Really looking forward to The Jungle Book. Early reviews are universally positive, I can't wait to watch it.
Nice to hear. I heard it has currently a 100% rotten tomatoes rating.
Do you know if it is closer to Disney's Version or the original novel?
It's nice and all that you can do all those moves, but all of them look and feel like they lack any sort of impact. That and its mistaking amount of combos, with depth.
Seems to be a very common complaint about the combat. It simply put lacks any weight. Which makes hitting the enemy very unfun.
I honestly expect the game to be very mediocre. The team has suffered from serious problems, with the team making some heavy switches, to the point of switching out over half the team. Switching of hardware, overambition are too other issues. In fact, if the game ends up being rushed, it will face all the same development issues that plagued this masterpiece,
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