@babyjoker1221 said:
Ok, you got several things wrong here.
- You are clearly hell bent. You're trying way too hard to convince people on why they should quit being "lazy" and just get a pc. Your kind of devotion to this lost cause isn't healthy.
- You're promoting the pc. I can't help you if you don't know the definition of "promoting".
- Yeah... Just because Mommy told you that you were cool doesn't make it so.
- No one wants to share any kind of space with you.
- I clearly stated " online gaming space". Your failure at reading comprehension is complete. Exhibit A: This thread.
- lol I called the other guy (or was it you? don't really remember) lazy because he IS lazy and I was pointing it out, I wasn't try to bring him/her/it/you to PC
- You're the one who doesn't know what promoting means (and "begging" for that matter) stop using words too big for you!
- thats homophobic, and racist and sexist of you to say
- you clearly do, you can't ignore me "wink"
- my bad, so you are not 100% wrong about me, only 99%, doesn't change the fact that what i say in regards to PC gaming is 100% correct and you are wrong.
@bln1 said:
The biggest problem with PC gaming in my mind is that progression can be expensive. When I bought my most recent computer, I was told it could play anything out on that day, and it did! But, fast forward a few years and it wasn't powerful enough to play Andromeda. And it would cost me a couple hundred bucks just to play one PC game...so...I just took the hit for the game.
You fell for the consumer trap, you should never build a PC with the expectation of maxing out every game, features and hardware update at a very fast pace on PC, you should be more moderate. For example don't aim for a 4k build that will absolutely max out the most powerful game to date, because thats all it will be able to do, max out the game up to date. Just lower your standards if you don't want to spend too much money, stick with the standard of the time or the level above the standard (1080p or 1440p) but not the highest end, this way you will have a PC that will last you for a good generation.
And just curious, when did you build your PC? Andromeda is not a particularly demanding game, something like a GTX 1060 is more than an enough for a 1080p and 60fps experience (1440p if you tone the settings down a bit).
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