@Desmonic said:
@jg4xchamp: I've seen plenty of juniors get shutdown (not necessarily banned mind you) on gaming threads though, especially so when they go against the grain per say. They go way too hard on juniors for the fact that they are juniors. I kind get it, it's a bit of "trial by fire" for a forum, but it gives the the wrong image.
In any case, I don't post there so I don't care all that much. Great place for gaming news though, everything seems to get posted as soon (or almost as soon) as it happens.
Wrong image in what sense?
Because the underlying thing is that gaf has less shit posting, and all around is less tolerant for shit posting. Is gaf perfect? **** no, but as a gaming forum it's light years ahead of so many other websites. There is no bullshit "post in the sticky" mentality during E3 when everyone knows that E3 is so busy and everyone is excited that it is in everyone's best interest to let more of those threads go. Since that's what majority of the people want to talk about, and then you can spread the topics around. Just be reasonable if there are 4 topics about the exact same game at E3, or similar topic (ala xbox better than playstation thread).
The debates are generally better written on that forum, less straight attacks (yes yes I know), and more actual debating points. Games for older generations are discussed, hell games in general are the discussion, not pieces of plastic. Not to mention you get developers that actually use gaf. They are harder on juniors, because usually juniors bring in shit habits they learned was fine on shitty forums to gaf. Going against the grain isn't the issue, it's when you make a post against the thread, just to shit on a game, without being part of the conversation.
Juniors that go against the grain and then go through the trouble of actually explaining their point last pretty long and don't get shit for it.
Posters who go the route of being completely incapable of seeing the other side of the equation, don't hang. And frankly it's kind of awesome, less tolerance for stupid shit.
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