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[QUOTE="AncientDozer"]Because you can't do that anymore, Fox. Things are just too complex and expensive to rely on a small, hardcore audience. Sure, you'll get a success now and then like Angry Birds or Mine craft, but people will inevitably seek out leagues better and then they'll return to Uncharted or Halo and Mario.
Never even heard of it. I had to google it. And I got to be honest. It doesn't look that impressive. It isn't any kind of appealing to me. The reviews, what few places that did, give it all right scores at least.AncientDozer
I've noticed a clear outpouring of hateboys on this forum going for BioWares throat, calling them washed up and under EA's spell and maybe the worst of all, comparing them to that bumbling mess known as Square Enix. Now I know that the opinions expressed in System Wars dont account for one percent of one percent of the opinions of the gaming comunity, but seriously guys? Bioware is still one of the elite and leading developers on earth and while yes, the vision of bioware has seemingly been impacted by the EA money factory, Bioware is still turning out highly rated and asthetically immersive games and will continue to.
The company has more on their plate then ever before with an MMO, sequals to highly touted games and multiplat development and yet they still turn out high quality work.
Im no appologist for anything in this business, I call it exactly how I see it... Bioware has nothing to appologize about.
you call the new dragon age and mass effect dlc high quality?
i don't care how many good games they released i wont say something is high quality because it has a label from a developer. this year releases so far have been terribad, bad comments are normal for mediocre products, dont care how much you are fanboy of the company
i still cant believe dragon age 1 and 2 share the same name.
[QUOTE="AncientDozer"] Never even heard of it. I had to google it. And I got to be honest. It doesn't look that impressive. It isn't any kind of appealing to me. The reviews, what few places that did, give it all right scores at least.
It doesn't look that impressive.AncientDozer
Case in point.
[QUOTE="Locutus_Picard"]No it comes from the co-writer for DA2 a obese woman who apperently is still a virgin. Don't mistake that for the dedicated fanbase.Lucianu
DAAMN! That was ruthless, man.
Could be sadly true..
Except that it isn't. Anybody that has really visited the Bioware forums would know that. Some of the crap that has been thrown around is kind of terrifying, like how people wanted to romance Bethany; who by the way, is YOUR SISTER in the game.And don't get ne started on the Mass Effect forums.
Yeah, that chick may have been responsible for the romance sub plots or whatever, but to say that people don't want it is pure BS.
Except that it isn't. Anybody that has really visited the Bioware forums would know that. Some of the crap that has been thrown around is kind of terrifying, like how people wanted to romance Bethany; who by the way, is YOUR SISTER in the game.[QUOTE="Lucianu"]
DAAMN! That was ruthless, man.
Could be sadly true..
Only female romance option in the game I would be fond of [ provided she weren't your sister ].
Yeah, that chick may have been responsible for the romance sub plots or whatever, but to say that people don't want it is pure BS.heretix
I really doubt she was. It's not something just 1 writer is assigned, to I think. Just a guess.
Except that it isn't. Anybody that has really visited the Bioware forums would know that. Some of the crap that has been thrown around is kind of terrifying, like how people wanted to romance Bethany; who by the way, is YOUR SISTER in the game.[QUOTE="heretrix"]
DAAMN! That was ruthless, man.
Could be sadly true..
Only female romance option in the game I would be fond of [ provided she weren't your sister ].
lmao. They really don't give you much to work with. I liked Merril though, she was kind of funny..Yeah let's fault Bioware for trying to appeal to a broader audience than the .02% of people who still want to play RPGs like they were made in the 80s.
Some of use would rather get to the action than play Barbie dress up with our characters every 20 minutes, or spending the two hours of a game running around the castle learning the names of all our servants by doing quests like "find the broom for the maid"
To be honest I can see why people like Bioware games, despite having a strong dislike for their recent games. I see why people enjoy them, as they do a good job presenting themselves, deliver a high quality voice acting and have expansive (although generic) universes. And are streamlined enough to make sure no one gets overwhelmed. Believe me that is a problem I see a lot of WRPGs suffer. People simply become overwhelmed early on. Is it a problem for me? no. For others? yes.
[QUOTE="AncientDozer"] Never even heard of it. I had to google it. And I got to be honest. It doesn't look that impressive. It isn't any kind of appealing to me. The reviews, what few places that did, give it all right scores at least.
If you want to try them there are demos on the website you can download. If you can, you should try them, I was very pleasantly surprised by them.
Truer words were never spoken... I have instant respect for you.This is how it works in system wars:
If you are a great developer, who made lots and lots of really great games, you are never, ever allowed anything but great games. If you make something that only qualifies as pretty good, you are a sellout and a horrible developer, leading to the decline of gaming and human society as a whole. Any bit of good or bad PR you've ever done is instantly disected and criticized, while everyone simultaneously inflates the games flaws to ridiculous proportions, to make it seem like a nightmarish travesty, fit only as gutter wash in downtown crapville.
I see this pattern a lot though. Happens in games, movies, books, you name it.
People are far too entitled if you ask me. When they get something they love, they suddenly decide that everything done by the same people must always live up to that standard, and to not live up to that is a betrayal of a kind of trust or something.
I wasn't exactly thrilled by DA2, but I still had fun with it, and I am willing to forgive it as a mistep for the developer. If they keep making the same bad mistakes then I will probably stop playing their games, but I'd rather not jump to the conclusion that a developer I really like is now going to only make worse and worse games.
Valve >= Bioware > Blizzard > rest.
Saying Bioware in not a top developers is something I wouldn't exepct to see even here. Anyway, let's hope ME3 fix this insanity.padaporra
Here, let me Fix that up for you
Valve > Bethesda = Obsidion >Blizzard >Bioware.
Thats about right.
lol... barbie dress up. There is some truth to what you say though to a larger extent, peoples tastes in gaming require evolution and if you are in this hobby grasping at game designs from yesteryear then maybe you should reconsider. I love both mass effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 for different reasons and in my 32 years on this planet ive become mature enough to accept each game on their own rather than compare every tiny detail and feature to something I played yesterday. Do I want to think through a game? yup.. I want to customize and build my character etc, but I also can appreciate where game are becoming more cinimatic and imersive. Bioware is second to none when it comes to making an immersive experience.Yeah let's fault Bioware for trying to appeal to a broader audience than the .02% of people who still want to play RPGs like they were made in the 80s.
Some of use would rather get to the action than play Barbie dress up with our characters every 20 minutes, or spending the two hours of a game running around the castle learning the names of all our servants by doing quests like "find the broom for the maid"
[QUOTE="coasterguy65"]lol... barbie dress up. There is some truth to what you say though to a larger extent, peoples tastes in gaming require evolution and if you are in this hobby grasping at game designs from yesteryear then maybe you should reconsider. I love both mass effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 for different reasons and in my 32 years on this planet ive become mature enough to accept each game on their own rather than compare every tiny detail and feature to something I played yesterday. Do I want to think through a game? yup.. I want to customize and build my character etc, but I also can appreciate where game are becoming more cinimatic and imersive. Bioware is second to none when it comes to making an immersive experience.Yeah let's fault Bioware for trying to appeal to a broader audience than the .02% of people who still want to play RPGs like they were made in the 80s.
Some of use would rather get to the action than play Barbie dress up with our characters every 20 minutes, or spending the two hours of a game running around the castle learning the names of all our servants by doing quests like "find the broom for the maid"
Then my work here is done. *Travels off proudly into the distance, with legions of Bioware haters pouring their guts out while I apathetically pass them, their hate alone causing their bodies to spontaneously combust. Taking my sword out of the ground to fight another glorious battle, I bid a final farewell to the one true, always vigilant Bioware defence force.*
Valve >= Bioware > Blizzard > rest.
Saying Bioware in not a top developers is something I wouldn't exepct to see even here. Anyway, let's hope ME3 fix this insanity.lordreaven
Here, let me Fix that up for you
Valve > Bethesda = Obsidion >Blizzard >Bioware.
Thats about right.
Obsidian > Blizzard... you've got to be kidding me.[QUOTE="KalDurenik"]DA2 "pretty good"... Dont make me laugh. its average at best and coming from a game where they want to sell 10milion copies and that its a AAA title. Well Yeah its a horrible failure. Not only that they make bad to average DLC and its overpriced. No i dont think we will see any more quality games from Bioware. Quick fast money grabs until people get bored. SkyWard20Why are you hanging around the Bioware forums if you hate the company so much? Bioware? Nah i dont hate them and why i read their forums? Because its funny on how so many people dont like the game and continue to post there when people said "We told you people would not like it before you released it but you went ahead and did it this way anyway". Sadly i think it have something to do with EA owning Bioware. Like someone else said some things are good. But most of in the rpg genre have been removed. Oh and i do it for the lols :> and because im bored. Im thinking of writing a large review of DA2 if i can just be bothered at some point =(
And yet, its just like those RPG's from the mid-1990's. I haven't played it myself, but I hear it is an amazing role-playing experience that rivals Ultima.
I don't think any RPG can rival the immense mind boggling depth found in Ultima 7, it's funny because the world found there is more vast and alive then any Bethesda title. And with a couple of mods, you can get it easily running on modern day rigs without the use of dos box(which i hate).
Ultima still has a massive community to this day.
The only thing I can complain about Bioware, is the way they handle DLC.
Mass Effect had only 2 pieces of DLC, neither were that great and there about a 1 and half year wait between the first one and second one.
Mass Effect 2 had plenty of DLC (9 pieces of "paid" DLC to be exact), but 5 of those were weapon/armour packs or costume packs. And out of other 4, 1 (Kasumi) was kind of a throw away, LotSB was was truely amazing, Overlord was solid but nothing special. Can't comment on Arrival yet, but from what I am reading it wasn't that good.
Dragon Age Origins had plenty of DLC, and while not all were that great, there was enough that it didn't matter that much.
Dragon Age II, has waaay to much DLC for a game that just came out. I'm already sick of pre-order DLC, and I am not a fan of day 1 DLC either. I understand that the game was likely finished weeks before, but if DLC comes out on the SAME day as the game, than it feels like it really should have just been included in the disc.
Valve >= Bioware > Blizzard > rest.
Saying Bioware in not a top developers is something I wouldn't exepct to see even here. Anyway, let's hope ME3 fix this insanity.lordreaven
Here, let me Fix that up for you
Valve > Bethesda = Obsidion >Blizzard >Bioware.
Thats about right.
Hmmm. I could argue about the order, but that would be dumb. TO ME, they are all interchangable as far as rankings go.Well, everyone after Valve anyway. Bethesda, Bioware and Obsidion all have horrible QA for their games. As for Blizzard, I don't play WOW and I'm not a huge Starcraft player, but Diablo, that's a different story.
Man, look at all the BioWare apologists on these forums. :lol:
Are they a good developer? Sure. Are they top tier, with the Nintendo's and Blizzard's of this industry? Hell no.
Have they personally disappointed me enough recently that I am no longer going to buy their games at launch? Hell yes. Out of the last 4 BioWare games I bought, Dragon Age: Origins was the only one worth launch price.
And please, guys, don't defend what goes on in the BioWare forums. It's sad on BioWare's part and terrifying on the part of the fans, especially the Mass Effect fans who only care about who you can bang in game.
It's actually the other way around. It's the company fanboys that would never accept their favorite dev ever doing anything wrong. You're looking at it the wrong way bud.
You do realize there's a lot of criticism on the BioWare forums?Man, look at all the BioWare apologists on these forums. :lol:
Are they a good developer? Sure. Are they top tier, with the Nintendo's and Blizzard's of this industry? Hell no.
Have they personally disappointed me enough recently that I am no longer going to buy their games at launch? Hell yes. Out of the last 4 BioWare games I bought, Dragon Age: Origins was the only one worth launch price.
And please, guys, don't defend what goes on in the BioWare forums. It's sad on BioWare's part and terrifying on the part of the fans, especially the Mass Effect fans who only care about who you can bang in game.
Yeah let's fault Bioware for trying to appeal to a broader audience than the .02% of people who still want to play RPGs like they were made in the 80s.
Some of use would rather get to the action than play Barbie dress up with our characters every 20 minutes, or spending the two hours of a game running around the castle learning the names of all our servants by doing quests like "find the broom for the maid"
you're part of the problem since BIOWARE IS a company highly reguarded FOR their RPGs. Get it?Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?lawlessxCompany fanboys I'll tell you, halve the people in this forum fall down for hype without actually thinking.
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]You do realize there's a lot of criticism on the BioWare forums? And rightly so, on the Dragon Age forums. Whether or not BioWare will actually listen to the fans is another matter entirely. At this point, I don't have much hope for that,Man, look at all the BioWare apologists on these forums. :lol:
Are they a good developer? Sure. Are they top tier, with the Nintendo's and Blizzard's of this industry? Hell no.
Have they personally disappointed me enough recently that I am no longer going to buy their games at launch? Hell yes. Out of the last 4 BioWare games I bought, Dragon Age: Origins was the only one worth launch price.
And please, guys, don't defend what goes on in the BioWare forums. It's sad on BioWare's part and terrifying on the part of the fans, especially the Mass Effect fans who only care about who you can bang in game.
Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?lawlessx
Because 3 AAA games in a row is a pattern. 1 AA game is just a hiccup until the next AAA game, Mass Effect 3.
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?gamecubepad
Because 3 AAA games in a row is a pattern. 1 AA game is just a hiccup until the next AAA game, Mass Effect 3.
Not everyone looks at a AAA score and writes it off as a great game.Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?lawlessx
Because Bioware has released more than one game ( Dragon Age 2 ) over the past 2 years?
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?gamecubepad
Because 3 AAA games in a row is a pattern. 1 AA game is just a hiccup until the next AAA game, Mass Effect 3.
It hardly matters what the games score. People can still be disappointed by an AAA game.[QUOTE="gamecubepad"][QUOTE="lawlessx"]Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?DarkLink77
Because 3 AAA games in a row is a pattern. 1 AA game is just a hiccup until the next AAA game, Mass Effect 3.
It hardly matters what the games score. People can still be disappointed by an AAA game. Um, ok?Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?lawlessxIt's one game. I think their past successes definitely matter. It's not so horrible to still be a fan of a developer even if they don't always turn out gold. I mean where would developers like Nintendo be if their fanbase just up and abandoned them after every less-than-stellar game they've churned out?
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?SkyWard20Because Bioware has released more than one game over the past 2 years? And this makes things ok? sounds more like an excuse.
[QUOTE="gamecubepad"][QUOTE="lawlessx"]Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?DarkLink77
Because 3 AAA games in a row is a pattern. 1 AA game is just a hiccup until the next AAA game, Mass Effect 3.
It hardly matters what the games score. People can still be disappointed by an AAA game.Especially wen those are stamped as RPGs, wen they are not. As if it's a insult to the RPG community's inteligente.
Not everyone looks at a AAA score and writes it off as a great game.[QUOTE="gamecubepad"]
Because 3 AAA games in a row is a pattern. 1 AA game is just a hiccup until the next AAA game, Mass Effect 3.
That is one of the silliest comments I've ever read on SW.
It hardly matters what the games score. People can still be disappointed by an AAA game.[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="gamecubepad"]
Because 3 AAA games in a row is a pattern. 1 AA game is just a hiccup until the next AAA game, Mass Effect 3.
Especially wen those are stamped as RPGs, wen they are not. As if it's a insult to the RPG community's inteligente.
That too. :PBioWare is one of my favorite developers and given how dumbed down the RPG aspects of Mass Effect 2 and DA2 are, I am completely and utterly disappointed with them, Dragon Age: Origins is one of my top five favorite games of all time, and Mass Effect is up there, and then they come out with sequels like THAT. Ugh, people aren't hating, BioWare has given people amazing experiences in the past and they changed that to be more mainstream and money pumping under EA, they're disappointed and angry and have a right to be :P
[QUOTE="SkyWard20"][QUOTE="lawlessx"]Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?lawlessxBecause Bioware has released more than one game over the past 2 years? And this makes things ok? sounds more like an excuse.
You're right, what does last year matter when we can judge companies by what they've done a month ago?
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?SkyWard20Because Bioware has released more than one game over the past 2 years? which were all slippimg as far as game content and depth goes. Dragon age was their greatest achivement in all these years since BG2 and they let that go to waste to appeal to the masses one more time. I'll tell you man, any company selling to big publishers will suffer a slow painfull death.
Not everyone looks at a AAA score and writes it off as a great game.[QUOTE="lawlessx"]
Because 3 AAA games in a row is a pattern. 1 AA game is just a hiccup until the next AAA game, Mass Effect 3.
That is one of the silliest comments I've ever read on SW.
really? having an personal opinion is silly?It's one game. I think their past successes definitely matter. It's not so horrible to still be a fan of a developer even if they don't always turn out gold. I mean where would developers like Nintendo be if their fanbase just up and abandoned them after every less-than-stellar game they've churned out? Nintendo has a legacy for their many games released in a span of 20+ years, you can't even compare the two.[QUOTE="lawlessx"]Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?Vaasman
[QUOTE="SkyWard20"][QUOTE="lawlessx"]Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?edo-tenseiBecause Bioware has released more than one game over the past 2 years?
which were all slippimg as far as game content and depth goes.
how about no.
That's just too much for some to understand.BioWare is one of my favorite developers and given how dumbed down the RPG aspects of Mass Effect 2 and DA2 are, I am completely and utterly disappointed with them, Dragon Age: Origins is one of my top five favorite games of all time, and Mass Effect is up there, and then they come out with sequels like THAT. Ugh, people aren't hating, BioWare has given people amazing experiences in the past and they changed that to be more mainstream and money pumping under EA, they're disappointed and angry and have a right to be :P
[QUOTE="edo-tensei"][QUOTE="SkyWard20"] Because Bioware has released more than one game over the past 2 years?SkyWard20
which were all slippimg as far as game content and depth goes.
how about no.
yes, how about yes.[QUOTE="edo-tensei"][QUOTE="SkyWard20"] Because Bioware has released more than one game over the past 2 years?SkyWard20
which were all slippimg as far as game content and depth goes.
how about no.
How about yeah? ME to ME2? Less content. Less RPG elements, inferior plot. DAO to DAII? Less content. Less RPG elements, recycled dungeons, content. Just less.[QUOTE="Vaasman"]It's one game. I think their past successes definitely matter. It's not so horrible to still be a fan of a developer even if they don't always turn out gold. I mean where would developers like Nintendo be if their fanbase just up and abandoned them after every less-than-stellar game they've churned out? Nintendo has a legacy for their many games released in a span of 20+ years, you can't even compare the two. And in 20+ years Nintendo has churned out nothing but legendary amazing games that nobody could ever criticize right?[QUOTE="lawlessx"]Why do people continue to bring up bioware's past successes as if it's supposed to matter? Why is it so hard to accept that fact that bioware are slipping up and are now taking full advanage of fans that accept whatever they release because of what they've done in the past?edo-tensei
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