@Juub1990: I just don't want to be a member of the laster race :(
MS gamers are always laster race.
As opposed to who???
@Juub1990: I just don't want to be a member of the laster race :(
MS gamers are always laster race.
As opposed to who???
Ok so lets see your build list to build a PC that can do 4k at $500. I want cpu, gpu, casing, windows, ram, heat sink, power supply, mother board, hard drive, cables, fan and the rest.
bet you can't do it.
I agree with you on MS allowing the Xbox controller to auto shift to mouse emulation if not in game.
Stupid oversight. It should be plug and play.
@Juub1990: It's not about hating, it's about being honest.
I'm a PC and console gamer and both of them have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's just be real abou tthat. Yes PCs can play games at higher settings but there are still more crashes and more compatibility problems with PC games. You'd have to be lying if you didn't admit not every PC game is designed with every graphics card in mind. Poor optimisation is an ongoing problem.
The positive is largely free multiplayer and I've used it to really get into BF1 and more importantly, Titan Fall 2. Oh and so many avenues to buy games iwth really cheap prices.
Really I can understand these kind of threads from new users or trolls,, but there was no need for this. The differences between the consoles and pc are very well known.
To refresh your memory:
It's not just I don't like it but I don't like it because of the fragmented platforms, because the console is more user friendly, because I like to play with a controller against other people with a controller, because my friends are on the console. because of the exclusives and so on...
We know the xboxone x can't match your gtx 1080, what else is new.
Maybe we should talk about the vr wars, there's still no news if fallout 4 is going to work on oculus,
Really I can understand these kind of threads from new users or trolls,, but there was no need for this. The differences between the consoles and pc are very well known.
To refresh your memory:
It's not just I don't like it but I don't like it because of the fragmented platforms, because the console is more user friendly, because I like to play with a controller against other people with a controller, because my friends are on the console. because of the exclusives and so on...
We know the xboxone x can't match your gtx 1080 ti, what else is new.
Maybe we should talk about the vr wars, there's still no news if fallout 4 is going to work on oculus,
You're the one bringing up power. I didn't.
So I realize this is kind of one of those arguments where there is no real winner due to good old confirmation bias, but I figure I'm up working and might as well put my two cents in. I don't really favor any particular platform, I have PS4/Xbox/PC - the deciding factor for me personally has always been where does a game look best... so if there is a PC version I usually will go for that. But as a user of both console and PC's, the reality is that a console still beats out the PC in accessibility, affordability, stability. Yes, PC's have gotten soooooooooooooo much better. I personally really have not had any major issues, but thats also because I'm an experienced PC user. I think one important point to bring up that I don't think I've seen talked about yet is just the accessibility/comfort/ease of use/social acceptance. Consoles are pretty much universally connected to TV's, in front of peoples couches, which is where most people are use to relaxing or being social. Sitting at a computer, you are very close to the monitor, with your back to everyone and it just inherently creates a less social and open environment... You also have to consider that a lot of people work on computers, so even psychologically, they might not feel as "relaxed" sitting at their computer then if they were sitting on the couch... Just some thoughts...
Truth is the days of the PC are numbered and that is why PC gamers are in panic mode. The PC gamers seem to be in even more of a panic mode then the Sony fanboys.
1- to do what the X1X does you have to pay at least twice the price.
2- Steam sales do not mean crap anymore. Xbox and Sony sales have are equal. Plus there are also other areas to get sales. Steam sales are not as cheap as they used to be also.
3- PC gamers brag that a GPU which is only one part of many can do better then the X1X but still costs more then the entire X1X console. They brag about only one part that still cost more then X1X. They then try to ignore all the other parts needed.
4- PC gaming is still and always will be more complicated. It is just the nature of so many different possible parts for PC games.
5- Yes a PC can do 8K or higher gaming BUT YOUR PC DOES NOT so stop bragging about it. The closest you all got to a personal 8K PC is watching a youtube video on a monitor that did not do 8k.
6- no seriously bragging about what a PC can do when you can not do it, is like saying cars are better then motorcycles because a Bugatti Veyron but you drive some junker. Yes there is computers breaking down quantum physics but your PC does not do it so shush.
7- Also again X1X is $500
8- Just thought of another one. PC gamer - "I only need to replace a part every few years but you have to replace an entire console". First your parts that you replace every few years cost more then a console sometimes and if you only replace only ONE part every few years then that PC is a pile of junk and outdated as heck.
I think PC's are great for anyone who doesn't have a lot of disposable income.
The points PC only gamers bring up about free online and extremely cheap games making PC gaming cheaper than console gaming serve a need for those lacking in funds.
The link above is a list of PC exclusives. I think consoles lose the exclusive war by a long shot. Building a PC took me about 2 hours and it was not expensive. I can upgrade my PC when I want, it does not have to be right away. I could go another 4 years and my PC would still be more powerful than any console. My old RX470 is more powerful than any graphics card in the consoles.
Your RX-470 gets crashed by X1X in Forza M7 4K 60 fps and Killer Instinct 4K 60 fps.
LOL the X1X wont be able to do 4k. Just because Microsoft says it can does not make it so. They are saying it to sell consoles to people who do not think with their head but with their wallet. Besides you would need a 4k TV to see the benefits. Right now you can barely do 30 FPS at 720. What makes you think all of the sudden a console can just jump to 4k at a $500 price point. I do not mind people playing on consoles, but to suggest the X1X can do 4k is silly and that is even if the developer wanted to do 4k. Just settle for 1080 at 60 FPS for now.
What the hell is this FUD you are Spreading???
XB1X already has games running in 4K resolution on Final Hardware.
You can't just come in here and Spread your lies like People are too dumb to catch them. GTFOH with this nonsense.
Maybe you forget that the rest of the world is too lazy, fat and stupid to wanna work on building a rig and would rather use something that's a quick plug and play.
@ermacness: It’s a vicious cycle. Tell your idiot friends to move to PC. Otherwise we’ll forever be stuck. Moddable Zelda with graphics clowning The Witcher 3, 60fps and a decade worth of longevity? Sign me up.
This will never be a possibility on consoles.
The link above is a list of PC exclusives. I think consoles lose the exclusive war by a long shot. Building a PC took me about 2 hours and it was not expensive. I can upgrade my PC when I want, it does not have to be right away. I could go another 4 years and my PC would still be more powerful than any console. My old RX470 is more powerful than any graphics card in the consoles.
Your RX-470 gets crashed by X1X in Forza M7 4K 60 fps and Killer Instinct 4K 60 fps.
LOL the X1X wont be able to do 4k. Just because Microsoft says it can does not make it so. They are saying it to sell consoles to people who do not think with their head but with their wallet. Besides you would need a 4k TV to see the benefits. Right now you can barely do 30 FPS at 720. What makes you think all of the sudden a console can just jump to 4k at a $500 price point. I do not mind people playing on consoles, but to suggest the X1X can do 4k is silly and that is even if the developer wanted to do 4k. Just settle for 1080 at 60 FPS for now.
You've just lost all credibility here. No need to engage with you, when it's apparent that you have no idea what you're talking about.
Where is the proof the X1X can do 4k? Because I have not seen it. We will not find out until November. I would love if it if the X1X could do 4k, but at a $500 price point it seems highly unlikely.
Seriously what makes you think it can do 4k? Because you were told it could? I was told Santa Clause was real at some point as well and it turned out not to be real. I think lots of people in the long run will be very disappointed.
I agree it is CRAZY a console can sell at $500 and do 4K gaming. I mean seriously for a PC gamer just the graphics card alone it cost more then that.
But yet Xbox gamers do get this and more. In less then 1 1/2 months.
PS- Santa Clause is not real....HELLO SPOILER WARNING next time.
Don't attack PC gamers.
Unfortunately there are alot of people out there with low paying jobs, such as the fast food industry, who can max out that random CC that shows up in the mail for a gaming rig but live pay check to pay check and can't afford $60 for a game or $50 yearly online MP.
Hopefully minimum wage gets increased so they can enjoy the benefits of console gaming.
So if you're happy with pc then why do you feel the need to convince other people to game on it?
@killered3: Because I want them to experience the same happiness? I mean if I’m happy with a certain service I’ll recommend it to my friend and actively encourage them to use the same.
So you want everyone to pay more then twice what the X1X costs to experience what the X1X does?
@CanYouDiglt: Yes. I have shares in Intel, AMD and NVIDIA.
well at least the stuff you posted before makes some sense now.
Lmao at first I was laughing at you trying to compare 4K PCs to X1X because I did not know. It at least makes sense now. You're not insane but just trying to push stocks.
I dont feel like I am missing out on anything being a PC only gamer so the first party exclusives excuse doesnt apply to me and if it did apply then I do have a WiiU in the house that I seldom use outside of BOTW even though I can and probably will play that on PC along with PS4 games that I probably wont.
Yes, I don't care for Pee Salty Seas thank you very much. Mighty X1X MonsterBox MasterRace is the only way to go. :P
@CanYouDiglt: How much does it cost to experience Destiny at 60fps on xXx?
That makes no sense. First off I think Destiny is a half assed mmo and I would never touch it. It is a game for people that love MMOs but never actually played one. It has all the mmo grinding but none of the rest. I play actual MMOs and yes on the PC. Screw that half assed Destiny.
But your argument is you spent a lot more then a Xbox One X for your PC to play one game?
Fail one - you paid more
fail two- you paid more for one game only.
End of the day - You have to pay a lot more.
X1X 4K gaming !!!!
PS play SWTOR or WoW or whatever and it will still have the grind you love but also a game to go along with it.
can you buy or build a pc exact like for like to the X for 499
LINK the parts and prices....should be a piece of piss for a platform whos fans call themselves MASTERRACE
Dont bother replying with a yes you can i wanna see links and prices to every single part inc
windows 10
UHD player
xb1s controler
liquid vapour cooling
capable of 4K60 HDR gaming at high/ultra settings(30 confirmed games do this already and more will come as developers get used to the console)
capable of 4k60 HDR streaming and recording
if you cant match or beat the X at 499,please stop calling yourselves MASTER RACE
not that a very high % game on anything near the power of the X anyway.
I can't outfit my PC with a shit CPU like the X1X. They don't make those any more so nah, not possible.
can you buy or build a pc exact like for like to the X for 499
LINK the parts and prices....should be a piece of piss for a platform whos fans call themselves MASTERRACE
Dont bother replying with a yes you can i wanna see links and prices to every single part inc
windows 10
UHD player
xb1s controler
liquid vapour cooling
capable of 4K60 HDR gaming at high/ultra settings(30 confirmed games do this already and more will come as developers get used to the console)
capable of 4k60 HDR streaming and recording
if you cant match or beat the X at 499,please stop calling yourselves MASTER RACE
not that a very high % game on anything near the power of the X anyway.
What's liquid vapour cooling?
@CanYouDiglt: How much does it cost to experience Destiny at 60fps on xXx?
That makes no sense. First off I think Destiny is a half assed mmo and I would never touch it. It is a game for people that love MMOs but never actually played one. It has all the mmo grinding but none of the rest. I play actual MMOs and yes on the PC. Screw that half assed Destiny.
But your argument is you spent a lot more then a Xbox One X for your PC to play one game?
Fail one - you paid more
fail two- you paid more for one game only.
End of the day - You have to pay a lot more.
X1X 4K gaming !!!!
PS play SWTOR or WoW or whatever and it will still have the grind you love but also a game to go along with it.
*Limited 4K gaming
Sure the One X is good price for what it does, but to compare it vs PC is laughable as the later gives you options you can only dream of on console
What's liquid vapour cooling?
Console gamers speaking out of their depth lol.
vapor chamber is used in higher end gpu's, it's a more efficient way of dispatching the heat from the chip to the cooler
@CanYouDiglt: How much does it cost to experience Destiny at 60fps on xXx?
That makes no sense. First off I think Destiny is a half assed mmo and I would never touch it. It is a game for people that love MMOs but never actually played one. It has all the mmo grinding but none of the rest. I play actual MMOs and yes on the PC. Screw that half assed Destiny.
But your argument is you spent a lot more then a Xbox One X for your PC to play one game?
Fail one - you paid more
fail two- you paid more for one game only.
End of the day - You have to pay a lot more.
X1X 4K gaming !!!!
PS play SWTOR or WoW or whatever and it will still have the grind you love but also a game to go along with it.
*Limited 4K gaming
Sure the One X is good price for what it does, but to compare it vs PC is laughable as the later gives you options you can only dream of on console
Lets see a screen shot of your PC specs. I get a laugh no matter what. At best you barely can do better then the X1X but you had to pay more then twice the price. Lets say you have a crazy system then you still had to pay well over twice the price.
Come on post them so we can all laugh. There is either two results 1 - your full of crap which is actually probably the case or 2. we laugh at how much you paid to be just barely more then the X1X. Heck maybe you even have some crazy system that costs 4 times the X1X which would still not be a huge difference visually.
lets face it PC gamers all act like they have some $4.000 rig because it is possible to have it but a the end of the day they don't. So lets see did you pay twice the price of a X1X to just barely beat it, can you even beat it, or do you have that $4,000 rig?
You want to bash the 4k X1X so lets see what you have.
The new argument now is to pretend PC gamers don't even exist, and we're all just fanboys of one console or another hiding behind the PC.
@CanYouDiglt: Specs at sig, can post the shots etc tomorrow when I get home if that gets you off, the gpu alone is xone x +300e tho I do get tax deductions out of pc, but either way above console costs and not like argued about that stuff? I even said xXx is good for the price for what it does
"I dont like it"
And why would we need other excuses other than that, exactly? I play on PC from time to time, mainly the few worthwhile indies that goes for it. I still prefer consoles.
Actually the main reason is because I prefer physical media over digital and physical is still strong on consoles. Cant say the same about PC
Those are some things I absolutely don't like about PC gaming at the moment.
PC gaming should always be freedom, not limitations.
PC gaming has the most freedom of any of the gaming platforms. More options is never bad. I use GoG, Blizzard and Steam and it is really easy to use all three. NOBODY USES UPLAY, **** Ubisoft, most people do not use the Windows store either. I find the Steam store very intuitive. It has a list of the sales at the top. You go mid way it has a list of the most sold games and the next tab as all the sales on the steam store. Below that is recommendations made to you based off the games you play. It is not complicated.
No, I mean the Steam store is a mess because some fake developer was able to upload 100 fake games in the span of a month.
Valve removed them, but he is far from the only case. Far from the worst too.
I used to browse through upcoming releases on Steam, now I don't anymore because 99% aren't even real games, they are just ... asset packs sold on steam. Asset packs you won't even be able to make a game out of.
How can one play EA or Ubisoft games and not use their DRM stores ?
I'd love to know how I could play Age of Empires DE or Forza 7 and not have to use Windows Store or get Windows 10 :(
Well on the upside the games being behind different stores/drm allows some of your library to be playable even when the service goes off, remember the great PSN outage or how PSN and XBL go down nearly annually every holiday season due to some DDoS attack? Sure Steam went down one time but due to the PC online service being fragmented it isn't too bad. "Oh I can't play multiplayer steam games online right now? Guess I'll just play Battlefield and LoL till it gets back online.".
i'd rather have a console i can plug in and play. All the optimization is already dealt with. Why you even care if people prefer consoles? Did someone tell you that you're in the master race now lol? fool. I can't wait till i get the XBX and hear the cows mmooooing while they eat grass and make milk all the way to the slaughter house. You PC players are irrelevant.
i'd rather have a console i can plug in and play. All the optimization is already dealt with. Why you even care if people prefer consoles? Did someone tell you that you're in the master race now lol? fool. I can't wait till i get the XBX and hear the cows mmooooing while they eat grass and make milk all the way to the slaughter house. You PC players are irrelevant.
Good Lord, that was painful to read. It's okay to have no games.
i'd rather have a console i can plug in and play. All the optimization is already dealt with. Why you even care if people prefer consoles? Did someone tell you that you're in the master race now lol? fool. I can't wait till i get the XBX and hear the cows mmooooing while they eat grass and make milk all the way to the slaughter house. You PC players are irrelevant.
lol :P
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