest consumers to please. If it exists, then it's worth buying.[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"][QUOTE="whiskeystrike"]
Yup. Just getting the game, unoptimized as it is, should be plenty.
and hermits never accept a game is bad, fish around internetz for mods/community fixes
and :lol: @ consolites for not getting mountains of free content and easy fixes. WAnt new stuff? Pay for it. Want fixes? Gotta wait weeks or months for a patch.
Crying foul on features you can't have...a console fanboy staple around these forums
[QUOTE="KiZZo1"]WE THANK NO ONE If we are entitled to a port we shall have it, no need to thank them. Thanking is for dirty peasants, go back to your potato farm. That's pretty mean :|So, it's the best version, plus additional content, but we have this:
Some possible explanations come to mind:
1. Hermits are lying
2. They are ungrateful, little brats
So, it's the best version, plus additional content, but we have this:
Some possible explanations come to mind:
1. Hermits are lying
2. They are ungrateful, little brats
a score that anybody can write...
Shame. I thought I might get this game on PC :P
It's being blown out of proportion at this point after the resolution fix. I was ready to bash the hell of this game upon PC version but after 10 hours of play so far, I can honestly say that it looks and performs better than the PS3 version.
Hows the pvp on pc? Day one hackers or not yet?silversix_You don't need to hack it. If you are good, you can beat the game in just a few hours and get all the crazy stuff while still staying relatively low level.
[QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"]Poor pc gamers. Always getting the table scraps. Consoles dominate againpelvist
Yet the PC version is the best version...
No it's not god damn it, fps drops to 15 still exist, you can see your cursor while controlling the camera with a mouse, keyboard controls are terrible and badly placed. Who cares about graphics when the core game is virtually unplayable without an additional peripheral (a controller)?[QUOTE="rzepak"]
Dark Souls may be ugly as hell (without the resolution fix) but its bug free and has not crashed once so I dont find Gamespy's statement true. Saints Row 2 was and for many people is still unplayable. That was a bad port.
Honestly, it's still pretty damn uglywith the fix.
Dark Souls... ugly?
Dark Souls may be ugly as hell (without the resolution fix) but its bug free and has not crashed once so I dont find Gamespy's statement true. Saints Row 2 was and for many people is still unplayable. That was a bad port.
Honestly, it's still pretty damn uglywith the fix.
Dark Souls... ugly?
It's a pretty ugly game even for console standards imo. As far as art style goes it's "ok", maybe better than average, but nothing to write home about.[QUOTE="Peredith"][QUOTE="MlauTheDaft"]
Honestly, it's still pretty damn uglywith the fix.
Dark Souls... ugly?
It's a pretty ugly game even for console standards imo. As far as art style goes it's "ok", maybe better than average, but nothing to write home about.We must have played different games then. I thought it looked great, and one of the best looking games this gen.
It's a pretty ugly game even for console standards imo. As far as art style goes it's "ok", maybe better than average, but nothing to write home about.[QUOTE="parkurtommo"][QUOTE="Peredith"]
Dark Souls... ugly?
We must have played different games then. I thought it looked great, and one of the best looking games this gen.
Wut :| :| :| Ok...Maybe you just need to upgrade again and it will be playable???
Or just buy a superior gaming platform, PS3 or 360, for a fraction of the cost of a new computer component.
Then you have to worry about the framerate dropping into the single digits and waiting for the new content that is still TBA for consoles.Maybe you just need to upgrade again and it will be playable???
Or just buy a superior gaming platform, PS3 or 360, for a fraction of the cost of a new computer component.
[QUOTE="EvanTheGamer"]Then you have to worry about the framerate dropping into the single digits and waiting for the new content that is still TBA for consoles.Maybe you just need to upgrade again and it will be playable???
Or just buy a superior gaming platform, PS3 or 360, for a fraction of the cost of a new computer component.
DLC is LOL and the game still runs better on a gaming machine, PC is still for porn though
Then you have to worry about the framerate dropping into the single digits and waiting for the new content that is still TBA for consoles.[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"][QUOTE="EvanTheGamer"]
Maybe you just need to upgrade again and it will be playable???
Or just buy a superior gaming platform, PS3 or 360, for a fraction of the cost of a new computer component.
DLC is LOL and the game still runs better on a gaming machine, PC is still for porn though
Only if you can't get past the desktop. ;)[QUOTE="GamerwillzPS"]
[QUOTE="mems_1224"]pc gamers need to stop b*tching. they got a game they weren't going to get and its playable. get over yourselves. dark souls sucks anyways4dr1el
The game shouldn't sit on store shelves if it's that bad. The game SHOULDN'T exist because people are paying for it! Use some common sense, for goodness sake.
Console gamers paid more for that exact game that i'tll turn out to be worst versions later when mods kick-in and they still had a blast with it... so tell me, why would PC gamers get special treatment? They're getting an extra expansion already! I would take that expansion over a bigger resolution and better framerate anyday. PC gamers are just spoiled brats. Those great graphics they brag about spoiled them badly... I would love for this version to fail on PC so that Namco shows the middle finger to PC gamers in the next iteration of the souls series. I want to see hermits crying again and signing petitions to get it back on PC
When you eat filet mignon every day it's hard to go back to eat crap.
It's amuzing to see consolites bash hermits for complaining about this game. I'd like to see what would happen if a 360/PS3 port of a great Wii game had 480p resolution, sh1tty graphics, and even the controls didn't work properly.
When there are so many good games on the market why should any gamer pay for what they consider to be an inferior product?
[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"] Then you have to worry about the framerate dropping into the single digits and waiting for the new content that is still TBA for consoles. MFDOOM1983
DLC is LOL and the game still runs better on a gaming machine, PC is still for porn though
Only if you can't get past the desktop. ;) AHAHAHA dat sig! :lol:[QUOTE="Obviously_Right"][QUOTE="parkurtommo"] I really don't see why they didn't even try.Nanomage
Maybe because they knew the game would sell pitifully, no matter what?
Releasing a primarily Single-Player game on PC is just begging for your product to get pirated.
Yeah,it´s not like,for instance,the The Witcher games have both sold more on the PC than Demons/Dark Souls on consoles,interesting eh? Dark Souls is currently at number 2 at Steam's overall top sellers. Number 1 is Valve's Counter Strike: GO.[QUOTE="pelvist"][QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"]Poor pc gamers. Always getting the table scraps. Consoles dominate againparkurtommo
Yet the PC version is the best version...
No it's not god damn it, fps drops to 15 still exist, you can see your cursor while controlling the camera with a mouse, keyboard controls are terrible and badly placed. Who cares about graphics when the core game is virtually unplayable without an additional peripheral (a controller)?Havent seen any of those prooblems you mention. /shrug
Pc gamers should be ashamed to be such entitles crybabies.Developers should be ashamed to make ports like this.
[QUOTE="padaporra"]Pc gamers should be ashamed to be such entitles crybabies.Developers should be ashamed to make ports like this.
I wonder what console gamers would say if for example the next MGS forced you to use badly implemented Kinect or Move controls, because the game barely works with a standard pad. What would they say if the next MGS looks like an upscaled Wii game and does not take advantage of what the PS3 or 360 could do.
[QUOTE="padaporra"]Pc gamers should be ashamed to be such entitles crybabies. Ah, yes, because expecting the game to run properly on your platform is too much to ask for. :roll:Developers should be ashamed to make ports like this.
Pc gamers should be ashamed to be such entitles crybabies.[QUOTE="Advid-Gamer"][QUOTE="padaporra"]
Developers should be ashamed to make ports like this.
I wonder what console gamers would say if for example the next MGS forced you to use badly implemented Kinect or Move controls, because the game barely works with a standard pad. What would they say if the next MGS looks like an upscaled Wii game and does not take advantage of what the PS3 or 360 could do.
guess it depends it if was a kinect/move game and was demanded via petition for a port. right?
we seem to forget, nobody wanted to make a pc port.
[QUOTE="Advid-Gamer"] Pc gamers should be ashamed to be such entitles crybabies. BeardMaster
I wonder what console gamers would say if for example the next MGS forced you to use badly implemented Kinect or Move controls, because the game barely works with a standard pad. What would they say if the next MGS looks like an upscaled Wii game and does not take advantage of what the PS3 or 360 could do.
guess it depends it if was a kinect/move game and was demanded via petition for a port. right?
we seem to forget, nobody wanted to make a pc port.
Oh my, do people really get this naive? The port was made to make money. It was a buisness decision.
[QUOTE="Advid-Gamer"][QUOTE="padaporra"]Pc gamers should be ashamed to be such entitles crybabies. Ah, yes, because expecting the game to run properly on your platform is too much to ask for. :roll:Developers should be ashamed to make ports like this.
how dare they ask for quality, pc gamers should thank w/e lazy port that has problems even a modder fixed easily
damn people asking for decent products, who do they think they are.
Ah, yes, because expecting the game to run properly on your platform is too much to ask for. :roll:[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="Advid-Gamer"] Pc gamers should be ashamed to be such entitles crybabies. Krelian-co
how dare they ask for quality, pc gamers should thank w/e lazy port that has problems even a modder fixed easily
damn people asking for decent products, who do they think they are.
The problem is that the game is fixed now. The mod was out on release day the game looks and plays great. Yet you people are still crying.You guys asked for a console only game to be ported and now cry that it plays better with a controller?I would love to see console gamers get a PC game that wasn't optimized for their platform at all. "Press left mouse button to fire!" :roll:Let the crying of the entitled hermits begin ...
I would love to see console gamers get a PC game that wasn't optimized for their platform at all. "Press left mouse button to fire!" :roll:[QUOTE="KiZZo1"]
Let the crying of the entitled hermits begin ...
:roll: You guys cant afford a controller? Let me guess you hate controller and are above that, well then dont beg for console ports and cry they need a controller to play the best way. There was another poster saying he mapped the keys on his kb/m and the game plays fine that way.
[QUOTE="padaporra"]Pc gamers should be ashamed to be such entitles crybabies.Developers should be ashamed to make ports like this.
Its not really much to ask for decent resolution and mouse controls to be added into a game on the platform that uses that control method primarily and is easily more capable of higher resolution graphics. Would you be happy with the game on 360/Ps3 if it had poor controller inplementation, played better with a Wii mote and had a Wii standard resolution? Nah, dont think you would would you...
Theres nothing wrong with people asking for more, especially when poor effort has been made. If they didnt ask or complain then we would all be stuck playing what people like you consider to be "OK", the standard set by console gamers such as yourself would be all anyone has to look forward to. Personally I would like to see progression and I know that in wanting just that, im not with the minority. People asking for more or showing their discontent with poor effort is what is needed to edge developers into delivering more advanced and higher quality games.
People like you set a poor example for other console gamers who actually are not idiots.
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