Baldur's Gate 1: Good game, though it was really unforgiving at low levels (Fighter got one shotted by a bear), had to resort to kiting him. Really rewarding when I finally killed him.
Baldur's Gate 2: Excellent game and almost superior to Baldur's Gate 1 (BG1 beat it in exploration though). Highly entertaining and still their best game.
NWN: Terrible campaign redeemed by an excellent toolset. Really, you could not control your companion, roleplaying was terrible, story was meh, in fact what were they thinking? Ok, I still enjoyed some excellent (unofficial) modules. I guess hordes of the underdark was decent as well.
KOTOR: I wont comment much on this one since I couldnt be bothered coming very far. The game for me was a broken buggy mess, after every fight I lost control of my party and had to reload, not to mention the combat was pretty meh and most of it felt like I was playing with a dumbed down dungeons and dragons ruleset.
Mass Effect: Ewww... if the terrible cliched story didnt get on my nerves the copy paste missions, the horrid conversation system, lousy combat system, terrible map design, mostly boring characters or the worn out formula would.
Dragon Age Origins: of the games they made, Baldurs Gate series stood out for actually not being bad. So how about make a game pay homage to those games. Now forget everything that made those games good. Very minimal penalty for dying, make one encounter, now copy paste it over and over again, cliche as **** story, battle system far inferior to the old Baldur's Gate games, horrid quests where many of those I tried reminded me of those I have seen in MMOs granted I did not try all of them, cliche story, boring party members, broken unbalanced ****s, level scaling, generic world, terrible level design, awful roleplaying where most solutions could only be solved via combat and to top it off add a lame as heck villain.
Mass Effect 2: Scanning minigame that bored me to tears, awful shooting sections, even worse level design, repetitive as heck, conversation system that punishes you for not being strictly paragon or renegade, black and white morality, some of my companions annoyed me, dumbed down from Mass Effect 1, worse skill trees and character customization.
Not to mention that for so long they have kept rehashing the same old structures and cliches. Almost always terrible quest design, terrible level design, repetitive, cliches stories and heavy use of level scaling. Bioware is my least favorite game developer out there.
Man bashing them felt so good.
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