@waahahah said:
@Dark_sageX said:
I know the build is stupid, I never said its a good build (after all its specs are modeled after console......) I posted that video to show that it IS possible to build a 4k PC for $500, not that I would recommend it, the Xbox ONE X is a shit console for 4k and is best used as a 1080p system imo, it will struggle to support future games and by the time the next Xbox roles out we would be able to build budget PCs that can do 4k at 60fps for next gen games. The purpose of the video was to simply show that it IS possible to build a budget 4k system and I posted it here to prove it, but despite providing evidence you still slapped the olive from my hand, so at least i know I'm correct.
As for the "harder to upgrade later" comment, I can't BELIEVE you had the nerve to say that, because you can TOTALLY upgrade an Xbox ONE X right? at least it CAN be upgraded. Sure rich got lucky with the sandybridge i5, but even an i5-750 can perform well on 4k as well, and thats a LOT cheaper than an i5 sandybridge, and thats just intel, AMD has plenty of budget CPUs that perform very well for a very cheap price, I could build a PC for $500 if I wanted to, posting that video was just easier than having to look for parts myself.
The "possible" is circumstantial what don't you get? Finding and getting parts that cheap aren't going to be easy or possible. Just because one person landed on a bit of luck doesn't mean the other 99% of people will.
Your point is stupid.
You can't believe I brought up upgrading? Consoles are different, they don't need to be upgraded. But if you want to upgrade that shit dell, it may cost you more in the long run, needing a new psu/mobo/ram before getting an upgraded video card when its too old. That case will be hard to fit a larger video card as well. Your getting cheap upfront parts now and potentially buying more later. IE your postponing the cost to be able to keep upgrading it and your total is going to be significantly more in the long run then just buying a base system that is worth keeping a generation or two.
Its just a waste of money to try to compete with consoles just to have a comparative price. You'll avoid buying 800-900 PC just to end up needing to upgrade it later and rebuy 80% of it. PC's have a different value proposition.
I looked for an i5-750, then I found one that included a motherboard and 4GB of RAM and a GT 8600, all for €70, (thats less than $89.99) Took me literally 2 minutes.
i5-2500k with motherboard, 12GB RAM and a 500W PSU €65 which includes shipping, (again thats less than $89.99) took me another minute to find it
Like I said, easy and there were plenty of cheap deals (especially with the i5 750) and I didn't even get to AMD, so I will re-iterated: I'm correct, you are wrong. Its funny that you would even think its difficult to find cheap old parts, do you even know what most people do with their old PCs? they sell them, and between now and 2010 is a very very VERY long gap, with LOTS of old parts for the taking, the thing is, most people buy new parts, so there is a large supply but low demand on old parts, thats why its super easy to find things like used DELL computers, heck if I wanted to i could go to a friend's place and offer to buy his old DELL PC for a super cheap price and turn it into an xbox killer if I wanted to, its just that consoles are weak and most PC gamers prefer to have machines that perform DECENTLY at the very least, so of course it would cost more, better hardware costs more than weaker hardware, go figure!
and lol if you are going to say that PCs have different value propositions then why even bring up the argument "you can't build a 4k PC for $500 like the Xbox"? (I know YOU didn't per say but given the fact that you are pointlessly resisting my comment I will assume that you agree with idiots like TOONARMY20?)
@GarGx1: The idiot doesn't know what vapor cooling is and really has no reason to bring it up, its just a point he thought he can use against PCs, he himself doesn't actually care about that, I mean lol since when do console peasants care about cooling solution? what significance does that even have to do them? "Yo I got a PS4 Pro yo and it can do 4k yo! oh yeah! well I got an Xbox ONE X yo! and it has VAPOR COOLING YO!" XD so freakin stupid!
@ronvalencia: using an article from april? really? you do realize the FM7 demo came out this month? I thought I told you I'm only interested in real world data, not theoretical bullshit, and LOOOOOOOOOOOL at the dipping! You took a screenshot of the PC dipping for an instance and are using that as source reference? how pathetically narrow minded, you know I could also take a screenshot of the Xbox ONE X dipping to those levels and go "AH HA!" as well? I'm just not petty enough to go through the effort, sorry but i can't take you seriously any more, I'll just wait for the full game to come out, the benchmarks being released and then I will look back in this thread and proceed to laugh at you.
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