Ok, you got several things wrong here.
- You are clearly hell bent. You're trying way too hard to convince people on why they should quit being "lazy" and just get a pc. Your kind of devotion to this lost cause isn't healthy.
- You're promoting the pc. I can't help you if you don't know the definition of "promoting".
- Yeah... Just because Mommy told you that you were cool doesn't make it so.
- No one wants to share any kind of space with you.
- I clearly stated " online gaming space". Your failure at reading comprehension is complete. Exhibit A: This thread.
- lol I called the other guy (or was it you? don't really remember) lazy because he IS lazy and I was pointing it out, I wasn't try to bring him/her/it/you to PC
- You're the one who doesn't know what promoting means (and "begging" for that matter) stop using words too big for you!
- thats homophobic, and racist and sexist of you to say
- you clearly do, you can't ignore me "wink"
- my bad, so you are not 100% wrong about me, only 99%, doesn't change the fact that what i say in regards to PC gaming is 100% correct and you are wrong.
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