I've noticed a clear outpouring of hateboys on this forum going for BioWares throat, calling them washed up and under EA's spell and maybe the worst of all, comparing them to that bumbling mess known as Square Enix. Now I know that the opinions expressed in System Wars dont account for one percent of one percent of the opinions of the gaming comunity, but seriously guys? Bioware is still one of the elite and leading developers on earth and while yes, the vision of bioware has seemingly been impacted by the EA money factory, Bioware is still turning out highly rated and asthetically immersive games and will continue to.
The company has more on their plate then ever before with an MMO, sequals to highly touted games and multiplat development and yet they still turn out high quality work.
Im no appologist for anything in this business, I call it exactly how I see it... Bioware has nothing to appologize about.
What does Square Enix have to do with this? While Bioware were performing better for the last several years, SE have learnt from their mistakes and are this time performing better than Bioware in 2011 so far.
The highest rated RPG of 2011 so far is SE's "Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together", which GameSpot scored higher than both Mass Effect 2 (PS3 release) and Dragon Age II. Meanwhile, "Final Fantasy Dissidia 012" got the same score as Dragon Age II, while SE's "The 3rd Birthday" (though not as great) at least scored higher than Mass Effect 2: Arrival. The only other SE RPG in 2011 so far, "Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2" (which will never release Westside), has scored highly in Famitsu (not that it should mean anything to us Westerners).
If we're going to judge both companies based on their recent performance this year, SE is clearly leading so far.
SquareEnix deserves NO CREDIT for Tactics Ogre...none. Its a reamke of a 1995 game that was NOT developed by Square. Dissidia sucks...plain and simple.
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