I hate it(yes i do) because i feel it decelerated the advancements from gen to gen. Why do i feel it did? The Wii has been tremendously successful and will continue to be successful(despite what was said on Invisible Wall). And this really bothers me, because i don't feel Nintendo tried hard enough. The only thing the Wii has over the ps2, the GC and the original xbox is its motion controls, which in my opinion does not do anything for gaming as a whole, as it is pretty much inapplicable in most genres that I, as a gamer, am interested in. But the most unsettling thing though, which i hate as well, is the undeniable fact that Sony and M$ wish they were in Nintendo's shoes right now. This makes me predict that there would not be as much effort put in the next migration to another gen of consoles, as it has been seen and noted that the company that tried the least got the best reward.
Okay then, my first question would be this:
Why hasn't Nintendo tried hard enough. When I say this I mean remove the hardcore glasses, look at the big picture and tell me what else they have to do to prove they have tried hard.
Second would be:
Is it fair to blame Nintendo for the whole industry when the whole industry doesn't support nintendo? No third parties give the system the time of day sp why exactly is it Nintendo's fault if the industry takes its path? Its not like they have shown any interest in the wii since it was announced.
Third would be:
How is it fair to say Nintendo tried the least? They have some of the best forst party games this gen, they fully support 2 consoles, they have ventured into unknown territory with their software, they are trying to offer new experiences. If all you are talking about is your hardcore gaming ego than they may disappoint but the overall picture says its rather silly to act like this company hasn't tried.
Well, until the Wii, i've bought every Nintendo console i could afford. I loved the SNES and 64. My decline from my Nintendo fan-hood began with the GC. I had one along with a ps2 and an xbox but wasn't too pleased with the titles on it. I only had Mario Kart and the Metroids on it, games that i grew up playing. I hoped though, that it would be better the next time around, as every previous gen Nintendo before then, Nintendo had always wowed me with the pretty graphics of their latest console compared to the last. But to my surprise, we got a re-wrapped GameCube with motion controls. It worked for Nintendo, but to me it lacked effort. I don't think having up to date tech would have prevented Nintendo including motion controls if that was the route that they chose."Is it fair to blame Nintendo for the whoe industry..." I remember getting peeved once in the previous gen, when someone from Nintendo said they don't want games like GTA on their console. I don't think the industry hates Nintendo, and even if they had a reason to, the ultimate goal of making money usually makes people compromise. So i don't think everyone in the industry got together to plot against Nintendo, the only logical explanation for the lack of said support is internal decisions made by Nintendo themselves.
And for the third part, Like i said they brought an outdated piece of tech to the game, which is unlike them and lacks effort in my view. Yes, they had some of the best first party games, but where are the games i can relate to? I'm no longer 12. I now demand a mature theme in my gaming experiences. What does Nintendo have to offer me? Sony has resistance, God of War, M$ has Halo, Gears of War. They are not afraid to depict blood(not that it's important, but still it CAN be there if NEEDED). Metroid is the closest thing Nintendo has to these. Every other thing is just as appealing as Barney. Why are they afraid to give a truly Mature theme their (in-house)blessing? Are they afraid of not appearing kid-friendly?
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