This is how it works in system wars:
If you are a great developer, who made lots and lots of really great games, you are never, ever allowed anything but great games. If you make something that only qualifies as pretty good, you are a sellout and a horrible developer, leading to the decline of gaming and human society as a whole. Any bit of good or bad PR you've ever done is instantly disected and criticized, while everyone simultaneously inflates the games flaws to ridiculous proportions, to make it seem like a nightmarish travesty, fit only as gutter wash in downtown crapville.
I see this pattern a lot though. Happens in games, movies, books, you name it.
People are far too entitled if you ask me. When they get something they love, they suddenly decide that everything done by the same people must always live up to that standard, and to not live up to that is a betrayal of a kind of trust or something.
I wasn't exactly thrilled by DA2, but I still had fun with it, and I am willing to forgive it as a mistep for the developer. If they keep making the same bad mistakes then I will probably stop playing their games, but I'd rather not jump to the conclusion that a developer I really like is now going to only make worse and worse games.
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