Duke Nukem/ Serious Sam.
A badass match made in heaven :oops:
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KANE LIVES!! Kane is awesome, he appears in CnC after shooting the guy you are talking to in the head and then sitting in his chair :P
Heihachi is rather badass, Jin also.
More badass than the whole of modern gaming put together, same on SW for not mentioning them before!
Nothing says badass like a 3 foot Drill through the chest.
I'm dissapointed no one mentioned this guy.
Those insane textures on his face is enough to make him look badass. :twisted:
Oh hell yeah! The voice, the attitude, the chainsaw. This man is the definition of bestest badass in the existence of gaming.
Nathan Drake? The man's a girly girl.
WHO WANTS TOAST? lol sorry it had to be done. Anyway I personally don't like badasses in my video games I just feel like they're overdone really :?Wow, I see fail posts. Some of you don't know what badass means :evil:
1. (of a person) difficult to deal with; mean-tempered; touchy.
2. distinctively tough or powerful; so exceptional as to be intimidating. from dictionary.com
Mario isn't badass nor does he try to be.
Gordon Freeman doesn't even TALK how can you say he tries to be a badass?
On topic: My favorite is Travis Touchdown
this guy is a total badass. cant test this guy. CAPTAIN PRICE !
He is a complete badass.
Hasn't aged since he fought in WWII.
The best is easy:
Which reminds me... Where the heck is my Jedi Outcast sequel???!!
Dark Forces :P first fps I've ever played.I had Jedi Outcast.[QUOTE="PannicAtack"]
The best is easy:
Then I got bad grades and my dad snapped the disc :cry:
The best is easy:
I think ppl are forgetting one simple fact about Kratos, He's killing the GODS. He's not killing any emo vampires, werewolves, little green aliens with zapper guns, big green aliens with zapper guns, spiders, giant grasshoppers, oversized spiky turtles, ghost, ghouls, or goblins. He's killing GODS. Now where were we? oh yea.....
No one mentioned Samus? She and masterchief teamed up the other day and wiped out the killzone crew and still had time to catch a movie.
All you guys forgot the most BADASS guy there is.....ther warrior within says hello!
Prince Of Persia FTW.....old POP not the new 1 ;)
The BEst
Duke Nukem
Solid SNake
The worst
You spelled "Best of all time" wrong above Kratos.
wow some of all y'all have short memories!
Jessie - Xenogears: this guy piloted a robot that turned into a gun and could use his own lifeforce as a bullet. one of the awesome old-scool Elements, a kind of crazy magic-using, robot-having special forces from a floating city that controlled the world below.
Agrias Oaks - Final Fantasy Tactics: c'mon... C'MON. sweet skillset (until you got that cheater Orlandu). took no crap from anybody. one of the only female characters who didnt exist exclusively to be somebodys love interest. crush punch!
m. bison - street fighter II: spends probably about 90% of his time cashing in on his smile for toothpase commercials. that doesnt sound badass until you consider hes already killed anybody else of interest on the planet, so he needs something to take up the time.
magus - chrono trigger: he was the bad guy for a large portion of the game. plus he fights with a sickle, which is rare and awesome. also totally had sweet boss fight music.
alien hominid - alien hominid: he eats peoples heads. he would eat YOUR head. he would probably eat the heads of most people on this list, except maybe m bison as the psycho power affects the taste.
scout - team fortress 2: sun shines, grass grows, birds fly, and brother - i hurt people.
lord raptor - darkstalkers: while this pic and concept (he is a zombie rock star composed of power tools) make him way cooler than most characters on the list, he has kind of fallen off as of late, which is tragic.
arngrim - valkyrie profile: he smashed that little statue with the giant sword. precision in spades, especially for a guy with just one eye. plus not even dying really phases him. also his sword is WAY bigger than this pic shows... like at least six feet bigger.
samus also goes on the list because of super metroid, but lots of other people already said that, so no pic required.
kratos - lame. trying way too hard. btw those tattoos are terrible.
ryu hyuabusa - snore. he would have been a lot cooler if you could see what the hell was going on in ng2.
cloud - spent 90% of the game on life support in the waaaaahmbulance
honourable mentions, good, misc and bad:
nathan drake - dont see how anybody could consider him badass. he comes across as borderline incompetent to me.
alex mercer - super ruthless, but its kind of hard to say 'he' is a badass. if you finished the game yall know what i mean.
freya - sweet character from final fantasy 9, not crazy badass enough though.
the jackal - man this dude was crazy wrapped up his own affairs pretty neatly though.
mid-boss/the dark adonis - lol awesome
gene - lol god hand.
this guy is a total badass. cant test this guy. CAPTAIN PRICE !
He is a complete badass.
Hasn't aged since he fought in WWII.
It's his 'Doom Rider stache'.
There are said to be texts which teach one how to shave to permanently preserve all youth.
THE BEST: (Badasses that feel naturally awesome).
1. Kratos: (God of War)
2. Naked Snake: (Metal Gear Solid)
3. Frank West: (Dead Rising)
4. Raiden: (Metal Gear Solid)
5. Albert Wesker: (Resident Evil)
6. Solid Snake: (Metal Gear Solid)
7. Nathan Drake: (Uncharted)
8. Jack Krouser: (Resident Evil 4)
THE WORST:(Badasses that just don't work out).
1. Marcus Fenix: (Gears of War)
2. Nathan Hale: (Resistance 1&2)
3. Master Chief: (Halo 1,2,3)
how is master chief the worst !!
Ah lets heat up a cup of turtle soup!
:shock: Dr. Lobotto!!! He was some freaky ****, man i need to play psychonaughts through again.
I don't see how Kratos isn't one of the biggest badasses in all of gaming. Yes he is over acted at times, but he just does straight up crazy s***.
[spoiler] HE ENDED UP CLIMBING OUT OF HELLTWICEWITH THE DETERMINATION TO KILL FRICKEN GOD, ZEUS. Also, he just messes up bosses in those boss fights. [/spoiler]
1. Cole McGrath - inFamous
2. Jak - Jak & Daxter
3. Ratchet - Ratchet & Clank
4. Nathan Drake - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
5. Sly - Sly Cooper
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